Self Reflection Thread

For some reason I am very confident of my closed eyes visualization and feeling abilities.

I was always stressing for having blurry and mostly black and whites visualizations but I realized they don’t need to be HD.



Pain … no matter what kind seems to bring out the worst in people.


well well, today was a good day huh


Read this today and thought it was really good to share.

Thousands struggle with the problems you’ve solved.

We underestimate our progress, but you don’t need to be an expert to have something worth sharing.

Be a guide, not a guru.


T.V. Switches your brain to function primarily with the Right Hemisphere.
Right Hemisphere dominance will make you more “emotional” hence crying from movies, but not Real Life.
It entrains your brain to ALPHA brainwave dominance within 30 seconds of turning the T.V. on. This “Alpha” state is akin to a Hypnotic Trance… You don’t need to feel dazed to be in a trance. For example, if you drive on a highway within about 10 minutes, you are in a trance…

Not only does TV have hidden images and flashing commands at subconscious speeds… The very picture itself acts as a carrier wave that transmits commands that you can not perceive.

It doesn’t matter what channel you watch… Discovery Channel, Disney XD ETC

The Device itself is programming you, the programming is on ALL stations at ALL times!


Guys i think i reached enlightenment, Yesterday, i spelt Question right for the first time in years. :rofl:


Another piece of wisdom that made me stop and reflect. A similar advice was given to me many many moons ago.
Reminder for when you feel you are in your darkest times. All you need to do is take small steps.


In difficult times, move forward in small steps.
Do what you have to do, but little by little.
Don’t think about the future
or what may happen tomorrow.

Wash the dishes.
Remove the dust.
Write a letter.
Make a soup.

You see?

Advance step by step.
Take a step and stop.
Rest a little.
Praise yourself.
Take another step.
And then another.

You won’t notice, but your steps will grow more and more.
And the time will come when you can think about the future without crying.

Author: Elena Mikhalkova


This planet is the ghetto. Lol.

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omg I love Tupac so much


Holy shit…

I was right. Psychedelics are awesomeeeeeeeee


Lets get it baby, we’re back on track.

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When I was first started awakening I thought my life mission had to be something grand and big, but somewhere along the path I’ve made it to be enjoying little moments, making the most out of my physical experience, the work on relationships, self-awareness, being present. It feels good.


I have beat this petty loneliness that I used to feel my whole life :smiley:

Does not mean I won’t feel lonely again. The hardest one is yet to come, hopefully soon :relieved:

Slowly but surely becoming the main character of my own life.


why is my mental health so much better after doing a good study its like a value my day on how well i study, i never use to always be like this, well i acutally did. But now its more ovs to me.

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Intelligence alone just doesn´t cut it.


The ego is so much sneakier then I ever thought, I should never underestimate it.
What a bitch


That´s why you use 11th Booster before Ego Dissolution


lol i tried that yesterday, i rememeber a couple weeks back i was getting real good results from ego diss, but now am not strange, its like the audio stoped working, although i use to loop it like crazy

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Okay just done it, feel very dizzy and strange lol. Kinda amazing if you ask me.

I think 11 power is working for me so great because i havnt used my long stack today so this wouldnt overload my system if it boosted it 11 times. This is sooo amazing