Self Reflection Thread

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life is gud


Yesterday was a magical day! I mean, it was a horrible day as well. It started good, until I had went to my favorite Shells(in the Universe haha). I love going to this place because, there’s like a young playa black cat, and 3 Pakastani’s, and they are all SUPER respectful. I love these guys. And all but Ismael(I mentioned about him in another post.I had met his son today, and what a kid! 22 years old seemingly from the 'Hood of Brooklyn, but talking about gotta be grateful for what we have. I was impressed! At 19, I was a straight fuck-up lol. Kid was ahead of his time. Sorry for the long run-on sentence haha) It’s always laughs and smiles when I go there. So as I talked them, I broke one of my golden rules(never again lol), to always keep my phone in my pocket! I had set it down, and apparently put a flyer on it so I guess I could hide it from me or something. So I wouldn’t be able to find it DOH! Lol. What made me think of it was I wanted to get Ismael’s son’s phone number. Cuz both of them seem so cool. Really humble and nice. And I literally have no friends around where I am at. All my friends are like 45 minutes away. I don’t stress and most times I don’t attach to anything or anyone anymore(the latter has always been and always will be lol) but I also know from experience that one should not pass such an opportunity.

So I’d reached for my phone, and it’s gone! So I am thinking I had left it in the car. So my dumb ass go out and search the car for it. Then fill up the gas. So I am like “Hmmmm, probably left it at home.” So I drive about 15 minutes home and when I am 4 minutes from the house, i remembered I had it when I was in the car earlier! I had set a “Cease Energy Leaks” mandala cuz I was kinda tired a bit. So I was like, "Maybe I had left it at Shells. (I think all this was because I hadn’t slept too good. I had woke up early, and it was a bit hot) So then I started to drive back to Shells, but I pulled over into a parking lot, and searched again. Then I was like, "Damn, maybe I should have went to the house after all. lol. So bro, I take my dumb ass back to house. Knowing damn well I remembered I had set the mandala like 30 minutes ago. Lmao. Or was my mind playing tricks on me cuz I was tired? But the whole time, I was calm as hell. So I drive my idiotic ass back to Shells lol, optimistic about the whole thing. I had wasted gas going all around the world looking for the sonofab*tch, so I KNOW it’s there. And sho’ nuff, when I get there, it was STILL there! I was so happy! Also, was a playa ass young cat there I had met from some weeks ago. Dude is funny as hell! I love that Shells man! All 3 of the younger dudes complimented me on my tats (This is everywhere lol.)

So I chopped it up with bro real quick, and then off the plasma place! But when I had went, my blood pressure was too low! And it was 111 beats ber minute when I had checked. So they sent my ass home after two tries, first time ever! Lmao. Even today it was the same. And on top of that, it was 101 degrees outside farenheit. AND I was sweating profusely! Haha, you’re asking why did I call it a ‘magical’ day? Because the Anger management audio and Patience and KIndness audio and maybe others as well too. I also use the Ego Death from P.I., and I feel they are working synergistically. But I KNOW ME. The old me would have literally spazzed out, being pissed at what I couldn’t change. Punching shit and even coming off with a fucked up attitude around people, just so they could try to get an attitude so I can try and knock someone’s head off. When I used to be pissed, I seen red. Literally I would get so mad, and would see red lines in my eyes. It’s hard to explain. Like I think it has something to do with all the blood rushing to my head so quickly. I have even shot at someone and tried to kill them at Wal-mart(and almost did lol) just for looking at me funny. I had a specific childhood, and it caused me anger patterns via my subconscious. Pure rage actually.

So I been spamming the Anger Management everyday for maybe 3 or more plays. Sometimes hours. And the other day, I was crying so hard. First time in my life, I have ever had such a strong grip on my anger. It’s so liberating. To not take everything seriously, and even be okay while others poke and kid at you. I am so grateful for the Anger Management audio, and also the True Self of Others is pure gold as well. But then I had went to my old elementary school. And it was surreal being back there. It made me emotional a bit. So many memories. I remember shit from elementary school still! Lmao. Not sure how. I talked to this younger dude that was on the playground, he’d went there too as a kid, but he was only 22. I had spoked something in Spanish(Really like one or two words but with perfect pronunciation) and he was like “Damn, you speak Spanish?!” Lol. He was there with his girl and kid. And he asked out of the blue, “Do you work out?” I get asked this question all the time, and I always love to tell people “no” at first, just to see what they say. :grin:

So he was like “Damn, all genes?” And then I told him how I was smaller than him before I got locked up at 127, but came home at 195 solid. He said I was “lucky”(Though I been working out since 2012? How is that ‘lucky"? lol. But I think he might was speaking genetics or whatever) So I told him a secret. Sapien Medicine. And he bit on it quick. I put alot of people on at the Plasma Place too about Sapien Medicine. Anyone I get coo’ with actually. I sometime be reading the comments to some subs and etc, and they got people who be like “Don’t tell anyone about this, keep our community small.” Lol. Uh, why again? I feel like if something is great, life-changing, extremely beneficial, a huge blessing, and affordable(yt), why not put people ‘on’? Doesn’t make sense to me. Then I seen a girl Jogging, and had a big friendly old wolf dog. I played and pet him for a little as I spoked to her. I loved him. Just the look on his face. The girl was really sweet too, because she had tied him up. And he kept like wanting to walk with her. But she didn’t want him to do too much because he’s old already. I should have told her about Sapien, but I got so caught up in the convo I had forgot. :( Then I seen this old Vietnamese Lady walking around. She was 80! Looked about 60! I talked with her a little. I love talking to Older Vietnamese people. They always assume I am unable to speak it as well as I do. Lol. Like they always ask, “You were born here!? Your Vietnamese is soo good!” Lmao. Anyways. Bleep bleep bleep, that’s all folks! Lol If you have an Anger problem, use the Anger Management audio! Life changer! I had forgot this was one of the main reasons why I was posting this.


Oraaa oraaa , ganbare ganbareee :fire:

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I love animals and music so much. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


After studying spiritual theories and having direct experiences, there’s no going back.

I’m scared too. I don’t remember the last time I was this frightened.

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I haven’t seen “Dangerous Minds” in so long. (I was like 10 or 11 when it had first came out lol) But yesterday, I’d seen it again with a family member of mine. And then I forgot how beautiful this movie is. If you guys got time, please watch it. It really hits deep. The iconic song to the movie as well.


I love questioning everything. I love self-experimentation. I love direct experience.
I love how open-minded I’ve been in my life.


I’ve learnt a lot from being here.


Love is what created the mind.
Therefore, love cannot serve the mind.
The consciousness that’s running this planet knows. That’s why you’re taught that you have to pursue love, make love work for you…
That’s insane…
So you won’t access love, you’ll access replacements that they tell you is love “magnetic attraction”… creating addictions to being in a relationship.

Why are breakups so hard for many?

Because you’re addicted to the person’s presence. You know, you have entrainment of vibration. Spend enough time with a person, you start to get on the same frequency… an exchange of energy, it’s an addiction just like an addiction to anything else.

You need them to verify your own existence and vice versa… none of that is love.

Romance… it’s magnetic attraction, coupling of energies that are so detached that they feel that desperate need for it. Someone who really wants love seeks to express love cause you’re already got it.

If you’re connected to love you’ve got love, you don’t need a person to come by and love you, if it happens great. You see, you can’t emit love without getting love, and the only place you’re going to get love is from love, the creator.

Please understand that.

You see, love is like the solvent to polarity, the mind is insane. It’s always in conflict with itself.

Why do you think most animals bolt when you come by?
Because they see you are detached, they see that you are insane. They don’t need to know your name, your history, or what you think your intentions are.

they see it as a disease, as something that scares them.

most people walk up to an animal, and they have this hope, “oh, come here, I won’t hurt, you come on…”

They just ‘hope’ that the animal will come so they’re trying to pursue that hope, but the hope in a ‘binary’ polarized mind would have to be offset by a belief that it will not come, no?
Otherwise, what are you hoping for and that duality, that insanity is being broadcast to the animal simultaneously, and your belief that it won’t come is going to be more solid because the hope is transient.
It’s in that situation, that’s being created from a belief that was in your mind before you saw the animal or came to its contact with it.

It’s like people that complain that they can’t find a boyfriend or girlfriend. They want one so bad, they hope they’re going to meet somebody, so, of course, they have a belief that they will not, otherwise what are they hoping for? (see the pattern?)

So they’ll buy a certain type of perfume, or maybe go shopping to get better outfits… all these procedures to build that is built upon the hope that maybe they’ll run into somebody that’s magnetically opposite to them, and their charge, it never works out, right?

forcing it that way…
But then you’ll hear people say “gosh, I met the perfect person when I least expected it. I was busy, I was doing something else, I wasn’t thinking about it, and bang! There they were.”

Welcome to life.
So why did that happen?
You weren’t acting upon a hope that you’ll meet somebody, there for the belief that you will not was not active and resonating.

You allowed it to happen.
This is the truth of your existence.


Nobody owes me anything
I owe myself everything




I’ve been getting a little happier and more positive over the last few months and I’m noticing a lot of unhappiness around.

People have money problems, health problems, relationship problems on the forum and real life.
“has it always been like that ?”

It always felt normal when I was more cynical and pessimistic, (not that I’m living in perfect bliss) but now I’m thinking something weird is going on if so many people are in pain. Been wondering about that for a couple weeks

I always thought it was obvious people were not happy cause life kinda sucks. Now I’m seriously wondering why not ?
It’s not so obvious


Well, the last few months all I hear is people wanting to transcend this world, wanting to stop the(ir) reincarnation cycle, to reach for some other realm/place, etc. and I understand and even agree that (in some aspects) life here sucks, BUT I would like to add my thoughts on why I find this place to be not so bad, in fact even wonderful…

I don’t know if I want to ascend to a different/higher place, I quite Like it Here (minus the suffering), I like Pleasure, I enjoy it so much, we have this beautiful thing, the physical body and it is a work of art (it can also be improved, just like the quality of life), we can hug other human beings, we can pet an animal, we have all these senses, extraordinary things, we can enjoy so many flavors, tastes, smells, colours, sounds, we can do and watch sports, we can relax in so many ways, we can watch so many shows and movies, we can play so many games (Jesus, I love some video games), we can learn so many things, we can love and be loved, we can have so many hobbies, we can explore the world and everything in it,…, we have our precious minds and all these tools that can help us in so many ways, we can laugh, we can enjoy, we can have so much joy, we have (can have) bliss, we can feel so good here, now, in this World…

Perhaps all these things are available in some higher realms or perhaps not, but I just want to Explore More that this World has to offer, and I’m thinking and feeling that it has SO MUCH MORE TO OFFER…

Just a thought or a couple thoughts that passed through my mind and I felt the need to put them here…

Have a Beautiful Day Everyone!

Ok, since I don’t want or need to make a new thread, I’ll continue here.
Thank You so much, @SammyG, for being so inspiring, I just read some of your posts and Wow, they are just Extraordinary; you want to help us/others - that’s a noble endeavour and you also want to see the collective evolve, all of these being the reasons that you are still attached to this realm/world - I understand and respect that; also I would like to thank all of you guys, each one of you is awesome in his/her own unique way and your posts/replies are helping and inspire me/others as well.

Ok, just to add these 2 things here:
I. Since there are many worlds, perhaps I shouldn’t be too obsessed with this one, with the pleasure and the joy and the experiences that I had, have or that I can have in this world, on Earth. There are other worlds, @Hauru and SammyG mentioned a pure land, of which I have no knowledge, who knows how much I would enjoy it there and in some other places…
So, I shouldn’t be too attached to Earth, there are other places, both in this Universe and elsewhere as well, an Infinity of Possibilities to Explore…
II. The Powere that be (or the powers that were as a youtuber called them - thanks @Divine_Lotus for some awesome links/channels that you made me aware of) can be compared to a Spider, a spider that weaves it’s web, trying to catch and especially to keep it’s prey (us), but we can Go Beyond their webs, We Are Divine Beings, no webs can trap/stop/keep us against our will, so again, same idea as in the first point, there is so much more to explore, sweetness and beauty and experiences that we may not even guess…
As a conclusion, whether (and for as long as I’m here, in this limited form/body/experience) I’m here or elsewhere (in other world, reality, way, etc.), I want to Enjoy the Experiences of Life, in it’s fulness!
III. And a third point: The Forces of Evil (demons and other beings like them) are like Beasts, you can’t blame a Lion for hunting it’s prey, nor a Shark for being ferocious, it’s in their nature, although I’m sure that even they can change, if they would want;
low vibrational worlds or environments (including the human mind and energy) are their natural habitat, so we have to get Higher (spiritually) and they can no longer keep us under their influence.


5 year old me was damn right about the world


I have seen the light, the golden age of brain augmentation has begun.

Time to evolve.

The next few months will be epic

He/she who listens shall prepare



You’ve been warned :sunglasses:

But also, it’s a way of saying there will be many brain projects, so no fomo

I’ll make one big recruitment thread with a list of all upcoming brain projects and try to make small descriptions, maybe organize them by theme.

That way people can click on the one they are interested in. Some will have more or less members.


Not really sad,depressed or anything but life doesn’t really hit the same,really.
I feel like I’m misunderstood by people, and it’s making me lose trust in others.
I feel as when you get comfortable with others, they use those words of comfort against you and make fun of you, or maybe I’m just sensitive but respect is important to me. I’m starting to enjoy being by myself more, more ok with being by my self than hanging out with others. Maybe I should keep personal things to myself so others don’t use them against me you know.

I’ve lost motivation in general, kind of just living, it is what it is.

I’m not sad or depressed, I feel like I’m changing for the better even though it doesn’t look like it right now