Self Reflection Thread

that’s crazy man ahahah


I think that makes sense.
Obviously take the below with a grain of salt, it’s your experience not mine but it got me thinking.

Since time it just our perception…
You talk about this as different “people”/ versions. But it’s the same thing / one “thing” and the versions of your observation.
You know how you have something that’s continuous but when you sample i.e. measure it it is a discrete quantity or state. I wouldn’t be too surprised if, as you level up, at one point you will say you see timelines of each version and you can focus on a time and maybe even space (because time/space works in a tricky way)
I have to go now, it’s really cool.

It reminds me a bit of consciousness expanding, when I realized that actually only one “thing” existed and every representation of it (individual things) were unique but the essence of it was not different.


They could be the invisible masters, or inner ones, that is, they are parts of you that know everything and can guide you better


I came out as gay in highschool and in my small town it was kind of a big deal. The response I got from many was positive, although some did drop out of my life. Up until that point, I was always reserved with people because none around me were accepting of sexual minorities, so I never had people I considered to be my friends. For this reason, after coming out I had confused people being okay with my sexuality with them being my friends, which lead to a defeating moment of realizing that for the most part I was a juicy story they can tell their friends. I wish I didn’t blame myself this much for not reading the room correctly, as I always thought the barrier between me and other people was my sexuality, and this seemed like I was finally accepted for who I was.

There was also this other guy in my class who was my deskmate, people suspected he was gay but he wasn’t out so they could only assume. Half of the class were asking me (lol) if he was gay too and I would always say ‘I don’t know’, until two girls I was close with asked me the same and in my head I was thinking ‘Oh they’re my friends, they are just curious and will understand it, not a big deal’. Syke. Due to my miscalculation, the guy was out very soon.

There are lots of things from highschool days that bother me a lot to this day, many of them because I don’t see scenarios where I could’ve done better. I was starved of affection and did lots of bad things to get it.

The two of us were fine after some time, though he never really forgave me. Uh, this wasn’t easy to put out here :sweat_smile:


Thank you for sharing! :heart:


… well *** me, me. this is totally what happened to me as a child. i had zero concept of sexuality and i remember most of my childhood i was at home. it was through dreams that i received my learning.


anyways i really like this concept and it reminds me of the council of ricks in rick and morty.

i could totally see a council of psynergys organizing the development of psynergys.

current thing im learning is to move my body more and think/philosophize less.


It’s my 6th monthiversary with Sapien Medicine. Just finished rereading my journal entries from January to April, and I found that I still have several results from using SM products that I haven’t written yet in this forum. And surely there will be more results from May and June :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:.

I will start adding those reviews one by one :nerd_face:.


it’s not as cool as the network of Philips, but i wanted to share it, i didnt know where else to write it :sweat_smile:

I had a busy day at work, I worked pretty late. I felt “like a boss” after I finished - proud of myself and happy about the way i handled things. I reflected a bit about how much I have changed (improved) in the past year or so.

It was getting late but I felt full of energy, I felt like I had to leave.
I got my bike and grabbed some stuff I needed to donate and left. I had a feeling something was going to happen - I thought maybe I was going to bump into someone I know, meet someone new, spot something etc.

After dropping the stuff I was like… “where to now?”
I set off towards the lake, I had it in my mind that i should go somewhere secluded.
I was carefree, cycling on paths outside of the town as it was getting dark, until i got to where i wanted.

Then it was kind of cool, i walked to the lakeside facing the water, I raised my hands and closed my eyes…
And I felt the energy, I had a feeling about how i should move my arms and for how long I should hold it and what I should do next.
In the end i squat down and put my arms on the ground. I opened my eyes and saw the area sort of glowing (slightly glowing) with dark orange-ish colour, my hands looked like they were disappearing, i closed my eyes. I can’t quite explain what i felt, sort of… connected? Humbled? Im not sure.
Then shortly after BOOM… I was back, orange thing gone, feeling of the energy gone, vision as normal.

I felt like there was nothing more for me there so i started on my way home. Suddenly i became aware that i was tired, hungry, my contact lenses were getting uncomfortable and i just wanted to go home.


This thread is beautiful


Today felt like such an odd day, like a day out of time. It feels like a Saturday but not really because it also feels like tomorrow will be Saturday.


Previously in Philip’s life:

So I was out of sync, my sleep and appetite were off, I had moods, love and compassion vs anger. I tried to fix it. I was tired all the time despite boosting my energy levels. 2 days ago, the thought occurred to me “it’s happening again, a new experience is coming” then I forgot about it until today.

I came home really tired, I laid down, it felt so good, my body was heavy, my matelas was soft. And I started feeling energy/wind some flow/current. I opened my eyes, I had been falling inside my body.

The closest image I could find:
My heart was beating like a hammer, I had all type of sensations, felt real. I was shaking and it brought me closer to my body. I tried to relax but too late. Even when I was awake my heart was still beating.



Maybe it comes from childhood but it seems I learned to feel safe/loved I have to make others happy. To achieve that it seems I somehow learned to make a temporary connection to the other person and feel certain things really intensive. Emotions behavior patterns etc. Funny thing is in this moments (talking to others for example) It always felt like my right side was feeling these things the most. I was always a bit confused because this came from the person right? Shouldn’t I feel this from the left side? It seems to achieve what I wanted, to make the other person happy to make that person like ME, I took certain things from the other person certain traits and projected them from the right side. In that moment though it was less likely that the person likes ME because I did my best to please the other person with behavior that he/she seemed to like the most not what I am in the first place. With that though it wasn’t even possible for the other person to love me. Cause I didn’t learn to love myself.

Well up to this point at least can only get better now.

Oh and to add something. Because I acted out of lack I attracted lack of something. Can be applied to anything I guess :D


Had a kinda funny thought now while eating. I was leaving the best part for last. Then thought about people who may eat the best part first.
Maybe I could appreciate the whole meal next time.


i’m at the point in my life where the only soul i truly know is me, and even then there’s so much newness to explore and find.

i feel empowered with who i am and where i am at.

i feel comfortable with the pace of my socializations.

i feel comfortable with the pace of my learning.

i feel comfortable with the pace of my spiritual journey.



Today I feel defeated.
Left out in the cold.
I’m old enough to know that the wheel always turns.
But today I feel defeated.


Me too.


Big hug to you. :slightly_smiling_face: :heart:


Thanks Pia. My cat is dying, despite all I did to help him.


Letting go is difficult. Another hug to you… :heart:


damn Philip. How are you feeling now ?