Self Reflection Thread

I don’t know, I’d say I feel mighty

Maybe a little bored, but is there anything left for me to reach for at this point ? :man_shrugging:


only you know I guess :joy:


Oh Star, let me hug you with all the love and kindness in the world :heart: :hugs: :heart:

@anon37166570 , sending you love and hugs :heart: :hugs: :heart:


Thank you. Hug back to you!


Thanks angelbessings.
In fact, my best friend and companion is no longer with me now. After 13 amazing years having him to support me with the most sincere love possible.
My heart is crushed but I have to find some comfort in the knowing that he is now no longer in pain.

Yes it was one of the hardest days of my life. Thanks for the love.


I’m impatient, fear conflict, possibly have borderline personality disorder but my psychiatric prescribed me with schizophrenia which might be wrong, get bored rapidly. Enhhiwoqjqjwoeowjqooqmewoqoqoemwoqoneoqj Damn :weary:


I’m no expert in this, but do you use a brain stack?

Aren’t BPD and schizophrenia due to chemical (and some other) imbalances in the brain?
Maybe try to research the physical causes and the numerous fields we have and how they would interact.

Also, the Thyroid field helps with mood changes for bipolar people, it probably helps stabilize moods to a degree for people with BPD as well.


You’re partially correct about the causes. However as I said, I really don’t know what I have, I have symptoms from both sides which are similar and have unrelated symptoms between them aswell. For sure I have some mental illness though.


You can still research what goes on in the brain in case of both and see if some brain fields could help.
Plasma brain of youth comes to mind, as it is negentropic, but I’m really no expert.

And as for the thyroid field, I really think it’s a good idea for you to add it for a week or two and see if your mood is more stable.


Hi @yazan,

Thank you for the trust and sharing something that personal.

I’d say give a try to MonkeyOwl’s suggestions. “Even“ Brain Regeneration would help as well and:

Negative symptoms that include indeed boredom, withdrawal… For the positive symptoms, Semax and Phenylpiracetam (from the same album) seem more indicated. Always with small doses of course.

It would also depend on whether you’re under medication, other therapies you are receiving, etc.

What are your current stacks? Any Mental Health element in them?


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Social General

Arcturian Energy Infusion Meditation :ok_hand:


I found for me that If I don’t do something because I’m afraid that a certain group of people or someone excludes me from their live or activity etc. the exclusion already happened within myself.
I denied the feeling or the thought that wanted to express itself and that is even worse than what the judgement of others can do.
Not saying one should act on every impulse that arises without thoughts for others though.


I’ve been watching and reading about mental illnesses/disorders and I found 3 matches that apply to me.

-bipolar disorder
-schizophrenia (I was diagnosed with it).
-borderline personality disorder (This probably doesn’t apply to me anymore).

I read that bipolar disorder and schizophrenia can derive from same genetics.

Actually bipolar disorder reminds me of something. My zodiac signs tell me in one sign that I experience intense emotional highs, and in another sign it tells me that I have to be wary of depression. Doesn’t this sound like it’s indicating bipolar disorder?


If it’s bipolar use the thyroid audio, it is also meant to help with bipolar and emotional al control.

If it’s schyzo take your drugs, spam plasma brain of youth to balance it.


Is it worth reconnecting with a friend after broken trust/backbiting?


I don’t have the universal answer, but I would start with clearing the relationship with that person, and see how I feel after.
It put my mind at ease in relation to my ex a while ago.


Well in this case, I was the backbiter…

I ranted about that friend to another friend because I thought he was being manipulative and parasitic. And that other guy screenshotted my texts and sent it to this friend. Things went rough for a month. No words between us.

Then we were on friendly terms for a while before work and spirituality came in the way. Now I’m wondering if it’s even worth reconnecting.

I do get that people change but their core emotions…not so much unless they’ve worked on those.

He’s gay…and he had been sending me those joke flirty texts (they were pretty sexual and vulgar you could say) for a while. And when I expressed discomfort, he reacted negatively to those. Which I felt was toxic.

He is an otherwise kind and caring person though. Just that some people are stuck with their views you know?


Do you feel bad about ranting about him behind his back?
Or do you feel bad about him seeing it (and thus him being hurt)?

If yes, I would reach out.
Of course with some people it’s difficult, I acknowledge when I’m wrong, and apologise always when I feel I was in the wrong, but I won’t crawl around on my knees for anyone… and some people seem to want that 🤷 I never “reconnect” or attempt to smooth things out more with those ppl.

Why did you ask the question in the first place?

Do you miss him as a friend or the situation bothers you?


I guess you could try and reconnect although it’s not possible to go back to the way it was, it will get better with effort and time.

Now, beyond that friendship, if you don’t vibe with your homie no more, get a new one.

You apologized, you changed, the ball is in his court, but the point is not to keep people around forever just because… it’s about being happy and growing.

Next time do better