Self Reflection Thread

I am already whole there is nothing wrong with me just wanted to vent

Erm, okay, I didnā€™t mean to imply there was something wrong with you.
Itā€™s a beautiful field, but of course donā€™t listen to it if you donā€™t want to.


much respect to the people here who self reflect i dont have to guts to do it but more respect to everyone who doesnt bullshit themselfs


Thank you Monkeyowl for the reminder! Such a precious field that brings a lot of clarityā€¦ Every time I play this field I find out more and more about myself! Happy or sad, the sense of wholeness is always new with this one ;)

Thanks mod ;) :star2:


Im still alive and the others happily too
It was my fault I couldnt see them everything was fast I dont know if there drove too fast or I was just blind
Im only glad we are still alive

Drive carefully guys it happens fast!

I had the Best Path of Life tag by me if I would with my car on the street and not with my fathers car I definetely would be hurt or even dead.

My car is the silver Opel in the backround my father drived with my car this week and my Opel is old and would look much worser on this accident and me too.


Why are cars made so cheaply? isnā€™t the metal suppose to be strong and not crumble like foil?


they crumble and fold beacuse there made like that to protect the owner. it sounds like bullshit but it is true


Yes, @Dyslexic_Professor is right. The harder the material the more damage it will do to the passenger.


look at this turn the voulme up some crazy facts about tesla

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But like the door caving into the driver wouldnā€™t that kill some one especially if your being held down by a seat belt?

Some cars have airbags to the side but i dont think that makes a difference at high speeds

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Am I the only one who will be content in the event that Capt decides to retire from making morphic fields? Of course I hope he doesnā€™t, but what heā€™s given us so far is more than enough to lead extraordinary lives. and thatā€™s not even including the NFTs.

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For the past 12 hours I have been consumed with rage, and no amount of Shamanic Blend, Anger Management, Personal Mental and Emotional Supporter can quell it.


Beat the crap out of a pillow.
Go for a LONG run/jog/vigorous walk


Iā€™ll like to start getting into the habit of journaling to organize my thoughts as i donā€™t write anything down and try to keep everything within my head, like literally everything.

an area Iā€™m looking to focus on more is emotions and just trying to navigate whatever it is iā€™m feeling and make sense as to why Iā€™m feeling such way,

not the best at introspection and following my thoughts deeper to get to a solution/ core issue so iā€™ve been looking at some machine learning assisted Journals to aid in this process should i not have someone who can help guide or point things for me. The search is still going on but Iā€™ve came across a github repo

it basically creates music tones based on what youā€™re writing so it tries to recreate the emotion it believes your words carry. I think itā€™s pretty cool and might help me (others too if they want to try it) to keep writing.

the online website is (if you donā€™t want to download the repo) :


Self-analysis is an interesting thing, but simply writing down your thoughts can quickly become boring (this is a premise, but not a 100% statement)
I advise you to google what is mind mapping
there are various platforms (and desktop programs) that allow you to draw your thoughts, ideas
Mind mapping - has a certain system and certain principles. If you understand them - it will be really easier to understand, and visually analyze your inner world
try it, it is not difficult
(this is just a tip) :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you, Iā€™m also better visually so Iā€™ll use this. I already got Xmind on my PC installed so Iā€™ll use it to form my thoughts and introspect.


By the way, each software manufacturer has its own pros and cons. There are quite a lot of such manufacturers.
I, for example, in the past actively worked with Minjet Mind Manager

But this is a matter of taste. I liked Minjet for structuring serious information.
You can try and test different manufacturers and find the one which will be optimal / pleasant for you. :wink:


Wow, what an interesting concept! Iā€™m going to try it, thanks for sharing.

I personally find it an endless source of fascination to be honest :rofl: but Iā€™m not super diligent with it, so you might be right that I might become bored if I did it daily.

I had never heard of mind mapping! I just checked it out. Really interesting, I could see myself using this. Depending on what someone wants to accomplish, Iā€™d venture that there might be an advantage to journaling (but correct me if Iā€™m wrong) and that it can be done from a more subconscious place. Itā€™s lead me to discover pure gems, things I had not previously noticed. Mind mapping (as far as I understand it from the quick reading I did) might engage more with our self-assumptions, how we think we are?

What have you used it for and seen benefits on, if you donā€™t mind my asking? :slight_smile:


mind mapping is universal

By the way, keeping a diary and a detailed description of oneā€™s inner states in various forms seems to me suitable for more meticulous personalities. Linear recording is the main form of recording information that we use at school, university, work, and in many many institutions. But maybe itā€™s just a matter of habit? Linear notes are more time-consuming

whole structure of vertical textual information is quite hard to see, and it may take extra steps (flipping or scrolling the page) to see everything. and mind maps are arranged in a circular principle , and with one glance you can cover everything that is depicted.

maybe, linear list is ā€œpsychologicallyā€ incomplete; it can be continued, which prevents us from perceiving it holistically. completed mind map has all the elements in their place, it is thoughtful, composed, and coherent. as i know, our brain is not the best at remembering monotonous entries, unlike a variety of pictures, colorful branches and colorfully designed keywords

The use of mind maps is a technique of visualizing thinking (with the help of which you can better and more efficiently process some information). m-maps are a convenient form of recording data, which allows you to present it in a capacious form, even if it is large. When you write (draw) something down in a convenient easy form, it is automatically stored in your head
data recorded in the form of mental maps are easy to recall, even with just a glance at them - the effect of association arises. mind map is constructed in such a way as to allow one to see previously unnoticed connections between its parts, small unrecorded details, which is very valuable in making decisions, or any analysis. also with its help you can look at all the information in general, holistically, which generally helps to understand the topic and better understand the data

we use hierarchies for branches and keywords, we use visualization and associative thinking for pictures, and in general we use spatial imaginative thinking. As we use different thinking abilities to build mental maps, such as creativity, logic, and imagination, they all develop and improve in the process
because mental maps depict the whole picture, it allows us to establish all of the relationships between objects, even if they were not initially so obvious.
In turn, this leads to new perspectives on information, as well as new ideas and thoughts. really try it

Humans are characterized by a huge number of different properties and features. They include the specificity of the course of cognitive processes, intellectual and other abilities, styles of thinking, perception, communication, emotional response, moral qualities, and many other components.
Recall the gradation of temperament (choleric, melancholic, sanguine, phlegmatic)
My advice to you is just to practice, study the system, and decide if this method suits you or not