Self Reflection Thread

Enough with the poetic talk lol. I’m doing all right. Missing normal life. I miss going to shows. Miss hanging out with my friends and socializing. Miss being able to have new experiences. Even though you can still do some stuff these days, it’s not the same. Everyone feels closed off and distant. I want life to be life again. (Doesn’t help that my car finally broke down so I have to buy a new one. Now I really can’t do shit lmao)

Just saw Hamilton on Disney Plus. It inspired the heck out of me. Loved every second of it. I’m an old school hip hop head and hop hop hasn’t felt the same to me for a long time. That musical captured the essence of hip hop in its truest form. It was more than that though. Had R&B in it and it was just a soulful soundtrack all throughout. It filled me with joy. And the story…

This man was a bastard immigrant with not a cent to a name that came to North America, helped revolt against the British and helped forge the foundations of this country. Just further showed me that anyone can make a mark on mankind. Anything is possible. Between that and RE:Zero, it just reminded me that I should do so much more with my time. That I can be so much more. I love video games but life is the greatest video game of them all. There are so many levels I haven’t even reached yet… There’s just so much more I can do…


Felt the same when people starting posting this.

Like really? Is this your first time on the internet?:laughing:

Plus I do miss reading samurai’s posts. Helped me a lot when I first came on to this forum. Wish him well.


I always loved your good spirit, dedicated contribution and sweet personality, @Bronyraur.

Warm wishes to you!


My brand new Iphone SE fell down to the tile floor and back screen is fked…


Hope you have warranty (I never buy warranty myself)…


Have been feeling out of sorts today, just generally fed up with low energy. This afternoon I wrapped myself in a blanket and put on the Arcturian Infusion Meditation, I asked to please be surrounded in Arcturian love and healing. Next thing I am surrounded in the beautiful warmth and energies, I felt so safe and protected, I closed my eyes and dozed off, when I woke up my mood was lifted and I felt so much better.

I thought to myself when I feel down and need support I don’t ring a friend I call on the Arcturians, they never let me down.

I also thought, can you imagine telling (normal) people ‘Well I was feeling down today so I called on my friends the Arcturians’ - can you imagine the reaction you would get

:crazy_face: :grimacing: :roll_eyes: :heart:


This is the kind of relationship i’d like with the pleiadians!


this happens always with my new phones and I dont even insure them :sleepy:


Ask your servitors to make it work again.


if this would be that easy :rofl:

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I have spent a lot of time today just thinking about stuff, it was a low energy day when I just needed to be and it got me thinking about the role Dogs play in our lives.

This is my girl Gracie

Dogs I believe were sent to teach us about unconditional love, I mean they just love us don’t they? My beautiful girl teaches me so much about love and just loving for loves sake. Shes a stubborn little madam (I wonder where she gets that from :thinking:)

Dogs make our lives just that much more tolerable/enjoyable. They never judge you, put you down, or never use unkind words. They are patient, loving and great companions, where would we be without dogs in our lives.

God knew what he was doing when he created dogs :heart:


Gracie looks very wise :open_mouth:


She is, not much gets past her, smart as a button too :heart:


Agreed! I was walking my dog once and he taught me a ton about non-duality.


I was just sitting here drinking my tea thinking about life as you do. Thinking about that wave of life, how one minute you are riding that wave and life is good, then you fall off into the choppy waters below trying to keep your head above water, and then suddenly you catch another amazing wave and it all starts all over again.

Then suddenly a song starts playing in my head (thank you guides), anyway the song is below and I dedicate it to all of us


I LOVE dogs !:) they’re the closest thing to pure love we have here. I sometimes take care of a dog that looks a lot like yours! I dont have time to have my own dog ,so I help friends who have a dog.
And its always awesome to see him .
What race is yours if I may ask ? They might be a similar breed .

Uploading: 20200424_154756.jpg…


@Alexander, how gorgeous is that dog, just beautiful :heartpulse::cherry_blossom:

They do look the same breed, Gracie is a Lab X Collie


Thanks I might tell the owners ,as they have no idea what breed he is :D


I am so, so, so grateful for Virus Disruption, I was feeling so ill today, tried to go walking with my dog, every step so painful, got home looped the audio for 30 mins, back to normal, feeling great - Thank You :pray: :heart:


All that enlightenment business kinda goes out the window when USPS keeps messing with you and you’re waiting on your tags.


But this is why I need them