Semax and Phenylpiracetam: Testimonials

Semax and Phenylpiracetam

Part of New Release: Cerebrum (album)

Individual Thread to discuss, ask questions, and give testimonials


Played with L-Theanine and Semax and Phenyl, Full Relaxation and focus, Will see the rest of the day. Ill play Outlook Retrainer and Deep Stimulation later tonight. DO NOT AND I SAY IT DO NOT PLAY THEM ALL TOGETHER, YOU WILL GET EXTREMELY DROWSY AND HEAVY.


Definitely don’t play this more then 3x.

And don’t play it at least 8 hours before bed. :roll_eyes:


Yeah I found out that Theanine relaxes you which isn’t what I want, gonna play this tommorow by itself

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Please will someone let me know when this album is released on Amazon.



  • Has a half-life of 2.5-3 hrs.

  • Has been reported to enhance physical performance and cold resistance.

  • Crosses the blood-brain barrier.

  • Research appears to support it being used for cognitive decline.

  • May have anti-depressant properties.

  • May have sleep disturbances as a side-effect.

  • May possess immunosupportive properties under periods of immune stress.



Hello. I played the entire album ×2. And there is no relaxation. I was just thinking that I need to start taking nootropics, because very often I don’t have enough time to sleep properly.You feel tired and distracted. Yesterday and today I played this album and my head is clear, I recover much faster and it’s just great. I really don’t like walking around like a zombie. Thank you so much for this!


I’ve been listening to the album for 5 days. Effects: you need less time to sleep, you wake up immediately cheerful, more concentration of attention, a positive attitude, increased stress resistance. It beautiful


Normal phenylpiracetam requires a choline source for many people, because it uses up acetylcholine. Do we need one with this ?
Also many people say phenylpiracetam shouldn’t be taken daily,is this true for this one or is it made safer?


I’ve tried it for the first time today . Just 1 listen
And I feel similar effects to when I tried real phenylpiracetam :
-Less brain fog
-More active
-More motivated
-Better verbal fluency
-Feels less forced ,more well rounded than the real one.

Now I’d still like to know the answer to my questions above .
I’m asking this because when I used phenylpiracetam daily for 3 or 4 weeks and then stopped I felt kind of dull and anhedonic for a long time. I felt less anxious,but more depressed after stopping .Which is a weird tradeoff ,especially since I didn’t know I was making it on the first place . And after about 2 weeks I needed a choline supplement with or else I felt depressed.
This is a strong substance and I know by my own experience that it can make semi-permanent changes to the brain.
So do we need a choline source and is it safe for daily use ?


Btw I always used to get sinus issues from the real one eventhough I got a high quality source ,so I’m excited to see how this one affects me .

I also found it a little easier to loose weight on it.

What always helped me to smooth out the edges (while maintaining the benefits) was to use something GABAergic with it , like magnesium or theanine.


Quite some interesting benefits of Semax!

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This field along with the L theanine helps anxiety more than the “all purpose anxiety removal” lol


How is it going? :upside_down_face:

I only tried it a couple more times. Not sure if its safe for daily use.

But the results are consistent with what I talked about. I’ll use this instead of the real supplement in the future.


Bumping this because its underrated :yum:


Phenylpiracetam lowers weight gain on a hypercaloric diet. It looks like increase in leptin/insulin sensitivity, increase in the metabolic rate via increase in dopamine and appetite suppression are the mechanisms of action here.
I also found it a little easier to lose weight and noticed a appetite suppression on it.

“Compared to the WD
control group, the fat mass decreased significantly by 45% and 69% in the WD-fed mice after 8 weeks of treatment with S- and R-phenylpiracetam, respectively (Fig. 3B).”

Phenylpiracetam has an anti-endotoxin and anti-inflammatory effects and increases dopamine via DAT inhibition!


Tried this for the 1st time today and just after 1 listen, a peppermint type of cooling sensation spread through my whole brain.


Anyone stacking this still? Before The Brain Key, other fields, other NFT’s, etc.