Servitors’ homes, all broken

When you said you had a date, I guess it threw me off.

It’s better only fields, because if you have to repair them, especially watches, it might not be a good choice.
How do you put fields on objects?

Once you put something on the Internet, it’s forever.


Imma let my dark servitor make me feel better about it :joy::joy::joy::joy:

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Only the fields that have sigils on patreon / the lucky field here.

Someone wrote somewhere they asked their dragon to embed a field into an object but I didn’t try that one.

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Do you have a link to the lucky field?

@MonkeyOwl oooh I ask my dragon to ‘play’ the fields or direct them somewhere on my body. I figured this out when I one day by mere coincidence “actively remembered” a field (idk which) and then immediately it energized my whole body as if I had just played it! I used to do it myself and then with the servitors I just do the same. Ask + consciously think.

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Check out the topic here called “The Lucky Field”, you’ll find all the info ;)


While you were doing that, I decided to have some pie. I got all the way through finishing my slice of pie before I realized I wanted to see if this new pie was any good or not…I think now I have to have another slice just to determine if I like it or not.

SUPER off-topic, I know. But, pie is important.

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Dude, pie is THE most important.

It takes 3 slices to actually decide


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Dark Servitor:

To which Desiree responds:
Joey - How you doing

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What happens in her mind:

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Excuse me guys, are you talking about the pies which are pastries :moon_cake: or is it a secret code?


I’m talking about warm apple pie, that sweet, silky, smooth, delectable, wonderful pie that makes you feel amazing.


In such context you never really know :rofl::rofl:


If secret codes were being used on this forum, would anyone likely admit to it?

Of course not :)) There was a post by Samurai in the Pietersite thread perfectly explaining it lol


Lol I was just gonna say Samurai does that all the time

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