Sexual healing

I wonder if there are “things” (beyond just objects) that you desire so very much (more than even this topic) that you’re not desperate and needy for these desires, that you don’t stop wanting and that they continue to come to you?

Before you answer, “No,” I can tell you that I don’t even know you or the particulars of your life and I can think of at least a dozen such things. So, be creative (I know you can do that) and really look around your life and you’ll notice these things, too.

And the reason why you want to notice these things is that you can then talk yourself out of your desperateness and neediness and, therefore, you won’t NEED to chase or give up on your desires. You can just have your desires and move towards them (or let them come to you, as these desires have been) in a much more comfortable and easy fashion for you.

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As with most problems in life, they are the SYMPTOM of Lack of Self-Love.

Your perception on the whole topic will change automatically once you work on your self-worth and self-love.

Listen to all the self-love, self-worth and trauma healing fields that you can find here on the forum.

With more self-love a lot of things will change:

  • how you view sex
  • how you view your worth as a male
  • how you view the worth of women
  • how you value your sexual energy
  • how you value your physical body and take care about it
  • your sexual habits
  • your sexual preferences/fetishes
  • your subconscious relationship to the opposite gender
  • the partners you allow in your life
  • your performance in bed and manifestation of possible solutions for problems
  • how you treat potential partners and allow yourself to be treated
  • your level of confidence in social life and and in bed
  • letting go of limiting beliefs about dating and partnerships that you picked up from society, YouTube, porn, internet movements and philosophies, reddit, dating coaches and other sources of which 99% have no clue, spread misinformation and operate from mindsets of lack, trauma and cope (!)
  • what you focus your energy and attention onto (!)
  • and much more

…all of these will express themselves the more healthy the more you love yourself.

PS: also check out this post (applies to all topics in life, not just money):


Holy shit, this is the wisest thing I’ve read this year I think. Hats off for to you for that one, I could not agree more.

Not too nice of a comparison.


Oh yeah such a reasonable justification
Let’s all say whatever and then just add “I kid” at the end to defend it

Was that all that happened in that post? Might there have been a bigger context happening in that post beyond what you’ve noticed so far?


This ends here. I wasn’t speaking to any of you.
I was speaking to Sammy alone.


I was making a sarcastic joke in regards to this statement of his. Wearing a shirt like that obviously wouldn’t get any women to flock to him. And I mention this and even go into healthier mindsets to adopt instead.

I will agree that it is a crass joke and rather vulgar. Looking back at it now, I can see why it might be offputting.

But I do think context matters here as I’m not saying anything crazy. I think reading the whole post rather than focusing in on that one thing would make that very clear.


you have made a post in a public thread, so you should expect a reply from every forum member.
for a private conversation, you should message the recipient directly


I thought it was a funny joke🤷‍♂️

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Don’t tell me what should I expect.

Even the fact that you speak about this in the context of self-confidence doesn’t change the fact that you are comparing women and animals.
But I’ve heard you out.

Subject closed.

Muting the thread.

:coffee: :rofl:

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Hmm, seems you are still misinterpreting what I said. Flock to you like seagulls is a popular term that applies to both men and women. It’s commonly used to say someone is attractive and even women are sometimes told they have men flocking to them like seagulls.

But all right. Take it how you will. Peace.


You could have said a very common metaphor, “like moths to flame”

People are so sensitive these days! Smh


to much test in this thread :joy: :slight_smile:

:rofl: :joy: :sweat_smile:
thanks for the afternoon laugh
great content

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All jokes aside,
the ironic thing about this is:

“…this is the issue of my own beliefs…”
And here we see a prime example of not yet having changed this belief by taking a single sentence out of context from a long paragraph of text and filtering it through this exact lense of belief that you actually wished to change a couple days ago.

Whereas if you knew Sammy as a person even in the slightest, the thought that he would disrespect anyone here is so foreign, it is probably non-existent even.

Thats why beliefs → attitude → actions


Bumping this thread since we have had a lot of new fields come out. I feel like a lot of people searching for such answers (myself included) would appreciate the amazing advice here. Just want to add that whilst everyone has focused on the mindsets, beliefs, self love, spiritual and mental advice. Maybe some advice that can actually help with the physical (for example - the new reproductive patreon field for both men and woemn) would also be an area that could be beneficial to discuss.

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