Shadow and smoky figures what are they?

in the past 2 weeks.
i only started creating servitors recently, i only have the dragon and i created the energetic support one on saturday as my book just arrived :)
I havent created the fae one, not the light / dark, im still working on communication with these two, so… step by step :)

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Chiming in to let know I have been seeing lots and lots of flashes recently, right in the very corner of my right eye. Had smelled a few unpleasant smells on and off (sister couldn’t notice them) and that I have also been seeing ‘shadow/y’ figures. Today I saw one at the exact spot where the end of the pillow meets the bed. And where I also had my Dragon. I saw it on the sheets/matress like it was drawn on it?? I didn’t think it was anything but that’s probably because I’m used to seeing them back in my hometown house. Now that I think about it, these dudes have some serious creepy eyebrows and eyes look🙄


I got some good news… and some bad news.

The good news is: Some of you are/have developed your third eye enough to see “the shadows”

The bad news: The “shadows” are just the literal shadows cast by your servitors, and not the more exciting thing I was hoping it was (not gonna tell :zipper_mouth_face:)

When servitors first came up, many people reported seeing the same things on the old dreammagick forums.


How big are these orbs you talk about? I’ve seen like 2 or 3 in the past but not that big at all


Did you swear an oath or something?

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But that explains the shadows. What about the sudden breaking?


No. Just waiting for certain people (you, in particular) to get their “stuff” together before talking about such things publicly.
Being “edgy” is stunting your growth …big time.
Use that persona for outside world…not here where stuff actually matters…

(remember, you decided to respond to this exact post for some reason)

Until then, … :speak_no_evil:

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Seeing shadows but still no servitors

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Yeah cuz I have experience with them.

And by experience I mean they scared the fk out of me as a kid, ALOT.

Would be nice to know what they are.

But I got it. Be serious.

Yes sir!

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Different things entirely.

Nearly everything appears as either shadow or orb that we see from the astral or time/space.


That’s what I was wondering, were these fear beings or something else, which is why I asked both what happens if you send them love and also what you thought OM.


Developed or awakened? There is some difference :wink:

Apropos of this, the concepts in this paper @_OM posted might be of interest to those who have not read it.

Here is one page from the paper.


:pray: :wink:


Second biggest gift that I perso got from @_OM: this site. Even the name of the site rocks: conscious hugs (if I understand it correctly). Instead of random tentacular hugs (those that I complain of…).
Whatever. :pray:t2:


Um, I’m sorry, what now? You getting random hugs from an octopus or something? If so, I guess I could see why you’d be complaining…


I have much respect for the animal octopus. I was referring to some “energetic” tentacles :))


Well, that’s much more understandable, but less fun than the mental picture I had of your social awkward octopus friend.



Turns out, awkward octopus is a thing. Who knew?

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