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Click and ill take you to the patreon post of that link with the explanation of the audio


Having BoL and Acu-accumaton in every stack has accelerated the results im working on, but right now i want to share about my hair.

Its crazy the amount of new hairs im getting every day i have to find new ways to hold them down haha

Also its getting thicker and shiner and its falling way less

Im also playing at some point of the day in the skin stack microcurrent and carboxyteraphy along the others but those two stimulate the scalp as well



something grand happened here 5days ago :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
tenor (23)

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My father had the abudance dogtag. We had a fight one year ago and we didn’t talk since then, we are on good terms since yesterday and asked to give me from the abudance tag a testimonial.This tag saved his company several times in the quarantine time. Gave me a lot of crazy stories how magicaly his company was saved. I think it was about 4 times if I remember correctly (or maybe 5 times).He is wearing it for 1.5 years.


life has been great and i’ve been feeling like i’m ‘lacking’ something in my life. something in my future felt like it was calling for me, but i couldn’t figure out what it was. i have been exploring many opportunities from financial, to social, to personal, and i still felt like i was searching.

i woke up pretty early this morning and while my dog and i were out in the backyard i decided to go back to bed a little longer.

i’m glad i did as i couldn’t think of anything but going back to sleep.

i figured i would listen to my playlist for a clearer mind which are the following:

  • armor of light and glory
  • the unbreakable
  • shamanic medicine blend
  • my personal and emotional supporter
  • emotional mastering protocol

while resting, my mind showed me instances of past experiences that i kept encountering. i then heard my voice when i was a child say, “you can’t hurt me!” and realized more of myself.

after that i had a restful nap and woke up knowing what i wanted to bring in to my life. i felt like a part of my past was resolved and the future that was calling for me showed itself.



Measured height last month it was 6’0.5 (Without Shoes)
Now I measured today it was 6’2 1/4 also without shoes
Parents are both under 5’6 and older brother is only 5’7 , all relatives are short also
Playlist: Height booster 4x







Pure Magnetic Coherence, Hands down my favorite field of all time. No one bothers me anymore, I have been very mentally stable and other’s people negative emotions haven’t bothered me. I also feel very very attractive, I don’t care about how I look or anything, My lack feeling has been gone within a few hours of soul restoration and become whole.


You my friend are in bliss :milky_way::relieved:


I was feeling spicy that day, lol.

So many times when I read a post I talk out loud to it in response (I’m not the only one, am I ?!) But I keep it to myself since it sometimes doesn’t add anything useful to the topic. However that day I decided …what the heck…I’m posting off the cuff, like many people do here. Then seeing peoples reaction…lol. So…shocked!

So I posted what I thought and said out loud with a laugh…and didnt delete like many people do. In real life I’m quite an “earthy” person. My family is/was used to it (except my father) and it makes them laugh. And sometimes I say it TO make them laugh, and lighten the mood. And I also know I didn’t have to explain anything to the forum, but I did anyway, because I wanted to.

And THIS post adds absolutely NOTHING useful/helpful to the forum, lol.

And I also just found out I replied to the wrong post…Oh my!
This is in regards to the “HUGE balls” post BTW

Josh-congrats on the dramatic height increase.


Hahaha i love you :heart::two_hearts:


Well us “spicy” chicks have to stick together, lol.




Spanky! <1rst pic


be you
adds flavor to the threads


Hahahahahaha nicely said zuzu I loved it but I reread the balls post 4 times to see if I made a mistake :cherries:


:sparkling_heart: :heart:


the past few days i’ve been focusing on finances and skin.

my finance playlist:

  • abundance mindset
  • capital governance
  • million dollar empire mindset

i was meditating with this playlist before heading out and just as i was about to leave, my friend from my finance days called me and we’re meeting up soon to catch up and talk business!

i’ve been going out in the sun more and noticed my skin was peeling.

i have been using plasma protocol 3 and skin regeneration for my skin and a bit of acne that has been showing up.

i realized i have this habit of finding round-about solutions and asked myself “why don’t i just listen to Acne Treatment?”.

Acne Treatment has really helped reduce any chance of my skin having closed comedones.

today my roommate mentioned i can use their body scrub and it felt so coincidental and now my skin smells amazing and feel smooth.