Share your results!

I also noticed that I used to not like eating rice for no reason. After I am using fields, I have better digestion, and I have been enjoying eating rice because it doesn’t feel as sharp in my stomach as I thought it was. So I can say that these fields make us better understand ourselves as well :blush:.

:partying_face: :partying_face:. It’s amazing, isn’t it? Other than this, I also noticed that my eyes shine so bright. I remember when I first saw this in the mirror, I couldn’t stop looking :joy: :joy:.

I have to start writing other reviews too, but I am still a bit busy. I guess I should spam Slow Down Perception of Time so I can do more things lol

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I used my health stack from the end of January to mid-April. Then, I stopped using it after I hadn’t notice any more results, and I switched to brain stack (which also helps with my health).

My Health Stack

Forgot to mention Plasma Beach and Grounding.

I built this stack after I finally found a doctor that was helpful lol (thanks to the luck field :four_leaf_clover:). He knew I wouldn’t want to take medicines, so he just explained what my problems could be, and he suggested what food to consume. So, this stack was built based on that + my own research.

In my journal, I have a “symptoms tracker” section, so I could see how in January I had 9 to 10 daily symptoms, and in April the symptoms went down to 1 to 2.

The first health improvement I had was with the Stem Cells and Scar Tissue Removal. I wrote the review already, so I wouldn’t go into much detail. My muscle pain was gone overnight, and I could do more things easily.

I was always feeling tired, that made me want to sleep, but I couldn’t sleep. Some doctors call it as being tired but wired. After my first listen to the Cosmo-volt, I finally could sleep. I remember how good it was to sleep for 12 hours, and to wake up feeling well-rested.

The other fields I had in my health stack were used for improving my health after having too many episodes of allergic reactions and taking allergy medications for a long time. The doctor who helped me also said that my symptoms looked a lot like someone who got heavy metal poisoning, so I put the infrared field and antioxidants there. I also read the experiences of people who successfully reversed their allergy after doing heavy metal detox.

My energy level gradually improved. Before the fields, I sometimes had to close my eyes when I chewed food or else I would fall asleep in the middle of eating because I felt too tired, and my brain decided to shut me down. I spent less and less time in bed, and by April I could spend time outside for half a day already.

I used to have very slow bowel movements. It could go more than a week without bowel movements, but I did not feel constipated. And when I had it, my stomach would hurt a lot, as if there were needles inside. The IBS field helped me to have a more frequent bowel movement. I still use this field whenever I feel I need it.

I also got some results in reversing food sensitivity and allergy. In March, I could finally eat cooked tomatoes again, and I started eating bananas without getting any health symptoms in April. The process of reintroducing food was really slow. In my experience, the reversal process was much faster with the Auto-Immune Reversal for reversing food allergy.

I need to mention also Infrared and Plasma Light Drink Charger, Food Charger and Enhancer, Enhanced Cellular Nutrient Absorption which I have been using daily. They also contribute to my health improvement.


Amazing review and congratulations!!!

Consistency always pays off :muscle:t3::two_hearts:


I got results from the Endocrine System Rejuvenation

  • Balanced Blood Pressure
  • Less anxiety and more confidence
  • Faster beard/facial hair growth
  • More sense of awareness
  • Hair is thickening for sure
  • explicit but my balls are fucking huge now lmao and I don’t have the urge to fap (also have been going on a no fap streak, would love to reap the benefits and decided this field would really help)
  • More balanced blood sugar (no blood sugar spikes after eating)

I will inform you guys more as I listen to this for a longer period of time, but until then, you guys should add it too!


Gotta ask…
whats this thing about having huge balls?

From a mostly hetero females point of view…small, medium or large…doesn’t matter. Small and medium easier to fit in the mouth.
:lemon: :lemon:


:joy:, I guess self confidence?!


Hahahaha :flushed: Zuzu!

I had to go back up to confirm it was you or someone else making that comment lmao


perhaps you can also pick up juggling as a side job.



Im crying now.


Must be some astrological phenomenon happening today



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Lmao wtf😂

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Well i cant just leave zuzu hanging
@Shivy-SzN already is


Bigger balls is really key :sweat_smile: :kissing:, lmao shiiiiiid

To Capt. Nemo…:kissing_heart:


Being a dirty old lady is my side gig!


/mumbles no less than 10 inappropriate jokes under my breath/


I can almost hear those jokes circling around your head…I mean brain!




which audio is this?