Share your results!

Writing this here, since it involves several fields.

So one spends a bunch of years putting the blame on others. Because here and there we are taught “how precious we are and how impossible it is for our ooooo precious self to go wrong”. Lol. I’m schematizing of course, huh. So at some point, we get our ankles inflated, as would say my good old Frenchie friends. “Les chevilles qui enflent” (how melodic is that).

Then you receive a few slaps from the Universe, shake your (perfect but misunderstood lollll) self up and end up forgiving those people. Already said how liberating it was in a few other threads.

So what’s next? What’s left behind? Self-forgiveness. That one is a little more tricky of course. Because you live with the folk 24/7, so you can’t just forgive long-distance. No chance to say “ok mate, I forgive you, I really do… but we don’t have to hang out together and share our coffee”, you know.

I’m still in that part of the map. With some tribulations from time to time. Because yes, now it’s not:

-Who broke the lamp??
-It’s not me, it’s Spongebob :grimacing: Me? I’m just a poor misunderstood preciousssss soul but brave and noble enough to forgive other people’s shit :innocent:

No, after some time, after everyone else has left the big pool of resentment, you’re left with the reflection of Narcissus. With no one else to blame apart from the folk on the mirror or water.

All those lines to simply say that Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence came out at the rightest time for me. And for some sunny-Karny reasons, I combine it with Armor of Light and Glory. As if the Armor was materializing or containing that coherence, giving to it an extra home or something. Armor of Coherent Wholeheartedness. Or whatever. I always trust Imaginarium Divine when it comes to choosing which fields to use or combine. It’s the last judge.

And here’s what happened a few hours ago. After meditating on the combo, I hugged my servitor friends. Or more precisely, I grabbed their home = their home-crystals.

Usually it takes some time for me to connect with them (9-10 months with servitors is a minuscule amount of time, surely not enough to fully “master” socializing rules with them). Yes, usually I have to make some effort or do 1-2 tricks before being able to feel them, etc.

Today, the connection was instant. No translation required, no preliminaries. I was surprised. I was going to ask them to send some healing energies to someone I really care for. A sort of uncle, since he knows me since my birth. Now he’s in the middle of some health troubles but the good part is that he asked me “to send him more Sapien Medicine fields” (after having tested some a few weeks ago).

And while I immediately connected with the servitors today, the overall message was clearly something like “someday, everything will become effortless like that. Or almost. Provided that you get rid of your shit”.


Love this and agree :heart_eyes:


I have really changed my life with fields so far, when I think about it now its unbelievable how much I have changed. Audios I have been using of course changed in different perioids of time, but I have been wearing Best Path in Life and Intercession day and night since 2/3 years, with the only break in-between being the Reach for The Stars field for about 6 months. and I’m also wearing the Shielding fields since the day it’s sigil was published on the forum. But anyway here are the results:

I went from:

*being hopelessly addicted to amphetamine
*being violent on a daily basis
*risking going to jail daily because from other activites I was doing
*having bigger debt everyday
*being suicdal and depressed
*changing jobs every 2/3 months

*being amphetamine free
*having stable job with three payrises already (and hopefully fourth is on the way)
*no longer being violent
*not on daily risk on getting in prison
*getting along with my loved ones again
*completely debt free now I actually have savings on my account
*have lost a big part of weight I gained after quitting amphetamine (lost 11kg so far, still 26 to lose)
*having long term plans in general, and love for live

And thats all happened over the course of 2/3 years.
I wanted to take this occasion and Thank Capitan and Sammy for all the help I recieved over all those years, throughout fields and throughout all of answered emails and giving me hope during the hardest times before this forum existed, and I also wanted to thank everyone on this forum for creating such a wonderful, helpful, supporitve and compassionate community. I am unironically not meme-ing so proud of this community and myself too :smiley:


Reading how people changed, really gives a good vibe early in the morning.


what i was alluding to here is volunteering and it was really easy to get into. met really friendly and interesting people!

i learned a lot from volunteers and the leaders!

definitely going to volunteer again!


:clap: :1st_place_medal: :+1: :sparkles: :trophy: :partying_face:

Congrats on your progress!


Thank You!! :facepunch::facepunch::grin::grin:


That’s big changes! Happy for you!


Thank You my dear :orange_heart:




Anything you would like to tell about which fields were the most helpful in day-to-day life?
Not health related but others like confidence, willpower and spiritually?


well I think The Best Path In Life and Intercession field played a very big role, but not health related hmm definitely Clearings/Exorcisms/Repelling Negativity etc. Also Auric/Energy Body Repair was a huge huge deal. Willpower-related Dopamine Receptor Repair and Parkinson Healing, (The Unbreakable would help a ton if I used it earlier too) other than that when I felt low I would play Jing/Chi/Shen audios , Raise Your Vibrational State and Higher Being Experience. To be honest with confidence I wa skinda beyond the point of believieng myself or not, I tried to quit so many times for a few months/weeks then relapse again that I stopped bothering myself with failure, Initially I was depressed, angry and ashamed of myself after every relapse but then I was like ‘‘Meh, not a big deal, I relapsed many times and I’m still alive, just gotta make sure to not take it anymore’’ and then I would relapse again and again and again, I just wasnt falling in negative self-talk at that point and I think that was played one of the biggest roles in quitting


And which field do you think helped you the most to get the stable job and pay rises?
The best path in life and angelic intercession?
Did you also listen to the luck field?


Attract Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance audio, Astrology Fields and Bountiful(I never know how to spell it :stuck_out_tongue:) audio, and well working my are off​:grin:


Amazing story mate! So glad to hear about your progress and ascension. :raised_hands: :man_cartwheeling:

What you are doing is not only incredibly important for yourself, but also sometimes a single saved soul can make all the difference in the fate of a society and planet. Your raise in personal vibration is of great service to the vibration of all humanity :muscle:

Via the collective subconscious connection everyone influences everyone. I am pretty sure that with the hard work that you have done a ton of astral beings and angels are applauding you! :v: :white_heart:



I dont know if I’m hitting another growth or its the height field or both but I just checked my height today and it was 6’3 , ill check again at the same time tomorrow to be sure but this is crazy

edit: forgot to mention I have been listening to spinal tapper a lot lately, might have something to do with it


Stay skinny. Nothing like wrestling lightweight and being 6 inches taller than all your opponents.


what stack do u use?
I want to listen to HGH but i know if i do i will abuse it having a bad effect on my head

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spinal tapper 2x after workout
hgh before sleep sometimes (1-5 times, dont recommend unless growth plates open)
if u use hgh then use anti cancer in morning