Share your results!

I just turned 17 so i dont know if my growth plates are open and
why anti cancer thats sounds scarey

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Itā€™s been forever since I posted anything here, but Iā€™ve had some amazing and life-changing results which Iā€™d like to share with everyone.
Iā€™ve had an ongoing chronic lower back pain issue for the last 5 or 6 years. Itā€™s nothing that I did that caused it. I didnā€™t pick up anything super heavy or anything like that. I was just permanently in various stages of pain. When it was ā€œmanageableā€ I would struggle to put on and tie my shoes and I couldnā€™t sit for more than 5 minutes because my back would start to cramp and lock up and I would have to hobble around like a frikken 100 year old granny until I could get somewhere to lay down and straighten out my back. When it was at its worst I would quite literally not be able to get out of bed. Even crawling on all fours to get to the bathroom was absolutely excruciatingly painful. I couldnā€™t breathe, the pain was so bad.
I started noticing that my diet had an effect on how bad my symptoms were. I thought I was imagining it at first. I remember going all out and following a whole food plant based diet (while I was doing my hours to become a box instructor) and I remember my energy and endurance going through the roof. Not only that but my back pain completely disappeared. There had to be something to this.
A couple of years went by and I fell back into my old eating habits (I didnā€™t feel like cooking from scratch every time I wanted to eat, I got lazy, and itā€™s sometimes not very practical to eat that way when youā€™re out and about) and the pain slowly returned. It eventually got really really bad again where I couldnā€™t get out of bed. I remember feeling really good when eating WFPB so I decided to try that again. I was eating totally clean for almost 2 months, but the pain didnā€™t get better as fast as Iā€™d hoped. I still struggled to sit for longer than 5 minutes and couldnā€™t put on shoes. I was at my witā€™s end.
I remember reading a testimonial on here about someone who used the old cholesterol and plaque audio and mentioning how their endurance and cardiovascular health improved and something clicked. I did some research and came across an interesting study: autopsies revealed that cholesterol and plaque build-up can clog up the tiny spinal arteries and begin to starve them of blood flow and nutrients, causing nerve damage (pain) as well as disc degeneration. (If anyoneā€™s interested, hereā€™s a link to the video discussing it with links to the study in the description: Back in Circulation: Sciatica and Cholesterol - YouTube
That scared the daylights out if me. I didnā€™t want to be 38 and be bed bound. Thatā€™s no life.
I decided to go totally overboard and loop the old-school cholesterol and plaque audio (from Patreon) the whole night over sleep earphones.
Guys, the next morning I woke up my pain was down from a 10 to maybe a 3. I couldnā€™t believe it. I looped it again the next night and the next morning my pain was at a 1. Iā€™m listening every night now and itā€™s literally giving me my life back. Thereā€™s still a bit of stiffness left, but no pain anymore and I find it easier to put on my shoes. Itā€™s been about two weeks I think, so Iā€™ll definitely keep listening every night. Itā€™s such a blessing to wake up pain free :sob:
A week ago me and my husband decided to go on a mini road trip (about 5 hours drive there and back) and get this: NO PAINā€¦ This is huge. Barely a week before that it would have been absolutely unfathomable. I could barely sit for 5 minutes before the pain became too unbearable. But now I could sit in the car for FIVE FRIKKEN HOURS with no painā€¦ Iā€™m so happy and grateful.
Thank you @Dreamweaver Youā€™re giving me my life back :sob::purple_heart:


So many are suffering in this world
Some find their way out, some donā€™t
All are making their way somehow
Just to meet an unavoidable end

Congratulations @Monsqueak.
Iā€™ll always remember that unique namešŸ™‚.
Welcome back.


Thank you @_OM :blush::purple_heart:
Oops I also forgot to mention that Iā€™ve had some great unexpected results with the Virus disruptor 2.0 as well: I wasnā€™t feeling well and I had a stuffy snotty nose and a concerning tightness in my chest. I looped the virus audio a few times and I started feeling better. Coincidentally I noticed the next day that a small flat wart (not too much of an eyesore, but still annoying) that I had on my forehead for years has completely flattened and dried upā€¦ I was very shocked and pleasantly surprised. Did some research afterwards and whatdayaknow, warts are caused by a virus


I found a combo kill my social anxiety now. It is amygdala combined with Thor and confidence mandala. I used Knight before and that help too.
I can named this combo ā€œfearlessā€ for me. I feel like dominance and easy to talk with any person iā€™ve met. Still some overthinking but i feel like i can do anything and im just waiting the right time to act. I look straight into people eyes and talk loud, clear like a commander. A bit aggresive in control. I also block all social media and start to notice many things waste my times. I dont even want to watch movie or reading news cuz i know i need to do things.
Im so happy to see this combo work because i always try to find my ā€œaction aspectā€ inside of me and this combo do exactly that.
I will report many other aspect in my life change with fields later on cuz im waiting clear result (self love, forgiveness, trauma, finance etc).

I also try nofap and after relapse still feel the same, so this is not placebo or from nofap etc. Fields work.


For the past 3 days, I have been listening to audios for developing psychic abilities. But hereā€™s the thing: I havenā€™t been able to take a shower in that time either! I was just really busy with things. But today, I finally found an opportunity for it.
Over this summer, I have been taking cold showers almost every time, for all the physical/spiritual benefits I read about. Well, after I finished, I feltā€¦energized. Like, I usually do after cold showers, but this was something else. I literally felt an increase in energy sensitivity, which likely was from the psychic audios I used. But the reason I hadnā€™t felt this until now was probably likely because i had to first wash away all the ā€œgunkā€ blocking those senses in the shower. I think the culprit for this energy sensitivity is likely either the IPF audio, or SZā€™s astral senses unblocking audio.

Anyways, I was slightly overwhelmed by the light tingling/buzzing I felt around my body, so I decided to play the grounding field. I instantly felt relief, as the energy I was feeling seemed to travel down my legs and exit from the soles of my feet. I was essentially discharging the energy, or in scientific terms, grounding it :stuck_out_tongue:

Today is also the first day I have work since I started using these audios, so I should definitely wear the empathic shielding sigil tonight!


A post was merged into an existing topic: Discussion for other similar Channels on YouTube

Anything related to other channels/creators should go here:

Discussion for other similar Channels on YouTube

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I think that was just your body telling you

" i need daily showers yooo, specially now in this hot weather "

Nothing else lol


Probably lol


Try PTSD :exploding_head: :woozy_face:- Outlook Retrainer :relieved: :grin:, Rewire your SNC :round_pushpin: :brain: to react from your will :white_check_mark: and not your animal instincts preprogrammed :x:, pretty good combo my bro :handshake:

acting from your own programs and not the virus installed on your Operative System a nice analogy i readed from a great man :mage:


I have some results Iā€™d like to share too :white_heart:

The easiest and most obvious result comes from listening to the Lymphatic field. For much of my life my underarm lymph nodes would be swollen, then they go away, then come back. Even putting my arm down would be so painful. The last few months have been particularly bad and I finally had the great idea to try a field on them. 3 days of listening only 2 or 3 times a day and they completely disappeared! WOW!!

I know the pandemic has turned a lot of peopleā€™s lives upside down, and because of it, I had to find a new job. So in June and July I listened to the mindset album and all the gratitude and abundance fields non-stop. I got hired for a job in my favorite country (yay) but each week there was a new huge obstacle to overcome.

For example, the school said I cannot come without a vaccination. Wellllll Iā€™m currently in a country that has very limited access to vaccines and they are especially not giving them to foreigners. I walked into the hospital to get an appointment and they said no, sorry only foreigners who are over 60 can get a vaccination. So I politely told them I know lots of young foreigners who have gotten it? Can you please tell me how they got it? (this was not trueā€¦but I wasnā€™t going to give up and had to try something!). One lady just kept saying no, sorry, I cannot help you. BUT the lady next to her had a twinkle in her eye and motioned for me to follow her. She pulled up the registration on her computer and signed me up. I told all my friends what happened and so many went and tried the same thing but none of them got an appointment.

I had to get an FBI background check, which is normally super easy in the US, but from abroad in a short time frame much more difficult. Everyone kept saying itā€™s not going to happen, give up, blah blah blah. But I knew I had to try everything. The police station did my fingerprints for me, but then I had to find a mail service that was open (weā€™re in lockdown) and the taxi driver kept taking me to places that were closed, but finally I found one DHL open! They said because of Covid express mail isnā€™t 2-3 days itā€™s 5-7. But I said okay, letā€™s do it. GUESS WHAT! It got there in 3 days!!!

Then the FBI website said 5-7 days for processingā€¦ but you guessed it! It only took 2 days!! Then I had to get an apostille but learned it is impossible in a foreign country because itā€™s impossible to prove whether the document is indeed a true document. I talked to my embassy and to numerous lawyers who all said the same thing. I cried a lot that day because I had already been sent away twice from the Turkish embassy for not having the correct paperwork.

BUT the next morning the embassy called me twice. CALLED ME, like on the phone, and emailed me and said come in today at 10am. But when I got there the lady said Iā€™ve already told you we cannot do thatā€¦ but I said someone called me twice, so someone must think you can do somethingā€¦ She left and came back and said we can stamp your signed affidavit but that is it. I said okay!

I paid, and the guy helping me said, donā€™t be disappointed when this doesnā€™t work. The only way to get his document apostilled is in your home country. I was holding back tears but one escaped and he said Iā€™m going to do something we arenā€™t supposed to do and he attached my FBI background check to the affidavit and said maybe if they are connected it will look more real. He was also shocked that I managed to get both vaccinations.

I went back to the Turkish embassy for the 3rd time and they accepted my paperwork!!! While I waiting to see if they were going to accept it, 3 white butterflies were fluttering by the window, so I already knew the answer. Now Iā€™m just waiting for my work permit.

These are just a few things that were supposed to be ā€˜impossibleā€™ but this message is waaaaayyy to long so Iā€™ll stop here. I just know these things were made possible because of the mindset album, gratitude, and abundance fields combined with reiki, meditation, visualization, and affirmations :) Thanks so much Sapien!


What a great, uplifting story!! :heart_eyes: So happy for you!! Best of luck for your new job and in the new country! :four_leaf_clover: :blush: Also thank you for the testimonials and reminder to listen to these awesome fields again :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi guys,
Iā€™m not sure if itā€™s from BoL, VoC or this insanely beautiful piano song in nier automata (Copied City), but i seemed to have used my luck stat to unlock a very useful ā€œitemā€:

Iā€™ve no clue how, but i just realized i can look into my past at all the people whom i have conceived of wronging me in whatever way doesnā€™t matter, i seem to be able to seemlessly acknowledge their strong points now (which is probably the ultimate forgiveness?). Ok itā€™s like this, i think of person x or y, and once my brain notices Iā€™m thinking about x or y, it lists me x and yā€™s strong points. Itā€™s freaking amazing! (because i had never intended to wrong them in the first place(maybe thatā€™s the reason they wronged me?)).

I thought i better write this down today before i forget the words by tomorrow

I hope it makes sense

Namaste :clinking_glasses:


I guess i drop this here since it involves more than one field.

For 3 days i only listened:

Throughout the day and night.

The Tower of Power + Minor Blue Print

Just a couple of times on the 2nd and 3rd day in the morning and night : the Outlook retrainer.

About the OR ive already talked about under its own thread.

But i want to talk about ToP + MBP

Ive never felt more grounded or present, just Me being here and Now. At all times, while at the same time feeling ā€œanchoredā€ from my Lower Dantian

In case some dont know:

ā€œThe lower Dantian is the source of Qi, which is to be gathered and augmented there by means of the refinement of Jing. The lower Dantian is also the physiological centre of balance and gravity. Biomechanically as well as bioenergetically, the lower Dantian provides the foundation for rooted standing, breathing and body awareness in Qigong and Chinese martial arts. Situated in the stomach area between the Sea of Qi (Qihai) and the Life Gate (Mingmen), it is the centre of instinct and intuitionā€ from

All the way up to ā€œthe sourceā€

Which is exactly what i wanted to test when i decided to only play those 2 for 3 days.

I wanted to be fully connected to above and to below while Me being the center.

I am always super grounded (due to tending to be up there lol i make sure i keep grounding myself) resulting in being too grounded at times, so then i disconnect and meditate a lot, but then i quickly go back to being zoomed out.

Only when i keep the awareness connected to my higher self i can feel present but linked to my source.

However this felt like a whole other level and automated full complete connection. Above, Below, Around, within. Best part? Not just feeling connected but constantly fed, nurture, and could totally feel regeneration at a very deep cellular level.

The automated Microcosmic Orbit was incredible, never have i felt this growing as the hours pass instead of fading away. Just because of this, this field is worth all the way.

But one thing i specially loved was the protection from the ToP!!

Btw these 2 fields combined felt fun and nice but the mix didnt feel like it created something new or extra by being together in a stack no.

They just each did their own job and you can tell the difference pretty clear.

So back to the protection from ToPā€¦

This might be personal as this field really targets what you need while it grows to understand more of you. But for me, it kept swerving Me avoiding situations and or people that are not beneficial to me and in a very straightforward clear way. You just cant miss how it works. Very very strong pull ā€œawayā€ from those situations.

Like when we were kids and our Mom would grab our arm and pull us fast away from some kind of danger.

Not necessary to get into details but i legit dodged more than one bullet thanks to this, i just know it was this.


Thats it for now amigos! :heart:


How many times can I listen to it in a day?


2-3 listens is typically enough for the chakra audios. :slight_smile: