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I had lump like thing, some kind of difficult feeling to gulp throughout from last 3-4days, I believe that could be because of eating something odd combo and had reflux maybe. Not a comfortable feeling even to drink, eat or breathe properly.

I tried stomach, iron gullet , dna, auto immune but didn’t see any improvement.

But y’day night intuitively felt to try throat chakra one and played 4 times straight. Morning the lump feeling is gone and able to breathe and swallow freely.

Somehow even while listening I was thinking about posting a review about this once I wake up, had a strong feeling that this will heal me by morning. :blush: Ofcourse, it did completely heal.

Thanks to captain for these wonderful creations👏

I still play one or another chakra audio daily even though I have the tag. I love the chakra ones somehow…


I love them big time too no matter what comes new lol


I strongly recommend them, I think they create a strong foundation for every other field. This is kind of long term investment for our energy body :grinning:


Totally agree about the chakra ones, I think they were my first audio purchases. Even their music, just even that worths it.

Glad you’re feeling better @Lucky :)

Sometimes a pain without any big importance pops up and reminds us of how health is important. That’s what happened to me this last week with a tooth/gum ache. I’m not saying that those are necessarily unimportant, they can be the messengers of really serious issues and that’s why I’ll also visit the dentist soon. But here’s how it went:

I suddenly got this acute pain out of nowhere. I even tried to remember if it was before or after I took the first shot of the vaccine… because well lol :)) But no, it was before.

Plasma Teeth and Gum (always in my night stack) couldn’t do the trick this time. It just brought a temporary relief. Then, also because of the vaccine crap, I started blasting 283489827 different fields also after the shot.

Not the most intelligent thing to do by the way, unless one is constantly solidifying their handling capacities with Star Exercise and such practices.

So everything was played from DNA Repair to Bacteria Destroyer, transiting from Advanced Healing (both versions), CBD Delta, Ivermectin, and many others. I even played Vibrational fields to transcend the pain lol because indeed, it mostly prevented me from sleeping. I even took 1-2 painkillers. Nada.

Then, while browsing the forum, I’ve run into some advice regarding Induced Hepatocyte Growth Factor and read a few other external stuff about the implications on bucco-dental health. I used the field a few times last night. Now I think the issue is finally ok. 90% of the pain seems gone. I’ll still check with the dentist but anyway, one great field that I was ignoring so far.


On hair loss and the lymphatic system:


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Social Room - Bring Some Margaritas Here!

21 days of constant using this subconscious limit removal.

The depression extremely hard to get into my mind. I just don’t understand it either. It’s weird to put that in words but it’s like the part of my brain feels like when there is negative self belief or anything that is negative and not good for my mind. It cast away in slowly but in constant manner. When I describe how it feel is that imagine if you making a mess. In a room that is full of dust but you have that roomba bot that automatically suck that dust whenever it sense the dust. This feels like it but in my mind. It suck that negativity away. Slowly but surely it will be cleaned.

Usually when I listen to sad song for example. I’m so easily fall to the rhythm and then crying with it. But now it’s hard to do it… Idk why. I really have to actually force it now to make tears out of my eyes.

It’s just weird that this is subconscious limit field can do such things with people like me. In a good way.

And how much deep rooted self limiting beliefs that has been rooted in me for so long. Is now begin to fall from me.


Acute dental and gummy problems - part 4 or 5 (all threads reunited)

I finally arranged an appointment with my dentist for Tuesday because the issue seems to go beyond a simple overdose of dried figs. I have this mobile pain, constantly changing its location. No big deal, nothing to complain but it’s just disturbing sometimes because feels like electro-shocks to my brain area. We’ll see what the expert will say.

I kept using those mentioned before (Induced Hepatocyte, Bacteria Destroyer, Ivermectin, Advanced Healing, etc.) + Teeth/Gum fields of course. I already said that Hepatocyte has been a game changer… but not for too long.

Today I played my regular dose of AMPK Energy Enzyme. What I mean by regular dose is the way I proceed with the whole Longevity Series (AMPK belongs to this collection as well, even though it’s not specified in the title): before getting the Plasma Protocol, I was using twice each in a row, once a week (translate: 2 times/week). After the Protocol, I hesitated to keep them for a while, thinking that I wouldn’t “need” them anymore… but then decided to keep them anyway with a less frequent usage (every 2 or 3 weeks, depends). Indeed, the boost given by this Series is still extremely noticeable. Not a surprise that some of them are incorporated in the Ambrosia field.

So anyway, I played AMPK 3 times today (and will probably go for a 4th round now), without thinking about its anti-inflammatory properties, to be honest. The electro-shock effect of the tooth/gum pain is still present, I’m not gonna lie. However, the super-charged effect that this field brings every time seems to concentrate on my mouth area right now. Redirected to where it is needed the most (quite naturally).

Plus, it’s always one of those feel-good-overall fields, so it takes one’s attention from the pain (at least from this kind of minor pain) to elsewhere.


My skin is absolutely silk baby kind and noticing a lot of the sun spots on my chest are fading away, since i am using this stack:

Plasma Glass x 1
Tonic 31 x 2
Amniotic Membrane x 2


Just that thank you KQC :yum:


I went out today. I didn’t use my fame sigil but the glory field. Still the same as when I’m wearing fame sigil. I didn’t expect to get attention at all from people but it automatically get that looks from people. Everyone seems to want to know who I am if I enter a room or even any place.

The fame and royalty aspects of the enhanced Glory is working automatically. Lol

I’m about to go out again soon and see what will happen.

Okay I just got home from mall. But unfortunately they won’t allow me because I don’t have vaccine passport. What the hell ugh.

But I got smooth trips though. I put intent for it. No traffic at all. Also because I can’t go to mall I ended up going to small market. And just bought lot of stuff with low price. I got 20% of discount. Which is fair enough. After all I’m satisfied.


Am up and down a little but I have some rough astrological transits too, I have been listening to soul restoration core and negentropic and am generally sticking with 3 each day of listening but have varied it some days

But it obviously uses energy for the field to work , definitely felt the benefit of the jing and soul restoration one, though today feel peaceful but almost vacant

Maybe am in the objective state

I also wonder if I am feeling the feelings of those my energy is disconnecting from a little as I play the soul restoration one. After about 5 weeks of these two and occasional etheric cord cutter and deep energy body clean, I just added the heart centre dan tien soul core centre, last week. Interested in how others have got in with The two soul cores and the jing one

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repost ing here. Some ppl think its not possible for these fields to create “miracles”


You know I didn’t really expect that much enhanced glory will grow this strong in just weeks of using but I swear. The fame aspect of this. Is extremely making people wondering about me. And what really bizarre every time I’m in contact with people. They got very confused.

What I mean confused is that when someone seeing a respected person in the class for example. Or in the world. They will act different toward you with an expectation of them being “helped” So they trying to impress you with anything they can offer.

This is my best explanation.

I think I will assume this from the royalty aspect of enhanced glory. It’s very strong that everyone that sense my presence they will turn their heads and just look at me. Very strong field.

I can’t go out without being stared too much now. I like it so far.

Speaking of experience. I also look and feel different. I feel like my aura itself radiating very strong energy of glorious vibe. Very interesting indeed. I never thought that I would actually feel it by myself you know. Even with charisma and glamour I barely feel a thing. Or fame sigil. I still feel like myself. But only people can see it.

This enhanced glory just works different. Both you and people around you will feel the energy.

Best recommendation for enhanced glory.

If you want to be an artist/well known.

This tag is a must!


9 posts were split to a new topic: Advice about feeling drained after fields

Blueprint + Plasma Protocol 2 Last night, my gastrointestinal tract has been exercising, my digestive function is improving, and my detoxification is strong.

Maybe I also added myth

Plasma protocol + myth is my best choice😊

The more contact with the dream field also makes me grow more

The more intuitive it is, the more concise and clearer it is


Ohhh nice!


@Lanos perhaps you’d appreciate this :blush:


your grandma is so sweet!! i love her!


She is!! Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Feeling betterness in my throat while listening the lower blood sugar sensitivity audio.