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Speaking of abundance…

A while ago i decided to put more focus on my abundance tag, wearing it pretty much all the time. I needed money and an opportunity popped up.

Ok cool enough i thought.

Now a couple days ago, i decided to design a nightly abundance stack. Another project popped up, with more pay and less work!! Curiously enough I’m able to focus on the work longer and better without feeling tired.

And then today out of the blue an old crypto buddy calls me (after months) and insists on sharing an investment idea which i must jump on, all profits shared.


I will try to supercharge this flow of abundance even more.


Whats your stack?

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I basically just go into my folder and pick any combination of the abundance fields, so some days i might include some that i won’t on other days. Out of this crystalizes itself a kind of core stack. At the core tends to be:
Capital governance
Abundance mind setting
Millionaire mind setting

All the others are
Attract wealth
Magical abundance
Powerful luck
Probability and luck
Bountiful harvest album
Jade maneki neko

Recently I like adding the unbreakable too. I think those are all.


I’ve been listening to Amniotic Healing Pod, Skin Regeneration, Plasma Glass Skin, Skin Scarring Repair, and Glutathione for three days – I listened a lot, but I stopped listening since it was draining me and I got really tired from it.

It’s been like three days, or even four days or so and I’m still noticing results from these fields.

Is this possible?


Too many fields at once can lead to decreased results as you have less energy to do the work they ask you to do. Remember that when you listen to a field the energy is from your body as your body is ultimately changing itself as a result.


Yes! Once the regeneration mechanisms are activated in your body it keeps on naturally happening and ‘lets you see results.’ It’s like your body is now more alert to the healing these tissues need as it adds to its ‘priorities list’

And then you have the fields themselves inducing specific mechanisms that induce a faster die off of the dead cells/scar tissue (apoptosis)

Pretty interesting stuff :)


@benspq, yes I agree to an extent the Physical fields have to be limited because it requires a lot of the body.

What I observed with most of the energy-related Alchemy fields exchange more energy than what they require.

@Desiree, yes! I have noticed this and it is magnificent, I’ve been recovering from the physical healing… in fact, I’ve been recovering from energy drainage for a long-time now and once that is resolved I will compile a powerful stack to completely renew my body on all levels.

My skin gets better every day, it looks so silky and shiny now and I’ve only used those fields for a week.

Great stuff!


Hello and good evening my friends,
I would love to hear some experiences from owners of the social mastery tag.
I am thinking about buying it to make social interactions more easy and rewarding for me and the people around me.

Best regards and a lot of love,

P.S. Please tag me on reply so I get email notifications.


following the instructions of up to 3 listens daily and starting to listen every other week.

my face has been looking and feeling cleaner and smoother. this helps reduce acne and skin irritation.


Quick abundance update:

-completed a project in ~a sixth of the estimated time
-bought a new phone on a day in which there was a 12% discount (the discount was only on that day, as i had checked the day prior and the following day out of curiosity) (and this was after my first choice wasn’t available)
-received more unexpected money
-connected with an old friend i hadn’t seen in like more than 10 years I’m guessing (perhaps due to the unbreakable)
-perhaps silly but…i went with my nephew from house to house to sing songs for st martin’s day (it’s a sort of tradition here) and i got loads of candy from the people lol, almost all of which i transferred back to my nephew later

Good stuff!


@Leumasamuel hey man! If you are eyeing this pendant there is no reason to hesitate! ;) get this one if you feel like you want the extra boost or just want to enjoy more conversations around with people… or if you feel like you wanna be secure in having conversations while still enjoying your personal space. Another member mentioned this last part where when they forced themselves to go all out it didn’t have the most pleasant effects but when they upped their own comfort feelings about socializing this is when they started seeing results. It’s a great pendant imo and works pretty well in putting yourself out there while being relaxed around people (and it’s a main promoter field in the pendant itself)

My advice would just be… if you have any brain chemical imbalances just add more mindfulness and grounding/autism or plasma brain of youth until you adjust to the first period of having it.

Also Captain has mentioned that it works in a permanent way, it is designed to work in a way where you attain those benefits even if you are not wearing it.

I have experienced this myself and sometimes it’d work even better because I’d be creating the space for the field information to sink in on this break.

Absolutely an invaluable gift from Captain!


The anti-aging field might have a property that gives you a youthful aura or something more than just the physical, de-aging effects. :face_with_monocle: Wow. Definitely would think the vibrations would have an impact just not sure what exactly


The far infrared light therapy field on Patreon helps me deal with painful side effects the most after the :syringe:

So that speaks for itself. I’m guessing it can help with many other things too.


Did you actually listen to the lip plumper all the time ? I stick to 2 times a day and my lips plumper up but only for a period of time but I thought that listening to more than 2 times can only make it bad :thinking: I guess I’ll have to try to listen to it more !

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My god i feel so good… Like I’m on the edge of a never ending energetic orgasm

I’ve been listening to major blue print a lot for a few months now and ive been listening to exalted state for maybe over a month now

I also have been doing the star exercise for a full month now, only like 2 or 3 days I’ve done it once a day and other days any where from 2-4 times, i decided for the first month to do it along side major blue print for the majority of the exercises (now I’ll do it while listening to Agartha for the next month) and i regularly ask Viracocha to help me learn to do the star exercise and to help me assimilate universal life energy along with my fields while i do the star exercise, also sometimes i ask him to help me become a better person while doing it too. I ask Black Tara to remove/transmute all the negativity from the depths of my soul while i do it as well. I’ve also been practicing semen retention for like 2 weeks now and plan on going for the long run

I regularly buzz with energy but today i was like wow…

I found out positive power waves + exalted state + major blue print (and attract wealth maybe? lol…) Is causing this amazing feeling… So grateful to feel this damn good, you guys should really try out positive power waves with the two if you have them… i highly recommend it!

I have so much energy even though my sleep has been highly erratic this past week, yesterday i slept 5 hours after being up for 24, though i was trying to sleep only for 2 so i can get up earlier to do Uber eats, and the day before i slept like 5 as well after being up 35ish hours as well, i forget the days before

I love this feeling, i love Viracocha, i love Major Blueprint, i love Exalted, i love everything dream has blessed us all with, and I love you @Captain_Nemo . Thank you man, you changed my life for real, i would’ve been such a different person if it weren’t for you bro… thank you

You my homie for life man.

Edit: oh and i love black Tara too!! haha idk why i forgot to mention her

Edit 2; ohh and the declaration!!! I love her too! I was kind of in a rush writing this yesterday lol


Hi , can you provide link to Major Blue print audio ? I can’t find it … thanks.

I couldn’t find a topic for the timelessness audio, so I’m sharing my testimonial here.

I have been listening to Timelessness for a few days now, and I believe it caused me to have a weird experience this morning.

I woke up this morning, and at once felt and knew that it was 5 AM, the time I am supposed to be up to get ready for school. I was utterly convinced of it. I also felt well-rested like I had a good night’s sleep. I believe I even checked my phone and the time read 5 AM, though I can’t remember fully. So I did my routine, got dressed and headed downstairs. I looked at the clocks downstairs, and they all read “2 AM”.


I been using voice of charisma since yesterday.

Yesterday I went to discord voice chat. And talking with random people. Both of gentlemen compliment my voice XD I never had that kind of compliment before. Some of them saying that my voice is so smooth. Like when a person speaking in radio station and I was so flattered and so :flushed:. Then the other guy told me ( your voice is so nice) :joy:

After I finished. I went to my group chat and my friend kamila said your singing is very beautiful.

It’s just so amazing lol and I’m enjoying it


I fell asleep to a looping playlist of the 11th power, Ojas, several Jing fields and a few others to be ultra energetic.

I woke up at 3am, wide awake, unable to fall asleep again. I think it was past 6am when I finally slept again. Good thing though, I did some nightly wim Hof breathing and it felt gorgeous


How do you get results from morphic fields , i been listening for 4.5 months , i got nothing .

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