Share your results!

I didn’t know under which specific field to put this in, so just sharing some general results. The other day I shared some family photos with a friend. The last time I saw them in person was five years ago. They said to me, at my current photos: “You look like you’re aging backwards!”

I said it was probably just the angle or lighting, but in my mind I knew the secret was Dream’s fields.:sunglasses: Plasma Bae has done it again.

I mentioned in another thread that I gifted the Abundance Tag to someone. Yesterday they won a small amount in the lottery! I know we had a discussion on this before, about how to get the winning numbers. In their case, they’ve just always been betting on the same set of numbers (family birthdays, home address numbers, license plates, stuff like that) ever since. Seems like Lady Fortuna drew their numbers this time. Also: had they bet on their dad’s cellphone number, they would have won a bigger prize. :sweat_smile:

But still, the little win remains, and it will be going straight into the birthday boy’s college fund savings account. He will be turning 2 years old this week.:blush:


that is so awesome for both your youthifying and your friend’s abundance experience!

i’m sure your friend is going to get more and more abundant. that’s just the beginning!

plasma bae so good to us.



Did you mean The Plasma Light?

What is the topic where we discuss how to get the winning numbers?

No, I meant Dream himself. It’s not a typo of Plasma Beach. @anon46520955 mentioned a couple of times that he now spices up everything with Plasma, so he’s like Salt Bae. link1 link2

On your second question, there were several threads. Try to search using keywords “lottery”, “gambling” or Luck.

Good luck!


So Drawn Abundance tag, does it also bind to the numbers you have chosen?

How would I know. :grin:

I seem to have read it from your feedback

My feedback is just one experience. It’s just for sharing, not meant to be a How To Guide, so it’s not going to be able to confirm your question. The details you ask can only be answered by the creator of the field, or someone who has more knowledge in how abundance or luck “works”, and that person is not me.

If I had said “the person wore dark green underwear that day and while he was writing the numbers he balanced on his right foot and held his breath until the last stroke, and used a special pen that had ink he created himself from walnuts from a tree planted by his great-grandmother on the first dark moon of her menarche”…

I think people will be asking “What brand was the underwear. Can it be spring green or does it have to be more like emerald? What if I have to breathe before I finish writing? Oh no I used a ballpoint pen, here’s a photo of the paper, can someone confirm if it still works?”

So I’m not saying “guys, try what I did and I think that will increase your chances!!”

What works for one person might not work for another. In case you want to try, go ahead, but I can’t confidently say “Yes, you must use the same numbers all the time”. 🙅🏻

I’m not funning you. I really don’t know how this works, I was just sharing a story, please don’t ask me any more questions on how to win at gambling. Best of luck!


Probably, you also need to interact with Luck Alteration

Electricity and internet went out for the city tonight.

I was definitely expecting it this time around.

The break from the audios helped a lot!

The energy was just rushing into me and i was picking up a ton of cool songs with my clairaudience. These songs had the energy of epicness like during boss fights in a video game. A lot of vocals.

I realized how out of tune my clairaudience is. It was like a radio i had no control over the dial.

The epic music was still there but depending on what i haven’t released in me, it would show up like going from epic fighting music to epic horror music.

I had an insight that once the power is back to work on my base foundational chakras (root through heart) to improve my clairaudience.

Grand jealousy reflecting shield was my mvp for yesterday. I mentioned to a friend but the same ‘jealous’ visuals just won’t hit the same. Instead of uncomfortable breathlessness like being punched on the chest, it felt like a hiccup.

Definitely going to keep it in my daily listens until my inner guidance says otherwise.


Ive been playing Plasma Flower Node every day as soon as i get to work for like 1 hour or until i get busy with the phone and as everybody else has said, the vibe around feels awesome and ppl is like more open happy and sweet…

But today ive been playing that one PFNC + VoL

:flushed::heart_eyes: My God. I dont know how the sacred flower tag feels like but it could be close to what im feeling and how others are reacting.

Usually when i play VoL i feel warm around my chest and feel covered by a warm blanket towards the end and it last for a couple of hours.

today i was already listening to VoL when i thought of playing PFNC at the same time so when that one started playing i felt it hooked strongly to my heart like the energy anchored itself to my heart and then it felt like both energies were pushed outwards, my upper back got hot and it felt like the same new energy was spreading outward and around, i then felt like my Merkaba activated and a flower of life was rapidly growing and expanding, it feels incredible, ive been sitting here just feeling all this looking people around moving in their chairs like stretching and smiling while looking around as if they knew they were feeling something good all of a sudden, like waking up and engaging and enjoying. a couple of coworkers just turned and looked at me and smile at me like being thankful with my presence.

I want to cry. Literally :heart::heart::heart:

  1. My waist size became 30 from 34 in 45 days I used to loop weight loss video in loop whole night which is available on patreon.
  2. Also got result from stomach shrinking & toning field.
  3. Few year ago I had lost appetite then I used to play super metabolism field on loop & my hunger got increased.
    4)Due to excessive smoking my mouth used to stay dry then whenever I used to play old stem cell field with 528Hz my mouth used to water immediately.
  4. Once I had heavy food & I was heavily bloated then I played fat to stem cell overnight & I got relief in the morning
  5. I used to had severe back pain it was due intestine issue I guess I used to play intestine healing field & one I got relief from it.

Wow thats a lot like 10cms!! congratulations x


Hey Hi,
how many times do we need to charge the item by using this sigil?

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Just once is enough and dont boost it. They keep growing over time

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Thank you for the reply I had charged it once 2 months before however I am still feeling unconfident that is why I am thinking to repeat the process

Charging it more wont make a positive difference, instead add to your day audios to help build that confidence.

Like the millionaire mindset album
The Emperor
The Fool
The Star
Knight (teespring) $$
become whole
Confidence boost
Soul restoration core (gumroad) $$
Vibration of Creation and Vibration of love (gumroad) $$


Thanks again
I have been playing knight mindset since last month I guess because of that only I am able to keep myself away from it. It happened since then I started to play Ojas field. Fingers crossed since 5 days I have kept myself away from that addiction


Good!! Add Subconscious limit remover x 2 and ego dissolution x 2 before.


You can read more about it here

New Release - The Internal Alchemical Crucible


Thank you!
It was interesting to see faces of my co-worker when they saw me after 6 month & I was the topic of discussion for them for 2 days. They were amazed how I could get this transformation.