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it’s been two weeks since i saw my puppy as my parents were dogsitting him and then an additional week because of the weather.

i had a lot of time to work with the plasma audios, soul restoration, and i recently just got the vibration series.

when my puppy arrived, i felt like it was the first time i adopted him. even better actually as he was so much more timid in the beginning.

i felt so much more love for him and spending more time with him than i have.

we’re very intuitive with each other when i teach him tricks.

he’s also much more healthier and smiles way more.

my roomies and i are hanging out for longer periods of time and my puppy is more brave and curious to go exploring around the house and their rooms.


I was looping plasma flower on its own speaker.

I was looping soul restoration and vibration series as their playlist.

I was high in my dream and when i woke up i still feel a bit of the physical high in my head.

My dream felt so real because i was hanging out with roomies and i was thinking about needing to get groceries today in my dream and realizing i needed one of them to drive me.

Thankfully it was a dream and i can drive myself to get groceries today LOL.



I was feeling a bit gloomy. I looped it 3-5x times.
Suddenly my mood started to get neutral and then I sorta felt rejuvenated energetically.
A nice experience to say the least.


I seem to have grew a few inches. I was playing basketball with my brother in law who’s always been a few inches taller then me but yesterday I was standing right next to him and I was just above his eye level. This is surprising cause I am 23 now and I haven’t even listen to the grow taller field. The only thing I’ve listened to is plasma protocol and hgh like once a day that could possibly garner this result. I guess my growth plates were still open :sweat_smile:


I wanted to write this to an exorcism thread but I don’t think there is one.

Last night I woke up at 0400 sharp to knocks on my bedroom door.
Technically I was dreaming something and somebody came up to me and “interrupted”, they only said ‘Hey!’, they were pointing in a certain direction to direct my attention there. This also happened to be the same direction at my physical bedroom door was Vs my bed :D
This woke me up and at the very same time I woke up there were 3 knocks on my door. (No it was not a person)

Of course the first reaction is an adrenaline rush and you stay frozen, hyper alert, listening… but I remained calm and after maybe 5-10 seconds I got up, went to get some water etc…
Went to get intercession tag, and back to bed where I played exorcism rite 2x.
By the second time the hyper alertness was gone and me back to sleep, more or less.

Now… this is huge because it’s not the first time something like this happens to me (nothing serious, just messing around like this), though it’s been years. Before it’s possible that I would not have been able to fall back asleep at all, alert, listening to each little sound, possibly tense/afraid.
It used to scare me a lot and now I’m not so easy to scare which I also at least partly attribute to the fields.

So thank you Captain Nemo for everything :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Due to internal Alchemy and conceptual realization fields I had insights that my Being needed to listen underrated field “be kinder and patient person” and that was best decision I could make ever in my life, it seems it is making me like more calmer person like whatever is happening around me I am reacting less and less, so it creates inner peace I could say

So now what interested me is can this field be permanent for me and make changes even on my neural base or in brain (new neural connections) if I listen it for year or longer, and persist in it?
I am using it less than week I think, twice


Hi guys! Hope all of you are doing well and staying safe. I just have to say that this is the most underrated Sapien Medicine field I have ever listened to in my life. This audio is solely helping me with my inability to sweat and my dry itchy skin when it gets hot. This audio does wonders when other audios couldn’t really target my main problem. This audio really helps smoothen skin, and help increase sweat (my main problem was that I have anhidrosis and I can’t sweat), this is really really really helping.


Really is the most underrated field of all time in my opinion this is the link btw if anyone wants!

Happy that you found what you wanted!


Thank you man, I am extremely humbled, I have been asking god for a long time to help me start sweating (it sounds weird as to how someone can’t sweat, but trust me, it feels like hell, skin gets extremely itchy, you get severe cramps, dry skin/mouth, etc.). I thought this was just another neurotransmitter audio but boy was I wrong, acetylcholine is what’s responsible for sweating/proper tissue health/skin health, etc.


I believe you, a friend of mine had that problem and every summer he had to be always under air-condition. Update how your health is going with the field please. Thank you!

I just actually found it couple days ago and it’s been going great, especially with all the research I’ve been doing on Acetylcholine, I know for sure this is the audio for my non-ability to sweat, I will continue to give updates so don’t worry!

Sorry to burst your bubble man, but a word of advice.

It is a great field, but I would suggest caution. It can be toxic in high dosages, and take notice that Dream’s fields are “high dosages” already :slight_smile:

Excellent effects, but also greater side effects if you overuse. Please do stay according to the recommended… 2-3 times.

Most brain stacks are as such.
It affects the brain tremendously and neuromuscular junctions.


It won’t burst my bubble but thanks man, I will listen to it only 2-3 times a day (2 not three lol), but thanks man, as long as it’s helping me with my problem!

I wouldn’t pass the three limii, that’s for sure, this audio is extremely powerful as it is man, extremely underrated, wish I could have found it earlier but of course, be grateful and better late then never!

Slow down perception perception making days feel like weeks


Wow that’s sounds so great how many times you listen daily and do you maybe listen it overnight or lol sorry for asking stupid questions😆

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