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Looped Soul Restoration (Heart), Negentropic Chi, and Vibration of Divine Love.

Unexpected development! My clairaudience heard barking and 2-3 seconds later my dog started barking.

I have been meditating with these three and realized my heart has been chugging along with the equivalent power of embers barely lit.

This has really helped me today to feel balanced mentally and emotionally.

edit: i feel more ‘alive’ and realized how much pressure i’ve been giving myself.

someone already mentioned here that we go through repetitions until we accumulate enough to realize we can change and make choices that benefit us.

i realized that the ego was pushing me to do things i didn’t feel like doing with the hidden reward of love on the other side. again, broken promises that ego!


Last night’s playlist:

  • Blueprint of Life
  • Vibration of Creation
  • Mind Settings Album (Abundance, Million Dollar, Spiritual Growth)

i was a ‘white collar’ business lady climbing the corporate ladder, schmoozing my way to the top.

a lot of the dream characters were from my old finance career.

the elevators were the really interesting part! it was a circle platform on the floor that elevated up with no walls, probably just electromagnets.

i woke up and checked my e-mail to receive my first fan-letter!

i wrote a short story and published it for free and their fan-letter really encouraged me to continue in my writing.

but like i mentioned to a forum friend, i am pleasantly surprised with sapien medicine’s works!

i have been stuck not wanting to go any further because of the past ‘perfectionist’ personality within me. i realized how easy and flowing my creativity can be when i trust the universe (and get help from these wonderful morphic fields).

i was also taught by the universe that what i truly want to do isn’t a ‘sin’. i have a desire to create for a reason and that is to bring more of what i love into this reality.

it showed that there are others who are just waiting for me to manifest my creations out into our shared reality.


Played Alzheimer’s treatment once (brain detox) before sleep last night and currently have the greatest headache known to man.


Keep playing it.

Or the aura detox. Itd get your head right on track.


Aye. That and an organ cleanse & repair should do me good.


Every so often I get a flare up from a wisdom tooth that is impacted. It only happens a couple times a year and the pain goes away after a couple days.

Yesterday I could feel the beginning of a flare up and by last night the pain was unbearable. A throbbing and aching pain. Not good. Popped two extra strength pain relief pills and they didn’t do anything.

Ended up finding Pain Control and looped it overnight and woke up this morning completely pain free. Slept like a rock. No waking up during the middle of the night with pain. What a relief


Slow Down the Perception of Time…is crazy!

About a week ago, I was procrastinating on an assignment. By the time, I started working on the assignment it was already due in a couple of hours. I decided to play this audio to give me some more time. I noticed that the day felt longer. Some hours later. I started to panic because I was not completely done with my assignment, which was due in an hour. I decided to increase the strength of this audio by playing it alongside QI’s superior results booster. That hour before the deadline felt extremely long. I also felt like I was working a lot faster than normal. The craziest part of my experience with this audio was the last ten minutes before the deadline because it felt like an eternity. I was able to do so much in the span of ten minutes!


I’m not exposed to quadible’s stuff so I wanted to know did you listen before or simultaneously?

And did you use speaker or earphones?

I listen to Slow Down the Perception of Time, QI’s superior results booster, and QI’s super session capacity extender simultaneously.

QI’s super session capacity extender “allow[s] you to create super sessions as it is a multi-formula igniter even allowing you to play different sessions in one listen thus giving you the opportunity to listen to more sessions in a day while providing faster results.” I usually loop this audio. Check out the description of this audio if you want to know more about it.

I use earphones.


I have a family member that’s been having bad Arthritis problems for the last 3 years. I remember one morning, I had seen her 2 months ago, she was in so much pain and couldn’t move her hands at all. The look on her face had broke my heart. She was in so much pain. So like everyday, I have been having my dragon engorge her with the Plasma audio, Cosmic-Volt, and a couple of other fields every single day. Well, I had asked her last night, if she still had problems with her Arthritis. She told me, not at all! Like the pain was non-existent! Haha, I thought that shit was awesome. Really made me smile. She told me it’s because she’s been praying to Jesus about it. But I know the real reason. :wink:


Well, if she was praying to Jesus, then that means she had faith enough to be open to a spiritual solution. If she were completely closed-minded, then I doubt your dragon would have been able to effect any significant change. Without faith, there will be no results (this is why we listen to SLR so much, to counter-act limiting beliefs, a.k.a. lack of faith)

You could tell her that her faith made her well, which is both true and something the Christian mind can really understand and feel good about. This way, she’s more encouraged to keep at it. You could even ask her what else she’s praying about, then continue to ask your dragon to apply fields to her that will help.



Sorry but i completely disagree.

The Dragon doesnt work with faith but with energy.

And even if we take into consideration “blockages and believes” for it to work she is not the one directing the Dragon but @This_Boy_Here


I never have Dragon. :sob:

@sunflawy, if you’d like, you can make a dragon for yourself using the guide posted here:

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Ok, thank you. :sob:

What I was meaning to communicate is that she is the one that has to receive the change, and since she was already praying for something to happen, she was wide open and receptive. She used her free will to receive, as opposed to others who use their free will to resist all things spiritual.

She did the best she knew how with what she had, and @This_Boy_Here also did amazing work as well using the tools he knew of, and I’m very glad to hear of the positive end result.

That’s why I encouraged him to continue to speak to her in the language she understands, i.e. asking what is she praying for, and then to consider continuing to help her in the way he found that works, i.e. having his dragon apply fields to her.


This i agree with x


I love to see @anon46520955 around. :grin::rose:

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Good points bro. Well, I did tell her it was awesome to hear, and I was happy to hear it. And I had asked her not too long ago, if I could engorge her with some energies to help her out, and she’d said ‘yes’, but told me that I didn’t have to, though.(I doubt that she’d believed that it was possible, but she does believe that the energies work. She didn’t believe in it at first, and is very close-minded person in general. But I had used some subliminals to make my eyes, a super light colored brown that she couldn’t deny, and told my family, “It’s Sapien’s fields that did this!” Lol. Whatever results I get from subs, I always tell my family it’s Sapien. Lmao. And I’d showed her how my cancer shrunk too. But she always says she doesn’t have time to listen to the audios, though) But, she’s the type that thinks Jesus had answered her prayers for everything. And yes, I mean everything. Lol. From her being able to find a specific size of certain pants at the mall, to her being able to cut my relative’s hair good, to her being able to buy the last specific food item at Wal-mart. So she’s the type, that there is absolutely nothing in the world that anyone could tell her, or do to her, to make her quit praying/believing in Jesus. Her faith in Jesus is rock-solid. But tbh, I only do it for her. I could care less if she thought it was Jesus or not, as long as she gets better. I would never ever say, “It’s not Jesus actually…” Or anything like that. Because I feel, if it’s not broken, why fix it? Haha, also, she is a very close-minded person to the teeth. But not with her faith. Thanks for the tip bro, I will ask her tomorrow about what she prays for on a daily. But, she’s a pretty simple person, and I am pretty sure I already know what she prays for.


Been upping my loops of Virus Disruption 2.0 and I’m feeling better. Not yet one hundred percent but not as weakened the past few days. I think the lack of sleep and heavy workload took it’s toll on my immune system. Glad this field is around. Thank you :100: