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Charisma and Glamour + Oxytocin + Unconditional you = perfect combo for social interactions

Saw this from Sammy’s post. It really works great!


what results did you get?

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Fluent conversation with friends. That wasn’t the case before. Btw, I have social anxiety so this is big improvement for me.


I noticed with this marvelous field “become a kinder and more patient person in all ways” I am developing mental toughness and mental strength which really surprising me. I mean I didn’t expect it.

And I think it’s not coincidence, cause I didn’t have this trait before, and I am using this field for some time already.
This field is really underrated.

Today some person was rude to me, and I was like “oh, whatever…he only wants my reaction, don’t react, simple as that.”… and before I would so easily go in conflict if someone would offend me, or talk about me in negative words. It really didn’t affect me a bit.
I hope this mental state will be with time permanent for me.

And with aura strengthenes and reapair field it will go along so good.

So I will keep with it.

Thank You Dream-Sammy.


SUCCESS :heart_eyes::nerd_face::heart_eyes: :

This is My 91 years old Grandma (picture of her and her doll Lola to make you jealous :sunglasses:)

As you can imagine she has her illness going on here and there but overall she is a rock.
She fell while sleeping the other day so had to be rushed to the hospital, nothing major just a few stitches in the forehead but while at the hospital the Doctors found an infection in her kidneys (i sent her some reiki and also some of the energy healing from the course) it was ok but slow or she would feel better then back again. And i was like thats weird (because honestly that healing energy from the course is dopeee i rarely to none use anymore any other long distance healing things im used to)
I even thought maybe she was just tired and didnt want to get better anymore (she told me once she was tired)

Then two days later the doctor said her lungs were having issues as well and apparently had some foreign liquid) so it made sense the kidneys not being able to heal fast.

And its when i decided to try this:

I Play this

And at the same time the kidney restoration one followed by the lungs restoration one.

if this “be the healer” can heal in the distance it means it opens a healing portal, so the energy from the other 2 audios could travel fast and accurately to where it was needed.

And right at the start in a kinda meditative mode i connected to her and felt that it wasnt that she didnt want healing so i kinda felt i had her go ahead help me message lol then i activated the healing energy from the course and set the intention to enhance or make the process of sending the kidney and lung energies from the audios easier through the Be The Healer portal.

2 hours later she started to get better and from there all tests, including extracting some liquid that was in her lungs that turned out to be just water came back good, infection went down in a day and now just 3 days after shes on her rapid way of recovery and more than likely is gonna be released tomorrow!


Thank You Captain for all your amazing gifts to the world!!!


Your grandmother looks lovely! (And we have the same hair color!)
So glad for the good outcome.
Just to let u know she probably aspirated into her lungs some water she drank (that’s how the water got there). It can be a problem as u become elderly.


Thank you Suzu :heart:




No offense :raised_back_of_hand:t2: but she’s (even) more gorgeous than you. Much respect and love to her :bouquet:


Haha aww zero offense there shes the Queen for ever :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::two_hearts::two_hearts::two_hearts: thank u!!


As I always say, this is the result of MY experimentation but in case you are interested in:

MANIFESTING FASTER (like really fast)
Programming your SUBCONSCIOUS easier and faster
UNDERSTANDING quicker the messages from your HIGHER SELF



SLR + The Internal Alchemical (if you dont have the SLR tag yet)

Later on again SLR + TIA

Later on again SLR + TIA (yes again and yes better spread out throughout the day)

Then religiously before bed:

Plasma light +
Conceptual Realizations +
Animal Telepathy
Automated grounding or the tree experience or schumann (if you dont have the schumann tag or the hakuin egg audio)

(If you are starting from point zero as like never in your life working before on expanding your intuition and third eye etc then you might want to prepare the path before with The Magician, 3rd eye chakra audio, Energy Sensitivity course, soul restoration brow) it would be easier to smoothly get to where you want or just jump with the first recommendation but i dont guaranteed itd happen in the blink of an eye. Dont rush it, the ride there is very fun :blush:

Someone just asked me by pm why the fission and i think is good if i say why that audio is a hidden gem to manifest in case others are shy to ask here on the post.

Fission = Hydrogen.

This audio starts by fixing your brain. Everything. I wouldnt even say it resets it to beginning because to me it goes even before that. Before the creation of your brain. That perfect. Then it nurtures fast and soo good (to manifest faster not only mind needs to be strong but the whole areas of your brain too)

Then after a while listening to this audio you literally feel like theres nothing inside your brain but just hydrogen. Its the perfect time to visualize what you want, that thought is held by the pure hydrogen and infused with harmony and protects it from being corrupted. You can hold that thought and visualization for as long as you want and youll feel it just floating there and nothing nothing disturbing it.
Water is a powerful tool to manifest. Thats all im gonna say :smirk:


what is TIA


Lol sorry The Internal Alchemical Crucible


Ive always overlooked torsion, but I might have to give it a go!
Everytime i come onto this thread i add new audio’s to my daily list i swear haha



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I have no idea what caused this but I can finally breathe properly through my nose after a lifetime of issues (basically had one nostril blocked 90% of the time), and not just properly but it feels like I’m breathing in quite a bit more than I would when both nostrils were unblocked. It happened when I was playing VoDL for the first time last night. I don’t really know if that had anything to do with it, but I’ve had things clear up in general recently that I’ve had for long periods of time.


Thanks for sharing this, I completely overlooked Hydrogen. I bought it for the sake of buying it without ever really using it. Definitely going to incorporate it into my stack.


Same here, guilty of the same act :blush: I need to use it regularly!!


My mother, 75 year old, has had stomach problems for ever. She had a stomach ulcer at some point and eating can be a challenge. She has to choose what she eats very carefully or she has really bad acid reflux on a daily basis.

I made a Sapien playlist on youtube but I could tell she wasn’t convinced. Finally, she felt so bad a couple of weeks ago that she tried it. And was blown away. She called me to tell me that she couldn’t believe it but her stomach ache post-meal had gone away after a single listen.

I had her on the phone today and she confirmed that since that day, she’s been able to eat normally and not suffer anymore.

Dream now has her eternal gratitude (and mine too!) :pray:


That’s great! What playlist did you make her?