Share your results!

Hi Yuihwa,

I’d made her a very simple list with plasma beach and stomach healing and regeneration.
Because I’d told her to listen to plasma beach in 5 minutes increments (and also, because she’s very stubborn! :rofl:) she decided that since her stomach hurt, she would listen to the stomach track period.
She listened to it once and it seems to have helped. :-)


I have used the same health stack that I built at the end of January. Recently I noticed that my bottom eye lashes become thicker, longer and darker. My nails also grow much faster. I think these all indicate good health. Thank you SM :smile:


Kindly share your stack so others can try it too! And congratulations :champagne::confetti_ball:


What stack was that?


@anon46520955 and @anon37166570 it’s a stack I built for my stomach issue. I didn’t expect these “side effects” :partying_face:. I have heard how our hair, nails, skin and teeth can be a reflection of what’s happening in our internal organs so that’s probably why.

I am not sure if anybody would be interested in this kind of stack :laughing:.


I’m interested!:smile:


Here is my stack for you :beers:.

Five Elements Balanced
Stem Cells Targeted to Heart, Liver, Lungs and Pancreas 2X
Pancreas Regeneration 2-3X
Liver Cirrhosis Treatment Ver 2.0 3-4X
Stem Cells Targeted to Kidneys, Adrenals, Bladder, Urinary Tract 2X
Kidney and Adrenal Healing 2X
IBS 3-4X
Far Infrared 2X
Antioxidant Formula
Glutathione Super Anti-Oxidant Ver 2.0
Collagen Booster Ver 2.0
Skin Regeneration


Some Thoughts on Shen, Crucible, and Auric Repair

I noticed something back when I used the original Shen field. There were some positive effects but also an undesired effect. I would feel more alive, have a stronger faith in life, and a stronger will. But something surprising happened. Even though I am by no means a young man, certain people would take on a demeanor towards me as though I were a child and they were a predator. Since I held the energy of belief, they imagined they could harness it via getting me to believe whatever they wanted. Namely some lie about them being right or powerful and me being not those things.

It didn’t matter that I was not actually open to buying in to their message. They still perceived me as a target. Shen is the energy of faith, the confidence that you can believe in something and make it true. The energy of “all things are possible to him who believes”. But what is a hallmark of being an “adult” in our world? Growing jaded, hardened, unwilling to believe anything.

Is the solution to stop becoming more alive so that zombies will not target you? Or do you find a way to become alive and to stay alive among the undead? You can live half-dead and true enough, the living dead will leave you alone. Or you can have life in you, something worth having, and something they would rather take from you than have within themselves.

But “friendship with the world is enmity with God”. Or, Doing what it takes to have no evil oppose you puts you at opposition with the force that desires for you to be more alive.

Using Auric Repair I have found that they can not “break the skin” so to speak. It goes a long way towards keeping you alive in a hostile place. But it is not the entire solution.

Whether this next part is real or allegory makes no difference. The take away is the same. David Icke claims that in ancient or pre-history, a malevolent reptilian race interbred with or genetically modified our race. They wanted us to be more like them, to have a mind more like theirs. Because we were not enough like them to make the best victims for them. They fed off of the energy of our fear but they needed us to think enough like them in order to be able to fear the things they wanted us to.

With Negentropic Shen and Auric And Energy Body Repair, with these 2, I have found that yes, I become more alive again, and yes I become more of a target again within a world that is not “in the light” let us say. And that it bothers me far less than it did before I had Auric Repair. But it still bothered me some. And the fact that it bothered me… also bothered me.

I believe there was enough fear or negativity in me (placed there over time) to resonate with the energy of vampiric people. Something in me matched their untrue and harmful messages. Even though they could not establish an energy siphon, or break the auric barrier, they could see the life in me being moved by the negativity in me magnetized to and moving along with the negative coming from them. It gave them hope of a victim in time if they would keep pressing.

With Crucible I have burnt that out. When you are no longer perturbed by the evil in others, you may go farther than possible before; farther in becoming more alive and empowered. Take hold of the power to believe the good you choose to believe in rather than the disempowering lies that disempowered people want to have you believe about you so they can drain your faith and feel powerful for a moment though they are unlikely to ever use that energy to create anything of true worth.


i’m not sure which morphic field to attribute this to, but i have been feeling more patience with my meditations and listening to audios.

i also feel like i have an abundance of time to do anything i want.

i have a better handle of my energy.


Errr… excuse me? I’m in the same age slice and very young by all means :p or at least negentropical.

As for the rest of the post, there are some typically exquisite Atreidestries :+1:t2:


Lol! Wasn’t an attack on you…how did I not see that coming :laughing:


I totally understand what what u wrote. Thanks for sharing this. “They” sense your light and either want to steal it (in whatever way they can- “hook” into it the most common I think) or if “they” can’t, some try to stamp it out or try to distort it <service to self. (For many people u encounter it is for the most part jealousy, of varying degrees.) I recommend listening to Knight Mindset, Inner Strength.


Reminds me of “the shine” from Dark Tower


I had to google that reference, lol.


Haha no you’re right: after all, you’re talking to someone who still keeps all her audio tapes and listens to them :sauropod:

I don’t know if this quote is really from Carlito (at least I don’t remember in which book/context it was said): “Life really begins at forty. Up until then, you are just doing research.” Either way, both sides are winners in my opinion ;)


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
my grandpa used an mp3 player :D


:face_with_hand_over_mouth: Ok, the reward of the ultimate stereotypes is attributed to… me :joy:


what are you 5?


She’s slightly older than 5, but much wiser than what we were at her age, I tell you :tophat:


I used the past tense because he has passed away, obviously he didn’t use an MP3 player when he was a teenager :crazy_face:
Post 2008 maybe