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I figured. Lol. Just couldn’t pass up the opportunity to act like a jerk :smiley: in good humor though. Reversing my inner devil arcana or whatever. Yes the devil made me do it.


So like, someone in my family has been frustrated since last Wednesday, because the internet was out. (She has to get on the internet at her job place, to be able to work). I’d remembered she’d told me this for the last couple of days, but it’d totally slipped my mind. So this morning, before I meditated, she popped into my mind. So I told her to have a great day at work. She hit me back with a text at 8:22 A.M., I think she goes to work at 4 a.m.) right away saying, “Please pray for me. I am so frustrated. There’s still no internet, and I still can’t work.” So before I started to meditate, I had sent my dragon over there to her. I told him to go over to where she works at, figure out what’s causing the internet connection to be down for the past week or so, and use his magick to fix it. I also told him to work at it non-stop, 'til he figures it out. At 9:57 A.M., I’d received a text from her saying, “Thanks so much! The internet is finally back on! Thank God, he’d received your prayers. Because you are a good son of God, he accepted your prayers immediately!” Haha, man, I love my dragon.

I am so grateful that I was open-minded enough to make one last May/June. I had seen it initially on Gumroad, but at the time, there were not too many posts about the dragons at that time period, so I had overlooked it. Thought it was a bit far-fetched too. Lol. But after I’d started to use alot of Dream’s fields, and obtaining quick results… it made me think, “Hmmmmm, if all of Dream’s fields work like magic, I wonder what this ‘dragon’ thing is all about?” So I’d decided to make one and it’s one of the best decisions I’d ever made. Haha, the dragon does everything from helping me sleep by slowing down my heart rate(After I tell him to slow down my heart rate, I can literally hear my heart rate slowing down by the beeps with my ear buds in, clearly), he’s made my old broken down fan start again many times, he’s helped calm an upset neighborhood stray dog, he’s helped me stabilize certain energetic items, he engorges me with whatever energy I ask him to, he’s helped with healing stubborn family members, he’s helped me get my power back on many, many, times; when the power had went off during a storm going on, he’s made my results come in faster for subliminals, and I could keep going on. It’s a blessing that Dream has it for free at Gumroad.


the support is real when you’re buying fields from a creator and don’t even use it as intended. :muscle:t4:


one of my goals is to think less and act more.

i notice that i usually wake up just when i need to.

i noticed that my ego has less control of my body. this morning my ego wanted to sleep more (entropy) and suddenly i bit my own tongue to wake me up.

the bite was gentle enough that it didn’t leave any lasting pain or cut. my body knew exactly what to do.

there’s a relief within me that i can move without my mind complaining. the limiting thoughts have a huge effect on my energy and blocking my actions. when the ego is quiet and there are no thoughts to think, my actions are flowing, instinctual, and intuitive.

i do believe in the heart and gut’s intelligence. i feel like now that the mind is better taken care of, the heart is able to control the body in more efficient ways.

i was just now able to recall more of my dreams by writing this like my mind was ‘going back’ as if i was watching a show and pressing ‘10 seconds back’.

again i don’t really know which morphic fields are responsible, but i am currently focusing on soul restoration, negentropic treasures, vibration series, and million dollar empire mindset.


Today had a little bit of pain in my lungs when I was coughing . Listened to pleurisy ,after less than 5 minutes coughed again. No pain anymore :slightly_smiling_face:


Looped the stop procrastinating energy frequency for a good hour the other day and started doing a bunch of random stuff around the house unintentionally. Only downside to this one is that I feel more impatient


If it you feel more impatient there’s a field for that bro: become a kinder and more patient person in all ways

Would make a good combination, maybe 2 listens of stop procasination followed by one become a kinder and more patient person, I’d suggest listening to it before stop procasination too to prevent you becoming impatient at the start…

It’s a good idea too for any one who listens to testosterone booster or androstenol to also listen to this field for similar reasons :)


Thank you I’ll try that out

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My focus is pretty bad lately.

I listened to the Attention & Focus field, along with Enhanced Brain Hemisphere Connectivity and I feel my thoughts are flowing much better. :100:


Can you give an update on this tag ?:)

I don’t know where it is, or where I lost it, but towards the end of having it I actually began disliking it.

Not because it was bad, but rather it was too good!

I would go out to spaces with it on and people would approach me or give me invitations to approach them, and I just… didn’t want to.

I wanted to quietly read my book and these people would not let up. It led to me feeling a bit guilty because people saw me as being warm and friendly. They took my rejection of them personally, because why else would a friendly person actively dislike them? They saw me as someone who was accepting of everyone and choosing not to be around them. I see this response lessen without the tag.

One thing that I regret doing is boosting this field 2x. When I first encountered Sapien Medicine and these tags I wasn’t energy sensitive. I couldn’t tell how powerful the tag was alone. I thought that I should be getting WOW, GLOWING responses from everyone I met.

That’s not the case.

People have their own problems opening up and do so at a speed that is right for them.

Once I let go of the ego desire to receive positive validation, I began realizing that even getting rapport with people is significant. The speed at which it moved, now that I don’t have the tag, was also really fast.

People generally have social “scripts” to follow.

“How are you?”
“Good, how are you?”
Yada, yada, yada, random bs until the conversation is done.

Their brain is on complete autopilot and its just running through this conversation as its done possibly thousands of times before. Even when they tell a story to a stranger, or describe an experience, its likely very similar to how they always do it.

The fact that I could get people to break this script, and actually open up to me was awesome.

The second thing I’ve noticed without the tag is that people see me as less trustworthy.

I’m a black man in America.

I’m not here to debate anyone on racism and its existence. Its a constant part of my life. From casual distrust, to people crossing the street from me, “observing” me, following me, etc.

With the tag on, in many places I was casually accepted. Not by everyone, mind you, but by many.

Without the tag I’m perceived as being a thug, someone to step away from and I’m not as easily accepted into spaces like I once was.

I never realized the effect the tag gave until I lost it because I almost always wore it. Its not to say that people were automatically accepting of me when I had it on. Its to say that the tag could override years upon years of social conditioning, which is incredible.

Many racist people don’t ever think about racism.

They’re born to families that are racist.
Go to school with classmates who are racist.
Make friends after school who are racist.
Consume racist media, which to them, is just “media.”

If they ever state an opinion that goes against this, or deliberately side with other races, they’re ostracized. Think about your friends, family, and community abandoning you or looking at you different for this. You’ve decided to support people they see as actively trying to destroy them.

I have no sympathy for these people – but I understand.

If the tag can break decades of social conditioning, during one of the most racially charged periods in history, not just American history, its something you should have in your life.

I miss my tag and hope the universe returns it to me.

In the mean time I’ve ordered a new one for 2.5x the price and I happily parted with that money!


Thanks for sharing!:)

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Wow, that was incredibly insightful. Thanks for sharing!

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Wow great review, thanks! Have you noticed if people become more open, accepting and less prejudging and racist when listening to Love Graviton or The Plasma Flower, or even the new Ye Old Negentropic Harmonizer if you have that? :slight_smile:

Just printed the confidence + fear reduction mandala from the Instagram. After a short period I noticed I had a slight headache on the right side of my head so I decided to look up where the amygdala is located. What I’m feeling is most definitely in that area. Even more, when I looked up the right amygdala it says that it’s associated with fear response :open_mouth:


So yesterday i went to buy some pants for work, the ones i liked fit tighttttt lolol but i still got them, i hadnt even eaten lunch and they were tight.

I slept with

Plasma light x 1
Fat burning x 5
Super Metabolism x 5
Lympathic System x 2

:nerd_face::nerd_face::nerd_face: successsss haha today these pants are soo loose, the waist area was super tight but i keep pulling them up while walking even after breakfast and its like 2cms of space between the pants and my middle section :sunglasses::sunglasses:




Funny that field was the 1st I listened to from Sapien and it blew my mind that next morning after looping it, i can only imagine how strong the one that is in the making is gonna be!!

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I understand; my mother the day after listening to Enhanced Fat Metabolism asked me if I had lost weight, because according to her “I was fine with the shirt” … :laughing:

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I am no expert but during sleep body processes naturally slow down a lot and it repairs itself.Metabolism naturally also is supposed to slow down as we are closer to bedtime,so using super metabolism during sleep could be bad idea.If not plz,explain it to me so I can understand and learn more.