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I didnt have any problem before and i used it for a while i think it was best to listen to it at night, what problems could it bring? I dont think there is

Could be misguided information,but again it feels weird knowing our bodies are fine with dedicating that amount of time to thermogenesis and later on,rly speedup metabolism.
Just realizing u used plasma at start and someone mentioned using field few hours before bed might make it harder to fall asleep.I am amongst those unlucky ones.

I was thinking a while ago that actually because the metabolism slows down at night is when it needs the push haha havent you noticed when you over eat that you feel ok before bed then the next morning you get the bill of where exactly that extra food is showing on your body? Lol :laughing:

Also in regards of Plasma, it used to be hard for me falling asleep but ever since the revitalizer and The deep sleeper all is good. My routine every night is that when i take a shower i let the revitalizer one play in my room on loop, and before anything i want to fall asleep listening to i play the deep sleeper, and i always zzzzz

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I sleep on my stomach,after overeating I feel food pressing on my belly and its rly uncomfortable.Takes me time to process it,feeling subsides and I fall asleep.Interesting I will use air revitalizer before sleep,it could improve quality.With deep sleeper some people reported(including me),it works wonders first few days,then kind of loses that tranquilizer effect.I think that just shows our issue is way more specific than expected and needs to be dealt with separately.
Recently,I find mindfulness audio prepares my mind for rest better than crucible,torsion,ego dissolution and whatever else I try.

I meanā€¦ you dont sayā€¦ lol thats why!

Listen to enhance fast metabolism x 3 after dinner with a big glass of water.

Damn I missed sarcasm.U mean supermetabolism boost?I use it after breakfast which is usually peanutbutter on toast,delicious and nutritious.

No, this one.


U are recommending this as weightloss tip so I avoid gaining fat with late evening meal?Or its also digestion aid?

Well it helps digestion and burning fast what you dont need so both

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Thanks for being patient with mešŸ™


theres ones in the making?


Iā€™ve opened a thread a few hours ago about a crap on my neck, which I suspected to be a lymph node or maybe something worse. After all, as my favorite band <3 says: ā€œYour Time Is Gonna Comeā€ :musical_note: :notes:

Iā€™m not in the Plasma Protocol yet, since I want to be in more favorable conditions to handle the possible detox symptoms (if any). However, maybe Iā€™m slightly prepared, since I never skip the Optimal Health Stack (from the course). Using it a little more frequently than prescribed (approximately every 2 months) and some of the fields in it daily.

Anyway I started following the recommendationes of our friends in that lymph node thread of mine and been playing around with:

  • Acupressure
  • Spa Days
  • Devic Intercession (this one is still the intercession with which I feel the most familiar and at total ease, without big theatrical surprises nor feeling lost, etc.).

Right now my body is a caramel fudge and thereā€™s a big traffic on the left side (side of the supposed node). Sort of unblockage.


Hey do you have any more updates from ascension tag??

It has been 2 weeks with the fields, and yesterday I got SO connected to my soul :heart_eyes: I feel like a whole new human being in a higher dimension, learning new things about myself, my souls purpose and my body for every minute passing by, itā€™s amazing. :heart:


I took it off a few months back for BPIL so I have no further updates for it, sorry! ;;

Does this permanently enhance metabolic function? Or is it temporary?

Permanent Brain Enhancement:

I feel like my focus has improved because usually I can only work 8-10 hours a day on a task but now it seems I can increase it to 12 hours a day. Also my memory and problem solving skills have improved Iā€™m able to remember and understand complex algorithms or exploits that usually take me much longer to understand. For example I wrote a exploit to bypass two factor authentication in a shorter duration then it would of taken me before. I also realized my speech has a improved and I can communicate better with people. I believe my charisma has improved but that might just be me.


Good question! I think is temporary like an aid or booster for faster metabolism however i just read the description again and it says it compounds the effect so maybe it is eventually permanent and maybe just need to listen to sometimes for maintenance but im not sure so lets ask @SammyG for confirmation.

No, it does not permanently enhance metabolic fucntion. Thereā€™s always a possibility that 2 -3 years of constant listening, instills a habitual pattern that the body takes on and then begins doing on its ownā€¦ but thatā€™s not guaranteed. This audio is a temporary enhancement.


Thanks for the information, how about the genetic fat burner audio? After a few months of listening, does that permanent change that gene to lose fat?

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