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As far as i know the genetic advantage is not permanent and will fade away eventually.


That is unfortunate, is there a way to make it permanent? Or are all the effects just temporary, and unchangeable?

I want the effects of fat burner to be permanent basically.

How are the height oneā€™s, brain audios (some of them), some spiritual oneā€™s permanent?

Permanent = creating connections between neurons.
Non permanent = amplifying the usage of existing connections between neurons for a period of time.

The same analogy applies with every other field.


Well the gene one should have permanent effects, as it actually changes your genetic blueprint, whereas the metaboliser does not.

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If youā€™re talking about the fat burning genetic advantage, the gene deactivation is temporary, so itā€™s not permanent


Hi everyone!

ummā€¦ this isnā€™t any tangible results I guess or maybe unless your me it would be hard to grasp how different I feel, but Iā€™ll try my best to explain. I have come to realize that one of my core vibration has been and is neediness. I had not realize this for the longest, mostly because I have kind of kept myself in solitude for a few years and kept to myself, which led to being jaded and a bit of nihilism sprinkled on top. So I guess a few years ago unknowingly I let this neediness to be a bit out of control and was seeking peopleā€™s approval, saying and doing stupid things, wanting relationships and friendships, and just something real all because I felt empty.

Of course It didnā€™t end well, I was never accepted as Id would of liked and was left feeling rejected many times; all this just made me feel like shit and unimportant at the time all this started to weight heavy on me, hence the solitude and keeping to myself which I guess was just a coping mechanism. I would use excuses like I am on a spiritual journey to separate myself from other or would say ā€œI am detach from it allā€ which was just an illusion and I was not being truthful to myself.

all that is just to say is that this feeling of neediness, lack of confidence and not feeling good enough seems to shifting into love, kindness, abundance and instead of nihilism I guess thereā€™s confidence sprinkled on top :man_shrugging: ah who knows. I am still a bit hesitant to say all this because I know Iā€™m not there yet fully, but the shift is too palpable to not notice a change in me. But this journey of becoming whole still a work in progress, although these fields make it a bit easier lol.

Peace. :slight_smile:


Iā€™ll send you some energy.


Thank you, very kind of you.

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Itā€™s the healing/reinforcing/building kind. No worries.


Try to habitually tell yourself ā€œI love you broā€ watch how that progresses as time goes by. After literally any kinda undesired or negative whatever I may experience, I whole hearted tell myself ā€œI love you broā€ā€¦ and even during good times as well, this changes everything. By loving yourself so muchā€¦ it wonā€™t necessarily be something youā€™re needy for. I already believe that the best love we can get is the one we give ourself, when i started that ā€œI love you broā€ it felt very bland and stupidā€¦ but now itā€™s literally everything cuz by consistently saying it Iā€™m feeding my being with love merely through the word.


Ive been playing this plasma flower & ley lines with node point connecphantt a couple times recently/more consistently , Today Ive took notice to a large cummonion of people in my residance and more people energy in my local area


i wore my SLR tag for the first time and i somehow walked into a metal pole LOL.

i had a sizable lump formed above my eyebrow and i am grateful to have long hair that i normally hide a part of my face with.

i had thoughts like ā€œthis is embarassing, how did i not see that?ā€ but i quickly faded the thought and believed that this was a fun challenge to test the morphic fields i had.

after i got home i played the following specifically for healing:

  • hakuinā€™s healing egg
  • the shamanic medicine blend (edited because i forgot i listened to this)
  • plasma protocol
  • negentropic three treasures

i felt like the above playlist was enough and allowed my body to do the rest. i decided to play a different sleep playlist.

i woke up this morning and the lump is 95% back to smooth.

less than 24 hours and itā€™s already visually healed up to the point that no one would have known of my embarrassment (besides those who read this).


i also got a before pic but decided i wonā€™t be publishing it because it has identifying information in the background. i could have asked a friend to take a pic for me, but then that would entail having to tell them this story lol.


The effects of fat burner are permanentā€¦ You burn fat, the fat isnā€™t temporarily burned. Itā€™s metabolized. Gone.

But there is still more fat thereā€¦ added on to by all the heaps of fattening foods we eat on a daily basis, that counters the fat burning fields we listened toā€¦ or exercise we did. Some people think that by listening to these kinds of fields, it means that we can continue to eat how we eat and still lose weightā€¦ not how it works my friends. (Not saying you are saying this btw, speaking in general)

The height one is increasing height. Thatā€™s a permanent change. The estrogen boost is a stimulating estrogen production in your body. Thatā€™s a temporary boost. Because, how would that be permanent? The body already produces estrogen naturally so if the audio were permanentā€¦ you would just be producing wild amounts of estrogen every moment? Thatā€™d be dangerous. Itā€™s all about balance.

And yes, genetic fat burning only switches off the gene but the gene turns back on. If we were to modify the gene so that it is always off, that could lead to problems. You might find you get too skinny and then you canā€™t gain weight. Our audios are meant to give you choices, not take them from you.

Brain audios or spiritual audios become permanent over a long period of use. The results become actualized and stable enough to the point you donā€™t need to listen to the audios any more. Such as brain enhancementā€¦ Enough stimulation and neuron connections made over time that the brain stabilizes these networks to its normal functioning. Higher vibrational audio raises someoneā€™s vibrationā€¦

But you know, just as easily as these things become permanentā€¦ you can also go back to how you were. You can start drinking alcohol in ungodly amounts and kill your brain cells and lower your vibration. Or simply going back to bad ol habits that bring your vibration back down. Just like losing weight! These audios can help you lose weight and you having lost weight is visible. Itā€™s a real thing. But you can very easily gain those pounds right back. Weight isnā€™t permanent. Itā€™s something you maintain.


:100: This! :slightly_smiling_face:


Knight is helping me a lot. From a loser depression anxiety, after 2 weeks i feel so alive. It keep me nofap and quit smoking ( have urges but have willpower to stop ). Now my confidence is soooo high and i want to conquer the world. I remembered my childhood dream and start to think how to achieve it. I work out, cold shower, meditate everyday and my self esteem on the peak. I love my life and will work to die to achieve my dream. I still have some fear but it sooo much less important and it fade away day by day. Thank you so much for this field Sapien.


the morphic fields iā€™ve been using have enhanced my intuition.

lately i just know what will happen.

the most recent example is gaming with friends and i wanted a specific friend to win and for everyone to be happy about the outcomes.


Something about those Ā« charity Ā» organizations has always made meā€¦ not their best audience. Itā€™s also the act itselfā€¦ I meanā€¦ good for a reward? Whatā€™s so selfless about it? It just seemed like another way of Ā«making good useĀ» of people. Whatā€™s good Karma obtained through feeling good about oneself anyway?

Two weeks earlier, the local Food Bank called me, in a random telesales call that I picked up! Was it something about the lady that kept me talking to her? Despite me being really frank with those people; appreciative of their time and my honesty. A simple ā€œThank you for your time but Iā€™m not interestedā€ is an auto-response that my mind knows how to bring up right away now. I kept talking to the lady who felt like she had something to her, definitely not the best closing skills, but the whole moment felt like it has a lot to it. I went along, half interested but keeping everything in flow; ended with her calling in two weeks. Long enough for me not to recall it.

Time-skipping got the best out of me, though fields have majorly kept me in relational awareness to time, it was long enough this time to forget about it. Telesales lady on the other hand knows too well about her follow up; Again, randomly calling for her saleā€” Two meals for fasting people and a dinner one for the ā€˜holyā€™ month, sounds about right for those who are ā€˜convincedā€™!

I did it! I signed up! It didnā€™t matter much to me if I ā€˜fellā€™ for her sale, or if what I was doing didnā€™t appeal to dual karma scales, things just felt really simple: Iā€™m helping another human to eat. no more, no less, no self-judgment on it, or comparison to what the world does. Just me and this human being. And his meal. :relieved:

Itā€™s liberating to welcome new beliefs :relieved:


How wonderful!
I also love Knight Mindset too. Played it once/day for months. I am now in maintenance mode with it, I play it once a week.
Recently bought the Armor of Light and Glory, a perfect compliment for Knight (it even has a golden Knight in the pic!) I play that 1-2X in the morning and before sleep.

I also play The Spear of Destiny x2 and The Grace of Angels and Saints X2 before sleep. These are on youtube.
I have NEVER felt so safe and protected.


Iā€™m not familiar with this system, what does this entail? They call you for money or to ask for help (in some sort of work)?

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Yea they call asking for some sort of donation that covers up a couple of meals for the fasting people who cannot afford their meals, yet:ā€™)

So tomorrow morning when the guy comes Iā€™ll be giving him the money and signing some papers for confirmation and thatā€™d be itā€¦ Money ā€˜supposedlyā€™ goes to these people

Oops! no more of that I said! :bird: