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It rates the charities, according to how it is managed and how much the charity ACTUALLY GETS!

yead. At first i thought it will take time, a lot of time to change. But seem like Knight have the same technique with Mind setting audio. It seem like clear my old mindset before add new ones. So i can see change really quick. For example, whenever i feel i need to fap with porn, immediately i think: a knight donā€™t fap man, then i stop. I have a lot of crazy urges but i always have an inner voice to stop. I still have some down mood sometimes but seem like my emotion control improved.


Wasnā€™t feeling too great last weekend, and feeling some discomfort on my chest (prolonged n95 mask does this to me), I looped Virus Disruption 2.0, and the silent version. Also ran, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Glutathione, Lung restoration 2.0 and Far-infrared.

Right as rain.

and yesterday because Iā€™m stubborn and I missed lifting properly, I couldnā€™t help it. Ran Chariot, Inner Strength, Knight and Emperor and Iā€™m running it again today.

Thank you Captain :100:


Yes yes yes

So happy for her!

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Hey, do u mind sharing this playlist with me by listing it?

Oh sure! It was a very simple list since sheā€™s not used to fields and 75 years old:

Plasma beach (I told her to listen to 5 minutes only)
Stomach healing
Intestine healing

I told to listen to it once and report back. Which she did.

Sometimes though, her stomach issues are caused by arthritis in her neck pinching nerves. I have reminded her to use the fields but Iā€™m not sure sheā€™s been using them lately.

Will ask her and report back.


U should add the arthritis field to her stack


True! Hadnā€™t thought of itā€¦thanks for the idea.

I will tweak her stack next time I see her. And hope she listens to it regularly as opposed to when sheā€™s in pain. :slight_smile:


So Iā€™ve gotten results I listened to the attract wealth audio and the same day I got and e mail for a job interview at the Mac Donalds I submitted myself weeks before that but I never completed my job application and I still got invited anyway it really works wonders


U talking about abundance wealth & prosperity right?

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Plasma Flower, Conceptual Realizations, Shamanic Medicine Blend

i have a deeper understanding of everyone connected to me.

every interaction is so meaningful and i have less of an ego which means i can see both sides of the coin and how each is valid and also invalid.

iā€™ve been enjoying listening to neville goddard and abraham hicks daily and conceptual realizations helps me understand the meaning behind their words.

my favourite thought that has been popping up this week:

there is nothing to fear but fear itself.


yoā€¦ worked?

what u used?

These past few daysā€¦ Iā€™ve been attracting food randomly, first was my friend offering to order me food, then my roommate offering me pizza which heā€™s never done, then my roommate having a wrong order delivered to the apartment. He didnā€™t want it so he gave it to me. Lol, many more abundance on the way :joy:


I never expressed needing food to anybody, lol

in general:

  • there hasnā€™t been any insects finding its way inside my home or my awareness is just not paying attention to them.
  • deeper connections with friends.
  • deeper truths being shared with my family.
  • deeper understanding of myself consciously, unconsciously, and subconsciously.
  • more creativity because i allow myself to enjoy the present moment.

plasma flower still plays almost 24/7.
de-inhabiter feels more comfortable to listen to.
plasma protocol feels great and currently not experiencing detox or tiredness.
negentropic treasures help a ton with keeping my energy balanced.
mental and emotional moods have been the best lately with shamanic medicine blend, armor of light and glory, emotional mastering protocol, and personal emotional and mental support.

conceptual realizations has been fun because i enjoy having those ā€˜ohā€™ moments that broaden my perspective. bigger perspective means more information which allows me to make better decisions for myself and those connected to me.

this is easily seen with my friends and i playing valorant. because we are so in tuned with each other and give each other information, itā€™s like we are sense8ā€™s working together to have fun and improve regardless if we won or lost.

soul restoration series has been the most beneficial foundation i needed for all of these morphic fields to really work.

the morphic fields i have but donā€™t really use are:

  • the blueprint of life
  • hakuinā€™s healing egg
  • vibration series

i still use them, but not as often as my Higher Self currently prioritizes the other morphic fields. i mention the fields i donā€™t rarely use to share with our forum friends that sometimes life will take you to a different direction that will feel better for you.

that doesnā€™t mean their ineffective, it means that my Higher Self has the broader perspective of my life and gives great morphic field recommendations which i can listen to or i can listen to my ego which has only one point of view.

my current goals are to:

  • eat whenever i feel like eating
  • sleep whenever i feel like sleeping
  • ā€˜workā€™ whenever i feel like working
  • play whenever i feel like playing
  • connect with others when i feel like connecting

lifeā€™s pretty great because i have more of these in my life. very liberating.


Thank you Atreides! Your posts on the forum are always so well written and insightful. I appreciate you sharing your experiences.


Thank you for the compliment, and for getting me to go back and read that. God it feels like years since I wrote that. Lol. Itā€™s been barely half a year. So many experiments and experiences with fields and the like that I hardly remember all the little past lives Iā€™ve had in this lifetime. So, Thank you.

And then of course I saw @_OMā€™s response. Laughed so hard at that.

@_OM Wherever you are, come home. You will always be the Professor X to my Magneto.