Share your results!

Hi everyone, just gonna share my increased creativity, focus, determination and a whole bunch more of that, been listening to brain and internal alchemcy stacks? thanks a bunch these tools are OP , I know the unbreakable field is dime 4sure


I got my blood work and urine test results back today and my doctors said everything is excellent. been listening to plasma protocol since January everyday 1 or 2 times max. One thing to note is my kidneyā€™s are good now, when I was young or I should say younger I had issue with uric acid build up in my kidneys and piss out blood (sorry for the tmi) but yeah everythingā€™s good now :+1:


Hey guys,

Iā€™m sharing the result for one audio.
Fast working deeper sleep 2.0

Iā€™ve been using this one for 3 days straight. 2 times when I go to bed.
Iā€™m a good sleeper, I fall asleep very quickly and I sleep well butā€¦
This is what my fitbit tracked :

The 3 days Iā€™ve used the audio I got 7% agitation without it for the past year Iā€™ve 14% agitation on average.
And yeah I can feel the difference, I slept deeper and I felt better when I woke up.

Have a nice day :slightly_smiling_face:



Have you tried the hyper state sleep?
It could be interesting if youā€™re tracking your sleep (just donā€™t play it before bedtime as it may keep you awake).
I wake up early without an alarm these days, but Ive noticed I need about 1-3 hours more sleep on days when I donā€™t use it.


No I didnā€™t tried that oneā€¦ Yet

Yeah thatā€™s my nĀ°1 concern because I canā€™t afford to be tired at work

Usually I try new audio on vacation or on weekends.

Iā€™ll try this one next weekend thanks for the advice :+1:


It shouldnā€™t affect your ability to fall asleep if you play it in the morning, but better safe than sorry :+1:


I shared this elsewhere too, but I wanted to mention that a mix of Sapienā€™s Thyroid regen field and Maitreyaā€™s Thyroid field led to my doc reviewing my recent blood test results today and telling me my thyroid has improved and that my medication doesnā€™t need adjusting. Victory!


As I remember from theory, many of our emotions are locked up in our muscles and organs. I want to draw attention to the emotional components of many physical problems. Itā€™s a well known truth, but yesterday I was clearly convinced of that.
I have been working on the subject of psychosomatics for a long time, using the practices of Oleg Matveev and some other authors (I am sure there are many smart representatives on this subject).

It is the beginning of the month, and since the weekend I have completely changed my evening playlist, with the expectation of working on this topic for a long time.
After ā€œtalkingā€ with the [My personal emotional and mental supporter] field about some moments in my life, I plugged in a symbolic modeling technique during the next [Emotional Mastering Protocol] field.
Then I tried ā€œreleasing and burningā€ the remnants of negative emotions and experiences, using the alchemical combination [Emotional Release + Alchemical Crucible]ā€¦
I paused, drank some water, and continued the experiment.
Massaged my muscles with the [Muscle Massage] field, and then added the legendary [The Shamanic Medicine Blend] field. The healing playlist ended with [The Microkinesi-Therapist] field.

I used the x2 mode (itā€™s the main one in all the playlists).
Crossed myself with the Alchemical Holy Light field and went to bed.

Today I feel like I dragged a ton of sandbags yesterday. The body itself ā€œsqueezes outā€ the inner tension - all the muscles are burning, in some groups there is something like a slight muscle tic (there is a discharge/reset/restart)ā€¦ My neck and upper back are very relaxed.


my emotional trio has helped me!

Emotional Mastering Protocol
The Shamanic Medicine Blend
My Personal Mental and Emotional Supporter

i got a call from a loved one where weā€™ve had many many past experiences of anger between us.

i already noticed my own sense of anger the moment they called and started to talk about an issue as if it was the only most important thing that needs to be done right away.

i was having fun with my friends and i realized that this loved one always expected me to drop everything iā€™m doing and pay attention to their needs as it is the most urgent for them so it has to be the most urgent for me.

i told them i will get to them when i can and continued to play and have fun with those i was already with and already had a commitment to.

while enjoying my time i continued to receive texts and missed calls by my loved one and i continued to ignore as i knew it wasnā€™t something to get worked up on.

the moment i was ready to call back, we spoke very calmly and respectfully to each other and was able to complete what was needed to be done.

thanks for reading my testimonial, forum friends!

thank you for these beautiful gifts captain and sammy!


Thanks to you Psy, who always updates us in a complete and timely manner.

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did u have a beard before u started?

Here because I was just want to remind everyone that the new kidney and adrenal is god sent lol, easily the most (one of the most) important fields, works like a charm, thanks dream. Have kidney problems cuz of blood sugar problems. But damn, I wonā€™t ever stop listening to new kidney one!


So the job interview went well I will know if I got the job this following week


Loop this

And this

Every day for a while setting the intention of getting it. And specially the day youd know if you know when youd get the answer :muscle:t3:


Can u share results

I have only been listening to cosmo volt, plasma light, and advanced healing for the past 2 days and I have never felt better, canā€™t wait to see whatā€™s in stock with long term use of my new 3 field stack


Whenever i use unbreakable. I can basically do anything i desire and when i want. Itā€™s like a push. Its literally the ā€˜do itā€™ field.


So like, 2 days ago, @Star and I were talking. And like, sheā€™d told me, her elderly cat wasnā€™t fairing too well. He had strong diarrhea, had trouble walking and sleeping, was vomiting everything heā€™d eaten, was weak, was dehydrated, and etc. She had also said he was in alot of pain and discomfort. I was sad, because she was in tears, because she was worried that her good friend would pass away soon. Heā€™d been there for her so many times and for so long, when she had nobody else to run to. Like it was clear, what heā€™d meant to her. And it was heartbreaking to hear her in tears and in that tone. She told me she had played the Animal Regeneration, Virus and Parasite Destroyer, and the Plasma Animal 2-3 times a day, for months now.

And when she was able, she would loop them for an hour and a half, to 2 hours.(though he would run away everytime heā€™d heard the Plasma Animal audio. Didnā€™t seem to like the sound of it?) So that night, I had my dragon, get the Plasma Animal audio, manipulate it stronger by 3 times, and engorge her cat, via a picture for 2 hours. And then another session later for another two. The next day, she had told me, that sheā€™d noticed something instantly last night. She said, heā€™d slept peacefully, something he hadnā€™t done in awhile. And like, heā€™d quit vomiting, his diarrhea was gone, and he was even walking around into rooms, being social! She said his condition today, was about a 7 out of 10, and he was fine. Said he was sleeping peacefully. Which was like music to my ears. Itā€™s only been 2 days! Anyways, I am super happy about this! And that night, I promised her he would make it too. :blush:


I got the job she called me just a few minutes ago so thatā€™s great she responded later bc she was ill


proof it is in Dutch so