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A post was merged into an existing topic: The Zen Lion

Iā€™ve been listening to vocal strengthening and induce creativity for quite some time now. I really
Truly feel like it helped a lot and to celebrate I wanted to link my song to show my results. Much love to the community. []


Iā€™ve posted my concerns about curses from people I work with. With heavy use of multiple clearing, entity, repelling, protective and financial fields Iā€™m happy to say Iā€™m duly protected. The lead who used to ā€œbarkā€ orders at me has softened up, actually has a laugh with me and no longer directs negativity my way.

The manager tried to deny my sick time and holiday pay after a long period of silence. I utilized the wealth protection fields while I contacted HR. They quickly turned around and said Iā€™d receive my pay and thanked me for being so ā€œunderstanding.ā€

I also received an invitation to an interview the same day I reached out to HR, that would take me away from these folks, into another department with a different supervisor.

But my next task is to find a new job thatā€™s takes me out of poverty altogether, before the end of the month so I donā€™t sign another contract with this company. Iā€™m ready for takeoff :rocket:


played repel negativity 2.0 last night to block the noise coming from a hysterical neighbor and they immediately quieted down


Plasma flower is also good for neighbours like that :rofl:


Does probability wave work like probability alteration and luck or are they different?

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I accidentally had my nightly healing stack on loopā€¦ Usually before I sleep I select some healing audios and play them for about 1-2h max. This time I had smart stem cells, Aeonā€™s Gift, max heal potion, Dotto Ring, and Ambrosia. I woke up and first I didnā€™t notice, but then I acknowledged the distinct sound of smart stem cells and realized it had been on loop.

Turned out, I actually slept really really well :slight_smile: