Shark and Pearls NFT (Two ocean projects in one NFT)

Before I begin, I want to clarify a few details. There will be quite a bit of information, and I ask you not to be surprised.

Originally, these were two completely different ocean projects:

  1. Black pearls - the living treasure and power of the ocean

“Where were you, Pearl, when I was waiting for you?” - K. Balmont asked. And all (or almost all) women are waiting for their pearl - some to seduce or charm their Antony, and some - to adorn a little black dress by Chanel…

(harmony, healing, the concept of beauty and health, liquid light benefits, medical-energetic properties of the water element, Energy cosmetology [and much more])



  1. The Shark - the lord of the water realm

(qualities of character, certain abilities, medical properties and health benefits [and much more])



Each of these projects consisted of specific, very serious, separate blocks of information. And each of these projects had to be implemented separately.

My group is still in shock, but the fact remains that on the eve of the anniversary (100th) NFT, the Captain gave us a gift - he combined these two projects.

Yes, that’s right :)

I am sure, who will receive this NFT want to know all the advantages of this miracle… I will put the basic info under a spoiler, but be warned - even in a very abbreviated form there is a lot of information


Start point

A visit to the beach always leaves you feeling alive and cleansed physically, emotionally and spiritually. Is the most natural and easily accessible form of therapy available to mankind. In ancient times, the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians understood the therapeutic properties. The ocean is as restorative for our minds and spirit as it is for our bodies.

Sea air is charged with healthy negative ions which are molecules that have gained or lost an electric charge and are known to improve moods. Most of our health problems are due to the imbalances in the flow of life energy in your body. Seawater can restore the inner balance…

Water also soothes your mind and reduces stress. Most of the emotions like anger and guilt can land us in trouble. However, controlling such emotions is not easy and healthy. But when your system is calmed down or relaxed naturally, such emotions tend to be more stable energies inside you. Seawater healing stabilizes your emotions.

It can literally wash away negative energy that has become lodged in your chakras from past heartbreak or trauma and clear any negative energy that has rubbed off from someone else and gotten stuck to you. Seawater cleanses your energy field. This helps de-clutter your consciousness and you will be able to think clearly. When the mind is stable and clear, life goes on peacefully. This is one of the sea healing benefits. It acts as a cleanse and rejuvenator as well as removes any low-level negative energy you’ve picked up from others.

How it all began

All our lives we are in search of truth, the meaning of life, magic, enchantment. What could be more magical than black pearls, shrouded in thousands of years of mysticism, secrets and mysteries. Pearls that have been ascribed healing properties for body and soul. Its endless history is full of unbelievable myths, legends, and tales. There are a lot of signs and interpretations associated with it. One can listen for hours to tales about dragons holding black pearls in their teeth, about Adam and Eve who cried a lake of tears and turned into pearls, about the lunar theory of pearl’s origin, where every pearl on the planet is a piece of the moon.

Pearls combine the best: royal luxury, business elegance, sophistication and fine taste. They are suitable for both retro-inspired looks and ultra-modern outfits. Pearls are timeless and fashionable; they are a permanent trend.

Precious stones are given to man not only by the earth, but also by the depths of water, such as seas and oceans. Pearls are the only precious stone in the world which is not extracted from the earth. Organic pearls are considered to be the precious stones. If you decided to invest your money in wonderful pearl jewelry, then you can be sure that in time, your investment will be worth even more (or at least, will not decrease in value).

In the Ancient Rome, only the higher classes of society were allowed to decorate their clothes with pearls. Pliny the Elder referred to pearls as “the most expensive commodity in the world”. “La Reine des perles” - “The Queen of Pearls”, brought from the East, they weighed 27, 5 carats, were in the crown of the French kings, and were taken away in 1792, during the revolution. “La Regente”, an oval-shaped pearl, weighing 22 carats, was the property of the royal court in the 19th century, until 1848.

In the 17th and 18th centuries pearl jewelry was used for seduction and unequivocally indicated the aristocratic origins of the person who wore pearls. In the early 19th century, the subtext and meaning of pearl jewelry changed somewhat. At that time the famous Parisian jewelers were creating beautiful art nouveau jewelry. Over the years the fashion for jewelry design changed, but the status of pearls remained the same - power and high social status. The exclusivity of naturally occurring pearls made them desirable at all times.

In different cultures, black pearls are said to have the quality of keeping them forever young. The presence of air, earth, and water elements in the stone have a calming effect on the whole body of the wearer. Pearls are beneficial to the nervous system: it prevents the occurrence of stroke, reduces the symptoms of hereditary diseases of the nervous system.

The element of Water. The magic, power, health and wisdom of the ocean

This product is full integration of the water element in the user, it is saturation and restoration of all biochemical, biophysical processes in the body, it is purification and saturation of the body by the water element.

Restoration of water-salt balance (violation provokes kidney and urinary bladder stones formation, negatively affects joints) [and much more]


The ocean is a vast storehouse of different energies: the energy of waves and tides; the chemical bonds of gases, nutrients, salts, and other minerals; the latent energy of hydrogen in water molecules; the energy of currents moving calmly and endlessly in different parts of the ocean.

If you listen to the noise of the ocean, you can feel the inhabitants of the depths singing to us about the ancient gods, about the formidable monsters that lurk in the dark depths; about the great peoples whose fame once resounded throughout the world, and who now still dwell on the seabed. A place where reality and fairy tale meet, where legends give rise to discoveries, and discoveries give rise to new myths. The ocean is a huge living being, it breathes power and strength. Life was born in it, and its depths hold inexhaustible stores of various knowledge, which cover the entire history of the planet.

The element of water is the basis of all life, is the beginning of life and one of the elements of the universe. “Liquid crystal” is how it is called in esoteric writings. Water is associated with flexibility, transformation, flow, surface and depth levels, navigation, and awareness. In any of its states, the element of water reaches deep into the subconscious and facilitates the transformation of experience into inner knowledge. Water balances and balances a person, and water magic is associated with tranquility and harmony. For example, a person is positively influenced by contemplation of the water surface.

The element of water in the interior of a room symbolizes life, in all its diversity and wealth (not only material, but also spiritual). The presence of objects with water: an aquarium, a small fountain or a vase filled with water and flowers is beneficial for health and internal energy of the house.

The sight of water objects gives inner strength and the sound of water soothes and provides deep relaxation.

The element of Water symbolizes the infinite realm of possibilities that precede all forms and all creatures. The element of fluidity and adaptability, taking every form. It nourishes man, dissolves negativity, and purifies all human energy structures.

The ocean symbolizes the infinite realm of possibilities, water also symbolizes complete regeneration of the physical body. The fluidity of water, its softness and pliability, its “unwillingness” to retain any form, its amazing ability to constantly change depending on environmental conditions - all this makes water a symbol of human emotions, an embodiment of the strongest inner resource. The memory of the ocean holds access to knowledge that people have long forgotten, but which becomes accessible through this NFT.

In the depths of the Ocean is buried a huge layer of Earth’s history, secret knowledge, mystical and magical artifacts, libraries and technologies of various civilizations of past centuries (and technologies of various civilizations since the dawn of man kind). Black Pearl opens access to all these secrets of the depths.

The blessing and support of the goddess Salacia & "liquid light concept

Goddess of salt water (ocean) , companion (wife) of Neptune. But if about the god Neptune many people know, but about his companion Salacia you hardly ever heard. This goddess has remained undeservedly forgotten.

In astrological circles it is believed that she represents a quantum phenomenon called "liquid light.

Liquid Light | Azimuth

It is a metaphysical mixture of light and matter. Because of this property of light - all that is hidden becomes manifest. The world reveals itself and becomes one. This light will go to any “dark” place in the body and illuminate it. This light is healing. Any illness is darkness. By directing liquid light into a diseased place, the goddess will help dissolve the darkness and cure a lingering illness. The goddess will connect metaphysics and science. Regeneration and renewal with light from within.

Medical benefits to the user (daily dose): Marine Phytoplankton

Marine Phytoplankton & The Power of SOD (Superoxide Dismutase)



Energetic, medical properties of the pearl

In Asia, pearls are attributed the property of augmentation of material and mental welfare and prosperity; wearing this mineral guarantees profit in all endeavors. In China, it is customary to give pearls to newlyweds for the hastening of a child. In India, at the wedding rituals also use these stones to increase family and wealth of the newlyweds. In Greece, pearls are believed to add strength to the marriage union. Be that as it may, pearl jewelry provides prosperity in whatever direction one wishes to go.

The Chinese believed that pearls enhance sexual energy, increase visual acuity, and cure diseases of the ears. Indian healers used pearls to treat diabetes, heart disease, painful urination and mental illness. In Japan, pearl powder is widely used to make drugs to treat nervous disorders. It is advised to pregnant women, as it protects the fetus in the womb. Stone has a healing effect on the internal organs, heals diseases of the kidneys, liver, restores normal functioning of the intestines and stomach.

Pearls are a mineral of the sea element and are patronized by the Moon. It has long been considered an elixir of youth and health. It has a powerful energy, it is mentioned in the works of Arab physicians and in the “Canon” by Avicenna as a healing remedy. Pearls soothes the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on the hematopoietic organs, heart muscle, and vessels. It replenishes the lack of calcium in the body. Lithotherapists recommend insisting on pearl water overnight, and drinking it in the morning. “Pearl water” has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, eliminates bleeding gums, heals hemorrhoids, helps with cholelithiasis, and normalizes the menstrual cycle. It is very useful to drink such water for eye diseases - cataracts and conjunctivitis, to eliminate brittle nails, strengthen teeth enamel, the strength of the bones. Apart from the therapeutic effect, pearls are also known for their cosmetic properties: ground into a fine powder, they are added to the elite varieties of powder, giving a luxurious shade and a completely unique glow to the skin (on this subject in a separate/next block).

Each pearl has a unique vibrancy and energy. Black pearls are more mysterious and interesting than white pearls; also magicians are attracted to the unusual color, and a completely different energy to interact with on a mental level. Black pearls have strong qualities, it can enhance power and rationality; help to make the right decisions, with a cool mind and a hard heart; balance the mental state of the wearer, add courage, determination, and strength. The energy of black pearls will give confidence, add a unique accent, fill you with mystery and authority.

Energy cosmetology and pearls

Greek gods and Egyptian queens gained unearthly beauty from pearls, and Chinese emperors and popes improved their health and prolonged their lives.

Legend has it that one of the secrets of Cleopatra’s incomparable beauty was drinking a glass of wine with a large pearl dissolved in it every day. This is how she prolonged her youth and preserved her beauty. Besides, among her everyday accessories there was always a precious grain.


The magic and power of the shark

Of all living creatures on Earth, sharks cause the greatest fear in humans, sometimes bordering on animal terror. The oldest shark species have existed on Earth for over 400 million years - older than the dinosaurs.

One of the largest carnivorous marine animals that ever existed on our planet was the prehistoric monster, the Megalodon shark (a relative of the modern great white shark). It is believed that the Megalodons became extinct more than two million years ago. Traces of these huge ancient fish were found in the rocks of India, North Africa, Australia, Japan, Belgium and many other countries.

The shark is one of the most perfect inhabitants of the ocean. This creature is flawlessly designed to exist in its environment.

There is no more perfect predator on our planet than the shark: it has no direct enemies (food competitors) that are not afraid of its powerful jaws, capable of turning any other creature into food for the shark’s stomach.

Sharks are super-predators, regulators at the top of the food chain who keep populations of other ocean animals under control. They possess five heightened senses and are adapted to their environment like no other on this planet. Their sense of smell, tens of times better than that of a dog, allows a shark to smell the blood of potential prey from many kilometers away. Tactile receptors are so sensitive that hundreds of meters away a shark can sense the maneuvers of a school of fish or the sweep of a scuba diver. Electroreceptors distinguish ultra-weak electric fields produced by some fish. The shape of the shark gives it maximum speed and high maneuverability, has exceptionally high hydrodynamic properties.

There is no cruelty in the wild, but the law of survival and evolution. Wild animals will never take more prey than they need to survive and will not kill for no reason (but humans, in most situations, have a choice). Cruelty is a purely human quality and has nothing to do with the shark.

When the dinosaurs and sea lizards became extinct, sharks became full masters of the ocean. They relatively quickly achieved absolute adaptation and conquered all the water areas of the planet. To date, it is believed that sharks have achieved absolute adaptation. Evolutionarily they are perfectly equipped, and have all the necessary mechanisms for survival. Scientists predict that only cockroaches, scorpions and sharks, the legendary oceanic predators, can survive a nuclear explosion.

Sharks are prepared for any cataclysm. They do not live by other people’s rules - they have their own laws, honed by millions of years of existence under the conditions of brutal natural selection. Their bodies have enormous potential.

Scientists believe that sharks know how to “repair” their genome. These predators have no hereditary diseases. They are able to synthesize their own sets of chromosomes - this allows them to survive ocean acidification, changes in water salinity levels and temperature, and to withstand inconceivable levels of gamma radiation.

Sharks have absorbed the most effective traits from each animal species. They never get sick and are not afraid of anything. Predators exhibit incredible evolutionary efficiency, and this helps them live forever. They will never go extinct, because they are perfectly prepared for any force majeure.

Experience the power and might of the world’s most dangerous ocean predator. It is the energy of past millennials, which has the power to influence various events in a person’s life. The energy of the shark is very special - it is the power and tranquility of the ocean. It is sharp as a razor, it is the energy of health, strength, and victory in all its manifestations. Men will emphasize their brutality, and women will perceive this energy as a unique approach to self-expression - energy that radiates primordial power and sexuality.

This is an excellent accumulator of vital energy that makes a person resolute and indestructible in moving towards the intended goal. Daring energy to activate strength and courage, which will emphasize extreme affluence, financial success and independence. Full protection in travel.

Empowers its owner with additional authority, power and charisma! Young men with a pendant from the tooth of the Great White Shark are associated as an independent and purposeful individuals who have a great future and the effective realization of their opportunities. A talisman of passion and masculine power. It confirms the authority of the wearer, emphasizes courage and brings full protection, which will not only help him overcome any obstacles, but also bring good luck and success in the personal and business spheres.

One of the compelling reasons behind people’s fear of the energy of the shark - a meeting with a shark in nature takes place in an alien environment for humans - the water. In this environment, the shark is the master of the situation, this is its home. The opponent will be able to fully appreciate its speed, ease of movement, a mad passion for satisfying the sense of hunger and terrible weapon, which nature gave it - powerful jaws with a huge number of razor-sharp teeth…

The concept of the "business shark. The elite of the predatory empire and its laws


Side by side with the civilization, which divided the planet into artificial states, existing under unnatural rules and norms, there is a completely different society - a wild country, the master of which is not a man at all. This is a great empire located in the dark waters of the World Ocean, and in power here are the most dangerous, fierce and unpredictable creatures on Earth - the sharks. Long before the first dinosaurs appeared on the planet, ferocious predatory fish appeared in the clear sea waters. The perfect body, immense strength and energy, as well as a fierce temper allowed sharks to completely conquer the entire world’s oceans and become the true masters of the aquatic environment.

Not only physical qualities allowed the sharks to conquer the world’s waters - a rigid hierarchy and clear laws governing the behavior of each individual have turned the shark superband into a real empire - powerful, dangerous and invincible.

The laws of the shark empire are very simple, harsh and in some cases relevant. Thanks to them, these majestic fish are at the top of the food chain with almost no enemies. Take a closer look at these laws - perhaps this is the most effective system of instructions in a harsh competitive environment, which will help you to become an invincible predator, instilling terror in the opponents.


Blue oceans denote all the industries not in existence today – the unknown market space, unexplored and untainted by competition. Like the ‘blue’ ocean, it is vast, deep and powerful –in terms of opportunity and profitable growth.

Of course, being a shark, we ain’t fear competition, eat or be eaten :rofl: But what if we are able to redraw industry boundaries and operate within that new space, making the competition immaterial.
And it’s not that we have to choose one approach, we can choose to compete on the existing markets while also building a literal untouchable kingdom of our own. We can play for both teams .


The shark is an authority figure in its environment, so in terms of survival, having shark instincts is always a guarantee.

You can learn to face life from a shark. Just as this one never stays in shallow water, you should know that a full life is only possible if you explore and move between the waves.
The shark is capable of cruelty, but also of patience and self-control. He trusts his instincts and accurately interprets them.

The shark does not fight the sea currents, but uses them. This means that he pushes you to choose the smoother path with the least resistance. By doing what comes most naturally to you and fits your desires, you will find it easier to fill your life with peace, happiness, and contentment.

The concept of high social status


Shark liver oil in energy medicine. Benefits of Energetic squalene

A bit of statistics: we get 25-30 mg of squalene with food. To increase longevity, to reduce disease, this rate should be increased to 200-400 mg. Tenfold! So do the Japanese from Okinawa. Squalene is an essential isoprenoid for humans. It is extremely useful for vital systems, rejuvenation, nutrition. This has been confirmed in practice by Japanese, Chinese long-livers.

Squalene was first discovered in 1916 by Japanese scientist Mitsumaro Tujimoto. He was interested in why sharks living in the wild are not susceptible to certain diseases. He discovered a high concentration of a substance in their liver, which he called “squalene” (from the Latin “squalus” - shark). He attributed a special protective function to this substance.


And of course:

Shark meat is a treasure trove of beneficial minerals, vitamins and amino acids. It is a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids […]

The use of shark liver oil has an immunomodulatory effect. Due to its unique properties, shark liver oil has good prospects for wide application in modern energetic medicine.

That’s not all…
But it’s enough :slight_smile:

Underneath all the spoilers are hidden possibilities. It all depends on us, on our desire to discover what is hidden

Thank you for your attention…


This slid so cool :+1:t5:, how do I get one of these NFT ? Am really interested


I want this NFT too.


Captain also created the most beautiful audio to accompany this masterpiece!


You can hear an excerpt of this audio in the video above :)

And now it will be a major tradition upon waking. A strong dose of oceanic energy (with certain benefits) :grin: :swimming_man:


I truly is and its so strong, expect the unexpected.
Its 10 times better than i imagined maybe my imagination is lackluster or maybe its just that awesome :man_shrugging:t6::wink:
Have to say it really helps soothing my allergies same as when i am at the ocean they are practically nonexistent.
I gotta say i am really happy how this turned out and very grateful that Ugnis wrote it up so well and that captain created it and wanted us to experience the unexpected!!
Much gratitude and love too you :pray:t5: :heart:


Despite appearances to the contrary, the Goddess Salacia plays quite a significant role in this NFT. Consort of Neptune, they co-rule the deep seas. The Goddess Salacia is one of the cosmic, alchemical mermaids. Her name is derived from the word for “salt” which is an important alchemical substance. Salacia embodies the energy of sunlight in water - a dance of fire and water.

As alluded to above, owing to a shy nature, mermaids are rarely seen. Salacia even hid from her prospective husband to be, causing King Neptune to send a dolphin emissary with a gift of a beautiful pearl as a show of good faith. In the end she was pursuaded to return to Neptune and together they went on to have a productive union.

Still, sightings of her are rare. Instead, the sparkle on the water signals her presence. If you look closely at the NFT…you’ll see that Captain has lovingly recreated her signature sparkle on the crests of the waves. :sparkles:


The taste of salt water we feel…
(and which occurred even before the sale of the NFT: the connection of the present and the future)


Shark in everyday life and business


Love the title. Links my mind to the perfect song, Mack the Knife.


sea, sharks, pirates, treasures, adventures. my feelings))


Captain and our forum)


A brief testimonial after having this for a few weeks.

Focusing on physical beauty aspects only for now;

My skin has an even, glowing tan (I’m usually pale and definitely haven’t been sunbathing)
Freckles on my face have come out (not had these for 20 years or so)
My facial skin is soooo hydrated, soft, plump
My whole body is hydrated
The small amount of cellulite I had has disappeared without a trace

I listen to the audio 5 x each morning while relaxing, which clears my mind for the day. I also carry the mandala with me.

I basically feel and look like I’ve had a relaxing and healthy holiday at the beach. I LOVE this NFT.


Got this NFT a couple of days ago and had these same affects🌊


Even the tan and / or the freckles? :grinning::grinning:


A little advice for those who like to work with audio playlists

put this audio first in any of your lists

remember the recommendations in this thread: Kinetic Quasi Crystal? this field increases the effect and duration of any fields.

you can get the same effect with The Resounding Waves audio (this NFT)
But this effect will be achieved from within, and this is very important

Water is one of the best keepers of information. We are made of water. This field completely harmonizes and optimizes this part in the body. It nourishes and cleanses the body. After that - any field from your playlist will be assimilated much more effectively.

this assumption was made in private conversations, and it has been confirmed


I work outside all day so I’m not sure the tan is from this field but no freckles yet lol


Hey, I just bought this on venly but it didn’t come with the audio, is there anyway to get it? I can prove I bought it

1 Like

see it as a definite advantage that this archetype provides.

Yes, it is present.
Too bad so many people don’t share feedback in an open forum


I was gonna sell this nft but then I thought again

this literally gives you the power of the ocean in ONE nft, do you know how crazy that is

shoutout @GoddessesAndGod