So, I am a satyriasis!

Amygdala healing. Trauma release fields. Internal alchemical crucible.

Sexual arousal and fear have a complex relationship. But when you’re having panic attacks out of too much trauma and fear release, you won’t be aroused xD

Anyways, I think some emotional healing can help with this, but I have no idea how to fix it, if the transmutation fields aren’t working.

+1 and archetype of parental love.




I don’t know why but for few seconds i actually thought You wrote Ricky Martin.

I have no idea who is Martin and what’s going on .

Sorry :grin:

Hey @mondaymadness ,
The fields you listed are good. You can even loop the transmutation audio when having a craving.

Also whilst having a craving, you could do three times the stomach vacuum, aka the 6th Tibetan rite. From this website :

The 6th Rite, “Should only be practiced when one has an ‘excess of procreative energy; when there is a definite desire for expression.” Peter Kelder, The Eye of Revelation 1939 (updated 1946).

Stand erect and let all the air out of the lungs as one bends over and places his hands on his knees. Force out the last trace of air.
Then, with empty lungs, stand erect, place hands on hips, and push down on them. This has a tendency to push up the shoulders. While doing this, pull in the abdomen just as far as possible, which raises the chest.
Now hold this position as long as you can. Then when you are forced to take air into the empty lungs, let the air flow in through the nose.
Exhale it through the mouth as you relax the arms and let them hang naturally at your sides.
Then take several deep breaths through the mouth or nose and allow them to quickly escape through either the mouth or the nose

Aside from this I actually do recommend Caladrius to you. It’s a pretty high tier NFT and not exactly easy or cheap to obtain. However, if you can get your hands on it, and connect with it, it can practically do anything physical and energetic for you, i.e. automatic transmutation on command and utilizing these energies where needed.

When you can manage to get your cravings under control, meaning when you feel more balanced (I don’t recommend suppressing things; they’ll eventually bounce back), you can then divert your energies into other hobbies, ideally at least one physical hobby (any sports), one creative (cooking for example), and one mental (chess etc).

The sooner you have this balanced out, also the better to find a suitable partner.

And if nothing works, the forum is still here tomorrow :slight_smile:
Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

Edit: oh and deep breathing + meditation always helps. As do cold showers. And rumours are, classical music transmutes as well…who would’ve guessed


@mondaymadness You can use Caladrius totally free, just take a picture of your drink and post it, Caladrius will energetically load your drink with a personalized health field for you, in this link is the detailed description, then just post a picture of your drink:


You can try this