Social Advice: Asap!

Hi I’m going out with someone (kinda a date) on the 16th and my social skills aren’t great, what fields can I use to be my best extrovert self?

I was thinking of getting charisma and glamour?

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Charisma and glamour only make people think you’re confident.

Use confidence boost from sapien channel for inner confidence if you want to be more confident from the inside.

You can use both.


The all purpose anxiety removal, maybe even ego dissolution followed by subconscious limit remover.

Stop thinking about yourself and making the best possible impression and instead pay attention to her

You don’t have to be an extrovert, you can also be mysterious lol
Put some belief into it and be yourself


By far the best (imo) : orgone energy. I get so much attraction when I listen to this one.
It makes you more magnetic charismatic and attractive. People see you more like that (even if you dont feel like it)
Perfect for a first date.


Wow really? I didn’t even know that. Gonna try it.


Yep , if it had charisma or attraction written on it people would be all over it. It does have a lot of other benefits, though! That’s just one of them…

Check out the thread, people reported similar effects like me.


Not a field suggestion, but a dating suggestion: of course, try to show your best side and all, but also be yourself. The person is already going out with you, so they must like what you have shown them so far to a certain extent. The right people will love us for who and how we are, easily. I have seen people love things about and behaviors of me that I wasn’t fond or even aware of and it was eye-opening :wink: Good luck and especially lots of fun on your date! :smiley:


Some really good suggestions.

A stack that comes to mind to me would be:

Subconscious Limits Removal
Extreme Self-Confidence
Become Whole
Charisma and Glamour
Blarney Stone

The Orgone Accumulator is great in so many ways. It would definitely be a booster to your overall vitality. And what Philip suggested regarding anxiety would be useful if anxiety is an issue for you.


Far as I can tell Charisma and Glamour helps you behave more confidently as well. I wouldn’t overdo it. If it were me I’d use just this one field.

Yeah mysterious type sometimes works better than extrovert funny type.

Charisma & glamour
Blarney stone


PLUG AND PLAY :video_game: :fire:

Someone call theee :warning: :fire_engine: :fire: :100:

She is dating with you and you are dating with her.

Which means , she also need to put effort. If she dont put effort. You better get a phone and call another girl.

Someone told me . I talk to a human . A woman its a human .

So no big deal , at the end of the day its about having fun together. :tropical_drink: :grin: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

edit :

Well sometimes , this dont apply :man_shrugging: , but you got it :ok_hand:

(Photo from men in black 2 the character its an alien ; its a movie )


Yes , dont forget they’re just like us . Its not like they’re aliens or whatever ,simple humans with all the same insecurities and flaws. Good perspective Akira :+1::brain:

And yes :slightly_smiling_face::ok_hand: