[Solved] Help needed to stop Internal Orgasm

Soul Core Restoration has done that for me more than any other field but I think it’s more of a side effect than a purpose of the field.


What is that and where can I find it?

@TheAmbiguousSoldier Here: https://gumroad.com/sapienmedicine

@Fender_Cad I definitely will in the nearish future, but I feel like I could write a book on all the crazy shit I’ve experienced in the past 3-4 months lol. I started using Sapien’s audios around 4 months ago, before that I didn’t know anything about morphic fields or energetic fields in general. I recently got the IPF tag in the mail and I’ve had some cool experiences with that as well.


It’s expensive… will it actually drastically reduce or remove my sexual urges?

There ya go…


Yeah I know about that I tried it… it doesn’t work. I think that’s more for semen retention, I need something to take my sexual urges away so that’ll never think of a woman again.

Not gonna happen…doesn’t exist…
(perhaps being a eunuch…naw…sexual thoughts is more than hormones)
and there’s nothing wrong with having sexual urges.

Perhaps if you describe exactly what you believe the issue is,
you’ll get more comprehensive advice.

Right now, what you are asking is like asking,
“I would like to live without breathing”
It’s not a thing no matter where or who told you it might be possible.


Well basically I’m looking for a field that will take my sexual urges away, which will then take sexual thought away. Even when I look at a woman who is attractive, I’ll be totally devoid of sexual feeling/urges. It’s not the case with ‘breathing’ or anything else like that because I’ll die without it. I won’t die without this and I know it’s natural but it’s bad for my health if not satisfied and I’m not able to satisfy it, which is why I want it reduced or removed through a field.

Here you go. @The_Indigo_Man


I’m sorry but I think you’re missing the point on what I’m saying…

Oh really?

Why would you think that will help me achieve what I’m wanting to do?

Because of willpower.
Other audios which might help you are vibration fields from gumroad or any which raises your vibration.

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Do you think he’ll make a field for removing sexual urges away?

Try with Solul Core Restoration


Not exactly the same “problem” but this is solid advice:


Would soul core restoration fix this?

Something gives me the feeling that you don’t like this topic or what I’m saying.

Masturbation doesn’t really curb the issue in the long term. Sex deprivation is a taboo illness nobody talks about that can cause disease.

Try maitreya brachymarya field. Also transmutation from sapien, they help me but sometimes urge is hard that nothing work. As OM said its natural you can’t suppres it. What really helps is meditation to present moment. You can get good self discipline from that and you will be aware of urge but you can control it.
Point is you can’t supress it its natural part of you (and if you really want that you can take some medicine for shooting libido lol, but i don’t recommend it for obvious reason).