Spirituality x General Consensus on BDSM? (18+ Only)

It was a hypothetical as in “ask yourself these questions and answer them” :rofl:

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I won’t talk about these subjects again.

It was a mistake.

Also, talking didnt help me in the past, I still had/have to improve my life, regardless.

Thank You All For Your Understanding.

I write like I speak, so… yeah. Hard to convey a lot when you can’t see me looking as if I’m thinking to myself to convey the rest of the information. I should probably address that eventually.

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So I have a few thoughts on this subject. They’re just thoughts so take them with a grain of thought.

For one, I think the only way to get rid of sexual kinks is by getting rid of sexual desire through hardcore spiritual practice. Dissolving that primitive drive for lust is definitely something you do through raising your vibration more and more over time. But even then, to some capacity, your kink is still ‘there.’

Your kink is engrained into your sexual blueprint. As much a part of you as your birthday, gene expressions, ext… I don’t know why but sexual conditioning is very, very hardcoded into your beingness. Almost as if it becomes a gene.

You can certainly restrain it for the rest of your life but… the ‘preference’ will still be there.

And rejecting it and fighting and feeling ashamed of it, will actually make the kink a bigger deal. It will become your shadow. It will mentally devour you and just torture you because it just won’t go away. No matter how much you fight it, the repression can make it a malevolent force within you. It will block you from feeling whole.

Because whether you like your kink or not, it is a part of you. It is your blueprint expressing itself and your blocking your blueprint from expressing itself.

I think learning to work with your kinks and even maybe finding a partner on the other end of it, ends up being far more fulfilling than fighting it. There are definitely others who share your kink looking for someone like you. There are apps, websites, discords, facebook groups, ext… What you are looking for is definitely out there.

But to take this even further, who you are attracted to seems to be hardcoded as well. As @JAAJ says, we are composed of feminine and masculine energy. We are born with different percentages like let’s say a male was born with 55% feminine, 45% masculine. Sometimes, that amalgamation will result in the male being attracted to males. And it’s not a choice he makes. It just happens in the same way a male naturally becomes attracted to women without thinking about it or even choosing to.

And yes, a man may have more feminine energy than masculine and still be attracted to women. It all comes down how the feminine/masculine blend and what that energetic blend is magnetically drawn to. There is certainly conditioning that affects this, and how you percieve yourself, ext… but typically, it seems, to already be set in stone the moment you’re born.

Like, I’ve tested this theory on myself. I have an extremely open mind. I can conceptualize most things, even horrific things and put myself in those shoes and feel it all the way. It’s all maya so why not. So one day, I opened my mind to being gay, like what if I slept with a man or got intimate with one, and immediately I felt grossed out. Like a physical reaction to finding that extremely unappealing.

I found that to be very, very interesting. My sexual preference is so engrained that it broke through my mental malleability and produced an involuntary reaciton. And I remember talkign to gay people who would tell me they found vaginas or penises gross. Like a lesbian chick I know would tell me she tried to be straight and even almost had sex with a man, but found everything about it disgusting and just found herself wanting to be with a woman.

So I don’t know, It really doesn’t seem like you can just choose to be gay, straight, ext… It just doesn’t seem that way.


In my case, I might be bisexual (low chance, but still present) or heterosexual, in case those thoughts were just intrusive thoughts.
I also made an experiment, watched gay porn and felt no attraction to males, but spontaneous gay thoughts appeared in my mind, a few times in my life.

Now, of course, it might be a part of me, but since it’s not a strong desire, nor a strong need, Idk if I would ever need to test it lol, nah, I’ll rather stick with women. :sweat_smile:

Also, my views, although accepting of everyone, I have my own views of what, who and how I should be, although that’s conditioning and upbringing too.

I also had days, and sometimes even weeks when I felt no attraction to women either, so Idk, then I can say that I might be asexual, but it wouldn’t be correct to say so, since most of the time, I had sexual urges and a clear preferance (intrinsic) for women.
Of course, it could have been low libido, and that was most probably the case.

As for BDSM, i just can’t find it healthy…

Idk, if these are imprints from a previous life or previous lives (parallel according to some models/views), but I Want to create my life however I want.

Now, anyone who doesn’t identify with their gender, that’s even harder for them, but in my case, I can just focus on my main desires and ignore the other ones - and maybe heal/change them (if possible).

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But now here is a more controversial thought…

So pedophilia is a sexual preference that becomes engrained in some people. This preference is one that tends to be conditioned through their lives. But once it’s there… it’s there. There has been no cure found to pedophilia. They just can’t get rid of the preference.

And the other day, I kinda felt bad for pedophiles. They are cursed with the desire for kids, that they have no choice over. They can’t help but feel attracted to them no matter what they do. That’s horrible.

Part of it really is the randomness in being human. You might be like most people attracted to the opposite sex and into vanilla missionary, or into same sex, or end up with a foot fetish, getting choked, or liking kids.

I was trying to think of a solution to pedophilia and I really couldn’t come up with one :confused: I know that you can find peace with your shadow by accepting it. Like I think a pedo that gets those thoughts should accept those kinds of thoughts at a netural level. Allow them to flow but don’t approve. Mindfulness would go A LOOOOOONG way in helping pedos separate themselves from the desire and just ignore it really.

Reason is that in fighting those thought would make it into a much more repressive force within their mind, that causes them involuntarily act on those inclinations. The taboo makes it even more desirable. We tend to want what we can’t have or shouldn’t do. I really can’t stress enough how fighting/rejecting your thoughts, literally give those thoughts more power over you.

But even making peace with this inclination doesn’t quite solve the issue… There do happen to be Dom/Sub relationships where the sub roleplays as a child and the Dom as an adult. Like with specific ages. Maybe this could be fulfilling to some extent?

It’s just a conundrum really. It’s easy to just look at pedophiles as evil, disgusting people who should die. But the truth is, the majority of pedophiles don’t act on their inclinations. You would never even know they are attracted to kids. So it genuinely sucks and I do feel sympathy for getting stuck with that conditioning.

I started thinking about this the other day when I ran into this random joke by Mark Normand, which also puts this into perspective pretty well


Lol, who’s flagging Sammy


Someone just flagged it.
It is kind of taboo for most/many people to even mention such a subject.

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It’s unflagged and back


Anyway, worst case scenario, I’ll get back into bdsm, find a kinky woman and enjoy it lol.

Even worse case scenario, I’ll find a dude too lol (in case it is a part of me and unavoidable, which I don’t think it’s the case).

Well, ill try to heal myself and normalize my sexuality, and so far, I’ve managed to focus better on more “normal” sexual desires, not bdsm.

Well, whatever the case, ill just move on lol.

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I think about this a lot. How we both a have free will, and don’t all at the same time.
How both can be true, and things are never black and white.
But did I choose my sexuality? No.
Did I choose my parents? No
There are so many things in life that we don’t choose that shape us
I actually enjoy Sam Harris’ lectures on free will… he swings that free will is a complete illusion, and I believe what he’s saying is true, but there’s a lens even bigger out there, that encompasses all, to me.

Hugs @SoulStar33 . We all have something.


Well, yeah. But how do we then grow if we don’t talk about it at all?

And most probably multiple ppl flagged it.

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Yeah, now that you mentioned it, probably multiple people flagged it.

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“We are not free in what we do, bcs we are not free in what we want.”


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Damn, I actually understand that much German.

Damn, I’m a Genius. Lol.

Lol, if the desire is not that strong and you’ve only had the thoughts a few times, then it’s really not gonna repress you. Having spoken to you a number of times, you do have a bit more feminine energy than the average man. So there could just be some natural inclination in that direction but not enough to make you fully desire. I’m not judging you by the way. I also certainly have more femininity than the average man.

And I’m not telling you to embrace these things and whatnot. I know some people in this forum are from countries, where being gay or even involving yourself in sexual kinks is… punishable by death or can easily get you outcast. So I’m not here telling people to jump into anything. Just giving some perspective.

Dream also tried to create fields for some people in the past who were gay or into some really weird sexual fetishes and wanted to change those things, but it didn’t work. So we don’t have a solution for you to change this stuff either.

I used to think this way as well honestly. It wasn’t until I met people who were into BDSM and honestly, they felt like very whole people. You wouldn’t even guess they were into what they were into.

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But perhaps for some pedophiles, it may work to try to find younger looking adults?

Otherwise, they probably would have to take Ashwagandha and some stuff for desexualization till they develop greater self-control.

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If I didn’t mentioned it, most people wouldn’t either.
Well, you might, but you and others from this forum are highly advanced spiritual individuals.

Dr. did but with good reason. My post is indeed controversial and people can certainly try to frame the post as if I’m defending pedophiles. So he was protecting the forum and I respected his decision.

But I think if people actually read the post, it’s very clearly just sympathy for people who are stuck with that sexual preference. It isn’t something those people choose. And I’d love to find a solution to the issue but the scientific/esoteric world haven’t quite found one yet.


Yeh, you don’t feel all too repressed to me. Which is great. The fact you are this open about it, is extremely healthy. So you’ll be all right bruv.

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