Spirituality x General Consensus on BDSM? (18+ Only)

Isn’t big part of sex not fully conscious? Sex is often animalistic, “wild” activity. Sex drive is also animalistic drive. Our animalistic side is also us.
I understood You met a person or few who have been traumatized and You felt that because You had big connection with those women.
But that was Your personal experience. And You made it sound like You met and got to know whole BDSM community and it turned out most of them arent “themselves”
You could say any kind of sexual desire isn’t “real self” because it comes from the body.
But, in my opinion real self is whole self. Even physical desires and kinks.
It is unhealthy, however, to let our physcial desires rule over us, but I feel it is just as unhealthy to completely repress them and see them as “bad” just because they are physcial/primal etc.

Apologies, perhaps I understood You wrong


Best of luck my friend. I can perfectly understand not wanting to be that way. Like I said, some kinks are kind of annoying to have and just dont allign with the rest of your personality too well. Like imagine you were the guy that likes getting pooped on? I have the deepest sympathies with folks that got that kink from the random generator of life lol.

So I wish you to find peace within yourself my friend. Go all the way and do all you can to reprogram yourself. Don’t listen to me saying it’s almost impossible. Prove me wrong and come back without those impulses. I’d gladly be proven wrong lol. I’m not attached to these thoughts and I’d love to hear about people reimprinting themselves.

All I will say in regards to that is that if it’s years of nonstop working on yourself and you are still dealing with that., I think it’s possible that the missing part of in all your self love practices is you accepting that part of you. You say that you have tension and internal struggle and that typically comes from rejeecting a part of yourself by feeling these pleasures of yours are so lowly. So much of your sexual repression may potentially be just come from you rejecting this part of you. So I think at that point, embracing that part of you would do more good for you than rejecting it.

There is a person that matches everyones desires and there are for sure people that desire what you desire in the bedroom.

So just letting you know that in case all your self work still amounts to these desires.

Now of course, something I’ve forgotten to mention but typically… raising your vibration over time lowers your sex drive quite a bit. So that can mitigate all this in general.


Agreed. I’m with you on all this.


Personally, I don’t care if these are part of “real me” or not, but I find these activities unhealthy due to them making me feel like a pawn of such instincts/pleasures, and they make me do these things which I would like to not do, and they lead to guilt and struggle and Idk, to make myself proud of my sexuality again, I have to just renounce/reject them (maybe the problem is me feeling ashamed of these sexual urges, yet I just feel at peace when I’m not dominated by this BDSM madness… ).

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I understand friend. Well, if they make You feel like a pawn I don’t think its healthy either, and working on it is good idea in my opinion

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Really got nothing to add except FACTS. The whole self is real self. People mistake the bad parts of them, all the negative imprints from the world (like porn, ext) and things we don’t like about ourselves as… unnatural or not part of the real self. Except they are. All of it is. Those are the shadow parts that we all talk about so much. Everything we have ever experienced, thought, or even been influenced by… whether unconsciously or consciously, is a part of us. It’s all the self.

Now wholeness comes from embracing and accepting all of it. That is when you truly become conscious and start making conscious decisions. So as long as you reject certain parts of you, those parts of you will act on their own accord and so you’ll randomly get impulsive and get random thoughts out of nowhere. You become disconnected from a part of you that keeps trying to impose itself on all of you.

Now this all sounds counterintuitive. But it’s when you do this, that you actually overcome the negative patterns and habits. In not being disconnected from them anymore, they all become part of your wholeness and from that, you gain more clarity and self control.


Even worse than my struggle… :cry::sweat_smile:

Everyone needs more sympathy, especially those more unfortunate.


For a couple years I was mostly free from BDSM, it was after I discovered about yoga and energy/chakras work which I did for hours, each day, I was so happy and fulfilled, like the whole world was mine and certain urges were no longer a problem…

Then, life happens and I started to drop energy work close to none or even actual zero in some days and then I had an interesting nightmare:

In my dream I was In a certain building, I was a medic or scientist or something and suddenly I panicked as from the basement some creatures escaped (they managed to open a door which kept them locked), they looked like zombies (sort of, deformed, ugly, decaying/dead or infected flesh) and I ran away from them, escaping from that building, yet they caught me, then I woke up.

Since that nightmare, all the BDSM crap which was repressed, was back and strong as hell…

So maybe I need to accept these “deformed” and “ugly” parts of me…

But I’ll try everything to reprogram myself, at least I’ll try with every single possible tool/technique/help and I think that it can be done, just that, as you said, it requires Tremendous Effort and Willpower…

Worst case scenario, I’ll just accept and love “these zombies” of mine.


Doesn´t matter if you end up keeping and living, or letting go of them, you won´t get around of accepting them first.

Like Sammy said, repressing only leads to issues.


Lol no You don’t .its an interesting topic and nothing to feel shame .

We need all kinds of topics here. :sunglasses:


It seems so. :sweat_smile::muscle:


as you said, many of fetishes, kinks are constitutive of early upbringing.

for example, if we saw dad enjoy beating the shit out of a brother, we may interpretate that our brother is being an object of desire for dad (because dad enjoys it), and now we want to get beaten for the enjoyment of the other.

that’s an actual clinical case from psychoanalisis.

sexual energy is organized during early childhood, and that constitutes a big part of our identities and personality.

personally i’ve realized that the more you fight or resist tendencies, the bigger and nastier they become.

i used to be deep into sexual fetishes of submission because i tried to be always dominant in my daily life, with men and women (because i was deep into that “alpha male” ideology).

when i learned to take a more passive role without resistance during my daily life, my fetishes and kinks were gone for good.

this led me to have better friendships with men and being more attractive to women in general. because now i am able to be dominant and passive at will, and it’s not unconsciously driven anymore.


There’s this urban legend that copulins (or maybe another compound or group of them) can turn into a psychedelic and make a new imprint. As in, seeing that woman as “the mother”.

If that was true, I guess we would get all her imprints or a polarized masculine version of them? That would make us 100% compatible/into our partner…or maybe it is just a new imprint…100% change in personality for good or bad…

But then this, requires having sex. I’m just saying, women sourced psychedelic may be what is needed for this sort of reimprinting…and not shroom, aya, cactus, rye sourced psychedelics.

But it would be a hell of a new tech.

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Hi! Haven’t read all, got here from here:

And I’ve done some homework:

After I got this suggestion:

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How sex is a virtual simulation:

Therefore, “there is no sexual relationship”

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I didn’t know where to post this, so this might be a good place, I think.

Backstory: I am a man who has only had sex with the opposite gender, but for a few times in my life, I’ve had images, thoughts or impulses which can be considered to belong to those who identify as gay or bisexual, but I have never acted on them and simply rejected them as not relevant for me and I just focused on liking and wanting women.

I wonder if i can identify as heterosexual, given this context - and I would like to hear your views or at least your votes (all anonymous).

I do not actively have such thoughts or wants or anything like that, these more like odd things that happened to me, and it baffled me too - it also hasn’t happened In years to have such thoughts.

I should mention that even my fantasies or porn, I have always fantasized about women or watched adult content involving women/for them (I tried a couple times to see if watching gay porn makes me horny and it did not).

What are your thoughts and what are your votes on this issue?

Also, regardless of What your views are, I have mine, as well.

Ideally, read this after voting, if you’re gonna vote in the first place:


I think sexuality is a spectrum, most people are hard-core wired to be heterosexual, yet I think that a Homoerotic inclination or Homoerotic Thoughts can and indeed appear even in heterosexual men; so in a sense, you can say that I have the potential for being bisexual, for example, but I just had a weak impulse and I never explored that path.
What do you think?

Is it possible to have Homoerotic Thoughts (even if one doesn’t act on them) but still be or identify as a heterosexual?
  • No.
  • Yes.
  • I am not sure, it’s a gray area.

0 voters

Have You Ever Had Homoerotic Thoughts, Even if You Are Not Gay/Lesbian (at least you don’t consider yourself to be)?
  • Yes, once or a few times.
  • Many times.
  • All the time.
  • Never.

0 voters

Do you consider such thoughts to be intrusive and not natural to you?
  • Yes, they are intrusive thoughts, nothing more.
  • No, i consider them to be a part of me.
  • I don’t know.

0 voters

This is a touchy subject, so not many volunteers lol…

Hey bro, here is my understanding:

“Sexual energy” is one of the many expressions of the universal Life Force.

The word “sexual” implies a split into genders.

So when Life Force is expressed as “sexual” it means it takes on a gender polarity depending on its expression. It becomes Life Force energy with an added gender polarity attribute.

When Life Force/Sexual Energy is exchanged between souls, this creates an experience of bliss, intimacy and unity.
The energy is flowing between the souls.
There is connection and this feels good.

While incarnated into a physical human body, this sexual life force energy is almost completely tunneled and channeled on expressing itself according to a certain gender, certain genetic and certain hormonal setup.

This very specific tunneling and focusing of that Life Force / Sexual Energy is part of the human experience and makes you want to exchange this energy with other humans only under these very specific conditions. Hence why most humans only find one gender “sexually attractive” etc.

While being a soul on the astral in your astral body, sex becomes “less physical” and “more energetical”, so the what is heavily channeled into specific setups on the physical, becomes a little less channeled on the astral. Astral beings can still choose, depending on the level of the astral plane, to identify with a certain “gender” etc.

For example most humans on the astral have also a gender and preferred sexual expression, as do many of the Deities we are working here with. For example Aphrodite is “female” because that is the current preference of her soul, etc.

If you would be aware of all your parallel incarnations, you would probably become confused with how to actually channel that sexual energy, since you would have all the sexual setups all at once coming together in your head lol. Obviously, this would be counterproductive for the Higher Self to experience incarnations as “male” and “female”, as “hetero”, “gay” and otherwise.

Imagine how Higher Selves exchange Life Force energy between each other.

Imagine how Life Force is exchanged between souls who can choose from more than two main genders etc.

To answer your question about “having some gay thoughts”.
In the end this means nothing really.
You have parallel incarnations as female who is attracted to males.
As well as a male attracted to males and as a female attracted to females.
Probably all the possible combinations.

The only reason this question makes people on earth a little uncomfortable is simply because as explained in 3.) their sexual energy is heavily channeled and focussed on expressing itself only according to the genetic programming and find all other expressions repulsive. It is programming that is part of the human experience and also to ensure re-production of the species on the physical.

In the end, it is just “game code” and the Life Force energy follows this code while the game is running.

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Very Enlightening Comment, Thank You for Bringing Such Clarity. :pray:

That would be crazy lol.

I agree, and I also agree with your other points.

Man, your knowledge is Next Level!


Saw your comment on energy work etc giving you a reprieve. Something that’s been hinted at but not really nailed (heh) here is pornography. It imprints deeply, and both video and imagination format play off each other.

The reprieve from energy work IME happens due to being in a higher vibrational state and lowered sex drive, which Sammy mentioned. If, in that gap, you genuinely examine your preferences without judgement or expectation and none of it comes up? That’s you. Now you have to work through what brought that into your life, accept it, accept the results of it, and let it go. The more you fight this from a perspective of healthy or right, etc, the more energy you’re dumping into it and strengthening its hold.

You’re also curiously looking at the result and not for anything upstream. What about BDSM turns you on, what specific components, what are those component’s concepts, what are possible reasons you’re seeking those out?

That’s where the work will get done. I was drawn to BDSM due to early trauma and a loss of innocence. I became drawn to innocence (thankfully only in equally aged partners) and the semblance of powerlessness. Then I did SR and realized I was the reverse of the manly CEO who wanted a Domme. I wanted a submissive partner so I could express control and placate my traumatized inner child. I’m healing that, lo and behold, the imprint is still there but it’s a dessert I enjoy, not an entree I NEED.

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I rather not get into details. :sweat_smile:

Let’s just say that it seems that it wasn’t my true self, since even the urge to watch bdsm content or even basic porn is at an all time low.

I have strong reasons to suspect that it was more than my desire, some entities will starve for sure from now on. :grin:

It seems that it’s possible to reprogram one’s sexuality, urges of any kind, and pretty much a lot of things.

I want my sexuality to be an Ally, a healthy and self loving and loving expression of my true self, not some low vibes madness.

I have seen better choices, I have tested them, so I can choose better.

Health, on all levels, is non-negotiable for me from now on, self love, self improvement, finding a better path, finding healthier choices, that is my will and it seems thst it’s starting to become a reality at this point.