Spirituality x General Consensus on BDSM? (18+ Only)

Bro, just use Silent Mind NFT, focus on balansing yourself and you’ll be fine.

If I had intrusive thoughts about killing, then does that make me a probable murderer then?

Pretty sure everyone had them at some point.

I mostly had intrusive thoughts during puberty, often connected to hormonal happenings, then not rly, and with fields, not at all. Just stick to the fields and practises. :slight_smile:


Now that just makes me think it is another higher self shenanigan to force someone to awaken, since losing the entire sexual desire is the only solution…

On the other hand, I don’t know if I agree with most of this.

As for pedos…they have very different brains, and a very different life. Short of finding all the genetic pathways, something could be done there (brain mod + alchemical revision). For other kinks, I dunno.

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Field-wise, perhaps some sort of Consciousness Transplant?


I’ve had those too lol, I’m potentially anything lol.

Yeah, in most cases, our minds and our deeds are not on the same wavelengths.

I think I will.

Many Thanks, @SammyG and @Powren.

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Time to rewrite your consciousness, prepare yourself, boy.

Disclaimer: Entertainment purposes only.

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I’ve also had thoughts about being a billionaire. :grin:

Absolutely. So far, I’ve made some progress.

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Yeah, imagine :smiley:

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Perhaps we might delete later or turn it private, lol.

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The problem is kink usually stems from excessive porn usage, almost everybody has access to porn when they need to jack off and release that cheap dopamine. Over the course of time, the same porn content doesn’t hit the same anymore, so they desire more novelty or anything that gives them dopamine they were looking for.

Is there healthy and unhealthy kinks? I don’t know but regarding your pedophilia topic, like I said before, too many people indulge into porn that messes up their brain, so they explore different kinds of taboo content, even straight men may entertain themselves to “shemale” porn or “gay” porn when their usual porn doesn’t make them feel excited anymore.


I definitely think porn is a huge, huge problem. I don’t think it’s the main source of people having weird kinks or being pedophiles though. That stuff has existed for ages.

Porn surely exasperates it though and could potentially make it more likely that you end up with one. I’m quite sure it has even developed kinks in people that they wouldn’t have had otherwise either. So for sure I’m in agreement, porn definitely a big proponent.

(For example, James Joyce had a defacation kink uncovered through secret letters. This was early 20th century, before porn and when society was far less vulgar than it is today.)


Also, child pornograhy is documented abuse.
Quite different from porn with consenting adults.

1. The Factors Determining Sexual Preferences:

Sexual preferences in the physical world are a combination of Genetics + Deep Subconscious Conditioning + your Soul’s Personal Energy Choices.

If you want to change those sexual preferences completely, one would need to work on all of these 3 factors:

  • Physical genetics:
    This factor, we can hardly change, even with fields. And might be dangerous even. The genes control the hormones and the procreational programs of the species.

  • Deep Subconscious Conditioning:
    This includes learned triggers, childhood experiences, traumas, porn usage, societal brainwashing and repressed stuff. This is the only factor that humans with the current state of technology in the 21st Century can actually change.

  • Soul’s Personal Energy Choices:
    The personal individual preference of a soul to prefer male or female energies and the mix of those. It is part of someone’s individual “personality setup”, which is not real either and just a tool for you as consciousness.
    This individual preference can only be changed by individuals with actual developed Free Will, because it must be a proactive choice (!), or by the Higher Self.
    For this choice to work, the whole Subconscious Mind has to be brougth fully on board too.
    For this factor to be switched, one has to be already super advanced spiritually (because of the free will requirement) or the Higher Self has to be negotiated with.

2. Impressions from Alien Societies:

Independent of that, there are other sexual expressions that what humans on Earth know.
There are other species and societies in the universe who experience sexual interaction in completely different ways:


3. The EXTREMELY Limited Human Physical Perspective on Sex:

And finally, when humans discuss sexuality, they don’t see the bigger picture.

There is also sex and genders and body parts on the astral.
Deities have gender preferences too.

Sex is not something reserved for the physical.

Life Force energy expresses itself through all possible dimensions and planes.

All those human made kinks and fetishes are nothing compared to what is going on on a daily basis on the astral planes.

A lot more fun and crazy experiments to do and experience there.

And it doesn’t has to be gross or trauma-based or entropic.

Human physical sexuality and kinks are mostly trauma-based but do not make the mistake of thinking that sexual life and kinks on the astral planes is like the shit that we have here in the physical.

For most of my sexual fantasies it would even be impossible to create porn here in the physical nor to experience these things in any way lol.

This physical plane is so limited.

So people should not make the mistake of judging sexuality and the whole world of sex from this limited trauma-bases human physical perspective.