Stacks to overcome betrayal, fear, broken heartedness, and cheating?

I woke up today after a nightmare. The person I fell in love with, falling in love with somebody else. I couldn’t do anything but stand there and watch them get closer and closer. Even though I made it a point to spend time with him, they still got closer.

It’s my biggest fear to fall deeply in love, be so committed, and then the person I love leave me for someone else. Or worse, cheat on me. The ultimate betrayal that wounds me deep. I feel like I might not recover from that.

There’s been some actions from a guy I’m seeing that have triggered these deep fears within me. It’s been a while since those have been poked.

This dream came after these actions, and last night he didn’t keep his word and call me when he promised. When I asked him about it lovingly, he ignored my message. He warned me of this in the beginning, though. His need for improvement on following what he promises.

A little about me… I’ve been focused purely on my spiritual wellness and health over the past decade.

I’ve just begun dating again after 2 years of really diving in deep to become my whole, confident, connected, and aligned self. I had committed to my work in supporting others to solidify their connection to source. At some point, I was considering living at a temple to go deeper. But then I realized it was time to ground in.

I went from feeling so vibrant, confident, free, happy, aligned, and then these couple of actions from him chipped away slowly. Doubt creeped in, I wondered if this was going to end up poorly.

On one hand, this is the best relationship I’ve had, that’s made me feel safe, seen, and wanted.

On the other hand, a couple of his flaws trigger this deep insecurity within me.

I want nothing else to purge this pain of the past from my being so I can start fresh, start new. So I can know if my reactions are just purely triggers and that they’re not clouding my judgment.

I dated someone years ago that was a serial cheater. I think he was also addicted to sex.

Years after breaking up, I learned from friends that he lied to me about how many people he cheated on me with.

At this point I no longer consider that it a “relationship,” he attempted to make me part of his supply.

I don’t live with the active consideration of past lives, I focus on this one, but every past life that’s come up for review has to do with being the woman who stays at home wishing for her wayward husband to come back from his affair.

Today I’ve been using:

Trauma and Healing audio on repeat.

Self love

The Plasma Light & IBB

So far they’re helping but I feel like the mountain of STUFF is not being touched. These audios are sweeping the debris from the doorway.

I want a purging of these traumas/fears/past life so I can see this situation clearly. Because of the trauma, I can’t tell if I’m overreacting, reacting harshly or justified. I really want to slow down and not be in emergency mode so I can remember what really matters when I’m this relationship with him.

I want to see it for what it is, and not let the shadows creep in and pour in doubt. I want to make choices based on what’s best for us, because I really don’t think he’s being malicious with his actions. I think they are habits that he is aware of and acknowledges aren’t the best.

I want to give this a chance without feeling like running away because this mountain of pain is triggered.

Any suggestions on what audios to add? I can handle a purge. It just needs to be confined to the time and now, and not be so overtly messy… like I experience moldavite purges to be.


Hi, flutterfly!
Prepare to Dream

Crucible of Stored Trauma
Crucible of the Past
Amygdala Healing
Karma Crucible
Ego Dissolution


Hi, thank you for the warm welcome :pray:t4:

Thank you so much. I’m adding those to my list, now.

Where do I find the crucible ones?


revising for warmer welcome


I feel the warmer glow :smiley:


Could you point me in the direction of the crucible ones? I don’t think I’ve ever come across those.

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Point of no return (gumroad)
Project Mental Health (nft)
Crucible/Revision of Trauma (yt)
Alchemical Revision of self love (yt)

Also check out this free stack

Become whole
Divine Spark of Others
Forgiveness and Release
PTSD maybe (Patreon)
Resilience (Patreon)
Silent mind (nft)
Blessed Path (nft)

Emblem of Change… That one takes you for a ride…

Love Album (energetic alchemy)

Archetype of parental love (dreamseeds)

Blessings of Aphrodite

Knight Mindset !


These seem great. Thank you! I’ve added the ones on YT and will go through the ones posted elsewhere. Will report back…


Where is emblem of change found, however?

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Point of No Return
Omega Love by Psychic University
Alchemical Revisions (there are a couple of them.)


One of the most underrated and life changing fields. I think you should really try it.


Emotional release
Cutting ehteric cords
Dopamine (to stay positive and motivated)


It’s an nft with additional audio, found in the sapien shop


Before you use those things you need to really understand your chart. Sometimes cheating is not cause by the karma of Saturn… It’s due to rahu ketu axis

Or Venus in 7th house which makes her delusional . But its all depends

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I don’t read Vedic astrology. It’s too fatalistic for me and I don’t want to get a difficult to budge idea into my mind!

I have to thank ALL of you!

Yesterday I listened on repeat… to every free audio you suggested.

I’ve bookmarked the paid ones and will have to save up for them.

I fell asleep quickly and when I woke up, felt like a boulder was removed. I was then able to finally face it within and do my own clearing work.

Facing it was difficult, but I replayed a few audios which gave me the gumption and grit to remain at it.

Today at work I found myself smiling for no reason, my heart felt airy, as if air was moving through my heart space.

The weirdest thing… I was on Reddit and just came across a post from a woman frustrated about a woman her husband worked with. The woman pretty much now lives with them without her say, because the husband didn’t ask her. The lady’s driving a wedge between them and she feels she can do nothing about it because her husband is allowing it.

This post was essentially my nightmare that I had the previous night. I’m wondering if I have more work to do, so I will definitely be vigilant and save up for the paid audios.

Until then, are there any free equivalents to the suggested paid audios for now, that haven’t been suggested yet?

I also was able to face the truth… the majority of what I was feeling was MY stuff, not so much “caused” by him. It was really hard to see that prior to these audios. Really hard.

So, I changed my tone and decided to slow down in how I converse about the actions that triggered me.

There’s still work to be done but already I feel like 1/3rd of the way through…. Thank you thank you thank you.

Still open for more suggestions


is also on Utube

Good list.


I couldn’t survive without listening to this field👍


Thanks. I’ve added it

Sapien Medicine, or Dream weaver as I’ve seen you named here, thank you. Thank you for your work and efforts, the world is lucky to have you and I am grateful for the turn around I am beginning to witness in my life. It wasn’t an often thing for me to receive such help from others, it feels like a shell over me is breaking, so I can begin to receive that more. I’ve been too independent, and I’ve never met you nor conversed with you but your work is helping me so much.

I hope to contribute back to you once I am in a better capable position. Thank you!

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