Subconscious Limits Removal Tag

Does the Ascension tag have SLR built-in?


I think not.
I’ll just share my thoughts. I do not claim to be 100% true of my statements … This is just my opinion … Besides, inaccuracies in my thoughts are possible (English is not my native language).

At the moment, I know two ways to achieve the goal - personal growth.

They are completely different, they are no better or worse than each other. The first way is through subconscious limitations …
This includes all the tools for changing the subconscious content: the rules of the game, attitudes, beliefs, secondary benefits, subconscious desires, thinking filters, subconscious programs - call it what you want, the essence is one, this is what creates the reality around. The attitude has changed - the fact of reality has changed.
This is the removal of restrictions / your attitude to money, relationships, health, sex, wealth, yourself, to the acceptance-integration of morphic fields, and so on … This is how the SLD dog-tag works

The second way is a powerful, even forced increase in personal vibration for a total transformation of the personality (through the core of the personality). Self-awareness …
With a certain spiritual work, and wearing this dog-tag, I think the worldview should undergo very impressive changes. Many emotional reactions, thought patterns, gestalts, personal stories, resentments, fears will simply be erased …
On the path to Ascension, your picture of the world will experience dramatic and irreversible consequences. You will become aware of the entire illusion of the illusion that you considered to be reality. The intention will grow to such a scale that goals such as becoming a dollar millionaire will be realized in a matter of weeks, months (if you still have such desires, which is almost impossible). This is a different existence, a different level. One can only guess what might happen after.

At the very least, you need to be prepared for the fact that your old personalities will cease to exist. However, you should not think that you will become an empty entity or “vegetable”. This is probably true freedom. True freedom to choose what to believe and who to be. I think your desires should not disappear. It’s up to you to decide what to cling to and what to let go. When the masks and roles will subside, you will see this, as it were, from the point of view of an observer. The old personality must defy.
Summary - while maintaining a very high personal vibration for a very long time, a significant part of fears, resentments, emotional trauma, self-feelings, opinions, character, false desires, automatic reactions, personal stories of other people, ideas about something, mental garbage, various kind of blocks, social masks, prenatal trauma, imposed stereotypes and behavior, complexes will disappear
And from you begins to manifest what is your true essence - absolute and unconditional love, total peace, a natural state of happiness and self-sufficiency.

This is how I see it …

That is - if I had to answer your question (based on my knowledge and perceptions) - I would answer - no, there is no SLR field. It uses a different approach to transformation and transformation of the personality. Although, I think they will perfectly complement each other.

PS. I have both. But the use of Ascension is ahead of me.


Ascension is a much older field.
You will encounter subconscious blocks/ego block along the way. One of the people who has had it for a long time wrote “all sorts of ego things will have to be let go of” or sg similar.
But it’s designed to increase your energy (this dissolves blocks, think of it like when you have more water in a river), not to work on your subconscious


Gotcha, thanks.

Definitely the tag I need.


I hope to have it soon.




A part of me told me don’t buy “Subconscious Limits Removal dog tag” it is VERY EXPENSIVE, sure, that part felt uncomfortable, annoying.

And another told me better choose THOR REDUX is CHEAPER, the reward is quick, there are testimonials, and that part of me felt excited.

It took a few days to decide.

I think I made the BEST CHOICE.



I think so too! :100:


SLR is excellent, have fun bud ;)


I ordered SLR, IPF and intercession on sale in Dec. Only IPF came through. Where are the SLR and intercession I could use them so much😫

That’s quite strange! They seem to be sending them together, at least in my small sample :D

I’m also waiting for 3 tags which were sent out on the 12th and shipping info has not been updated since 19th…

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Hmm. I don’t know man hope you get yours ASAP. I’m just praying my both come soon.

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Now add the Pendand of the Magi tag to your SLR tag and you can wear the SLR tag almost 24/7, as it will receive a part of the necessary energy from the Magi tag instead taking it all from your personal energy resources :wink:

this is the case if a person has a Magi dog-tag.
if he does not have it, I think he can wear the SLR systemically. for example, only at night. or only during the day. or else come up with some optimal option

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They can be lost. Mine eternity redux is. Contact Sammy

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Do not worry!!!
I bought:
Thor Redux | December 16, 2020
Pendant of the Magi | January 3, 2021
The Sacred Flower | January 9, 2021

Pendant of the Magi - already with me
The Sacred Flower - already in Europe, but not yet with me
Thor Redux is still in America. He did not move for a month. And only the other day, using the track number, I saw movement.

Global delivery problems. Wait a little more and don’t be nervous :wink:


That is my fear.

Let her get lost.

That does not arrive.


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Ya’ll when I worry about my tags getting lost/delayed arrival, I try to connect with them psychically and meditate on them getting to me. I think they’re already connected to you once the order is connected with your name to it and it’s inside of a label with your address. We can’t control the Postal Services but we can control our minds and everything in it!


I just received a notification that my The Sacred Flower has arrived in my country.


just now…

all these synchronicities are not casual …

let it be a sign to you that everything will be okay.
and you will share your wonderful results with us.
I have no doubt about it.


After reading your previous reply I just thought that I’d type that may you get yours ASAP and may mine also come through soon and here you have that notification. have fun bud and thank you for the words🌬️