Taaffeite Crystal Energy (rare)

Taaffeite, pronounced “tar-fite”, is a very rare gem variety and is often included in the list of rarest gemstones in the world. At one time only a handful of specimens were known to exist. Recently more material has been discovered, though taaffeite continues to be very rare.

Some of the energetic properties are has been described to put you into a state of luck or a turn around of bad luck and it enhances charm. But since it is rare, it would be really up to you to discover what awaits.


Thread discussing some of the experiences:


Read the comments on YouTube guys, this seems to be a long forgotten magical stone!


I am playing and looping this field right now for the first time in my life.

The music/sound is super awesome.
Something that can be looped for hours.

It puts me in a “I know what I have to do” mental state.

The feeling is similar to when playing one of the alien intercession / meditation fields.

Also found some reading on Taaffeite:

Mainstream point of view:

Esoteric point of view:

…now I know why I love this field.
It is a Crown Chakra crystal! :star_struck:

1 Like

Taaffeite is a jack of all trades master of none kind of stone. Having it will slowly improve almost every aspect of your life, very slowly and consistently.


Found this post




noa shohat16 days ago

i feel high


Laura Peters2 months ago

For me, it feels like it’s liberating my female energy. I guess it’s different for everyone but my main block was sexual shame. Now I feel more untamed, wild and sexual as in embracing all the sexual attraction I feel and not feeling bad about the amount of guys I slept with or judging my performance, however maintaining my sweet and tender side.
Its liberating! I can enjoy it all now knowing it’s not bad


Trustfreelovejoy3 months ago



Real Talk4 months ago

I could die from the pain of missing my best friend.
He betrayed and abandoned me, discarded me like garbage.
My mind can’t fathom, my heart can’t comprehend.
I live in perpetual panic and longing…
How could he not miss me?
How could he do this to me?
Did he just replace me?
I’m dying inside.
My soul is raped.


Real Talk4 months ago




disgusting cruel abusive PATHETIC man,
I dodged a bullet, really.
saved and protected.

even knowing all that,
he was my best friend and my addiction,
my lifeline, I needed him desperately, wanted him badly.

the longing and the grief debilitate and paralyze me.

I am drowning in grief and terror and panic and darkness.

sadness and grief and longing and aching and misery and nostalgia: flood me.

my heart literally physically actually hurts.



he raped me.
raped my soul.

he doesn’t miss me?
I’m that easy to replace?

I don’t deserve a goodbye nor an explanation?

our connection and friendship wasn’t real?

I AM STUCK IN FREEZE (mostly, perpetually).

my heart is so heavy.
the grief; the ache; the longing.

I miss him.

I needed him.

I miss our connection.

One day we’re talking all day, every day,
the next, we’re complete strangers.

I die inside.


I truly die inside.

The pain is unbearable.
I am dizzy with grief.
Truly unimaginable darkness.


I wish to die.
I have severe PTSD.

the person whom I thought was my best friend,
gave me this PTSD. he raped me. on a soul level.
he viciously brutally violently maliciously raped my soul.
ghosted me. discarded me like garbage. replaced me for another.

I feel the PTSD in my body. I am drowning in darkness.
I’m in hell with no escape.
I face every moment of every day:
with utter dread and sheer terror.

and so…

as an act of my own free will…

I release and detach all vibrations and frequencies
that do not serve my highest good.

I responsibly cut all cords
from all people in my past,
and declare and command their energy
to no longer have access
to the sacred parts of my being!

I release and send back their energy to them
with the purest intent.

I call back my energy from their sacred space.
I command this all, for my inner healing and for my inner peace.

I am embracing the light within my soul.

I forgive therefore I am forgiven.

I love therefore I receive love.

And so it is.


  • work on yourself
  • heal yourself
  • purify, release, cleanse, attract, surrender
  • be independent; fall in love with you
  • radiate magical energy
  • develop a sense of mystery and safety and astonishment
  • visualize wishes fulfilled (COMMAND and FEEL)
  • live your life on purpose
  • Radical Honesty = EASY (when you’re not afraid of losing something)

Thank you Heavenly Father :heart:Thank you Universe :heart:
Thank you God❤Thank you Gurus❤Thank you Angels❤
Thank you Ancestors :heart:Thank you Divine Spirit :heart:Thank you Mother Earth :heart:


A successful woman is one who can lay a firm foundation:
with the bricks that others have thrown at her…

  • I AM feeling the love from the Universe.
  • I AM feeling a sense of purpose in my life.
  • I AM being shown and given a magical and miraculous way of living.
  • I AM connecting with my soul tribe, and (re)uniting with my twin-flame.

All the doors to the sacred and to the holy and to the benevolent and to the healing,
be open to me, and to my family (and to all who read this), in Jesus’ Name…

It is during this hour of NOW, that destinies become miracles! Hallelujah :heart:


Real Talk5 months ago


  • He wants me
  • He craves me
  • He wants to passionately wildly kiss me
  • He’s comfortable around/with me
  • He is confident around me
  • He’s soft with me
  • He’s loyal to me
  • He wants me so bad
  • The universe wants us together
  • And the Mother Earth knows his feelings
  • He always tells me his feelings
  • We will be in a healthy relationship (VERY soon, in this blessed year of 2023)
  • I trust the universe, 100%


2 Pac6 months ago

How long last benefits after listening this crystal healing video?


Юля-ля7777 months ago

I was very broken,but when I was listening this audio I cried… God thank you and creators of this​:pray::pray:


𝔅𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔡𝔦TX8 months ago

Woke up from having a dream where I was reading a journal entry to someone that I had written down, and the part that I read out loud right before waking up was something about a crystal quartz. So as soon as I woke up I was thinking to myself, search the words ‘Sapien Quartz,’ and see what comes up! :thinking::wink:


HEIDI LOVE ANGEL8 months ago



Vanessa Petralito8 months ago

the easiest way to explain how it works on me is actually comparing it to taking ecstasy, i feel very whole, grounded, unscattered and especially fullfilled, satisfied. amazing crystal, thank you dream seeds! also it makes me say words of love right away without any second guessing or overthinking, in fact without thinking at all, it’s like “me feeling this emotion is just a fact, so i might as well share” like a child would say - and i speak more simple instead of using more complex words , this i wanted to achieve in a long time, because as i like to speak of deep, demanding topics i really want to explain them simply :) so this kinda purifies you, put me in almost like a child state of feeling but even more love filled - i kinda feel like an angel, very happy and in the moment! what a wholesome crystal, i wanted to energetically replicate the effects of ecstasy for a while now i kinda got it haha but any other suggestions are welcome! ah i enjoyed writing this


Sumanaa S9 months ago

Thank you…


Airi9 months ago

Is it ok to use this with the moldavite one?


Smo Ove9 months ago

I felt it in the backs of my hands guys anyone know what that means?


Sovereign Stars Know10 months ago



gurpreet singha year ago

Please make one for blue sapphire…


:crown:Majestic Voyager​:stars:a year ago

The main meaning of taaffeite, is it’s use as a balancing and energizing gem. Taaffeite brings fortune, good luck and improves energy.


jean reynoldsa year ago

Love your beautiful work.


Treasure2Beholda year ago

This crystal is found in the land of my birth. Therefore it is extra special in my healing process. Thank You :revolving_hearts:


Shanna Boatwrighta year ago

Great meditation …
God is good all the time


Kasia Stara year ago

Love :heart: it…. This found me:) :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::slightly_smiling_face::notes:
Thank you!


UnknownOnea year ago

Very gentle healing effect.
Feel it in my lower back and throat.


Faraha year ago

this is a very comforting and nurturing stone
my chest feels lighter, my breathes are deeper and more satisfying I feel safe and happy
wish i could get my hands on one of these


Mark Apurona year ago



Melissa O’Connella year ago

(((Thank :sparkles::open_hands::purple_heart::open_hands::sparkles:You)))


Jenny Medleya year ago

I felt this immediately…a cold sensation up and down my legs. So awesome. :pray:. Much love and gratitude :heartpulse:


Sofia Mutenzya year ago

Isn’t that the same track as from the hairloss track from sapiens ? :) just curious :)


RobbeyTa year ago

The audio seems very over driven, so distorted. Is it supposed to sound like this?


Tuuli Ka year ago

Wow this video popped up in my feed. I felt drawn to it. As soon as I started listening to it, I felt as if air was rushing into my lungs and throat. I have a mild cold now and have suffered (long) covid symptoms for 3 months. It’s not so bad anymore but I don’t feel 100% healthy either. Thank you, I’ll keep listening to this and other healing music​:white_heart::seedling:


Sejin2 years ago



erkaderka2 years ago

Wow, my heart feels so warm and full. I noticed I was just looking off into space with a smile, eyes softened. I suffer from major depression, and I cannot express how thankful I am for this and you. My dogs love this one too. May all who seek comfort, find this​:sparkling_heart::sparkles:


Skee.Grae112 years ago

Thank you​:blue_heart::blue_heart::innocent:


MsBlueRyan2 years ago

This is a very unique energy field. I love it!!! I feel the beauty of this essence throughout my body field. Amazing and exotic. Thank you Dream Seeds.


Vegan Vocalist2 years ago

I placed my hand on my dog family member , the moment I did she lay down and fell asleep ;D))) so sweet , she never does this and is not over keen on being touched . Will do this again , Thank you <3


Sejin2 years ago (edited)




To the last comment: I sure hope so. I need that!


Cathy AAA2 years ago

With gratitude :purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart::purple_heart:


Dreams Come True2 years ago

It worked for me on the first listen! I experienced good luck, received a message, and managed to book a doctor who only had an appointment available for the end of January! I tried to book this doctor last month and I couldn’t! I was impressed with a result on the first day


Momma Minga2 years ago

If only I could put my experience into words. I’m just finding this video!! Used it a few days now and let me just say WOW! :sob::purple_heart::heart:


Kelly Christine2 years ago

My heart chakra cup runneth over from this…effects last for days…


Rose Sam2 years ago



The autistic beauty2 years ago

it found me🙄


Sejin2 years ago



Binh Cam2 years ago

Thank you love you. Love everyone


lizard wizard2 years ago (edited)

You could have mix this with your happiness and hope audio (ノ´・ω・)ノ ミ ┻━┻


Spiritual Coach & Astrologer- Cyndi2 years ago

I can feel a piercing needle feeling on the left side of my brain. To be more precise, one ich above my left ear and one inch back.


julie Dean2 years ago

Thanks galactic djs!


Cole Son2 years ago

Love it :heartpulse:


julie Dean2 years ago

Thank you galactic djs I sure do dig your work


julie Dean2 years ago

I’m going to ask for the highest most miraculous outcome for all beings :blue_heart: and a windfall of cash to make sure my family’s needs are met and we have a family compound so we can go back to the gardens and be more self sufficient


Rami A.2 years ago

Is it ok to listen with headphones? Is it better to listen to the videos of Dream Seeds and Sapien Medicine on speakers?


Sejin2 years ago

you save +ing🇳🇱 my life


How mathematicians create maths2 years ago

This stone is good for people who get little oxygen from Corona or general have breathing problems. But, of course, it´s main benefits are psychological: peace of mind, clarity of thought, enhanced concentration, improved energetic heart field (which gives people subconciously the feeling they need to respect you), improved perception of your unique individuality by your crystall like aura, better relationships because you stop pedestalizing your partner, boss starts to turn into a sausage dog for you instead of you having to play the puppy, etc.

since enlarged oxygen levels were shown to slow down aging, this energetic medcine could make you look like 40 when you are 60, if you start listening at latest 20.


Etta B.2 years ago

I can’t believe this crystal got me out of bed! It raised my vibration. I was feeling very low in energy, had some pain, felt like sleeping all day and then this crystal immediately gave me the strength and desire to get up as I put it on. It seems to ground me and make my body feel stronger. It seems to make me feel more invincible, more capable of doing whatever I want. Great energy! Thank you :blush:


Ernesto Chua2 years ago

can this video use to charge water ?? does the energy healing frequency remain in the water forever ??


Cat Harmony2 years ago

I am charming, loved, and full abondante


Prince Albert In A Can2 years ago

I love this energy. Combining this with moldavite is bringing an amazing transformation into my life. Thank you for gifting us with this


Muhammad Anas Khairulnizam Only2 years ago

hi i believe in sonicwave can create movement, then heat and electricity too, so i think this crystal if really give luck can i try? maybe a light or any wave that passes by it will make some other wave into body to feel better if not luck? maybe the wave like just push wave of aids and hiv in blood of others away kind of reaction? a sonicwave would be ) like that then maybe the reflection makes some kind that is pleasant to life like just hating wave of virus?


Prince Albert In A Can2 years ago

I’d never heard of this one, but I think it’s just what I need. Thank you.


My Dear Universe2 years ago (edited)

:sparkling_heart: 7


SH∆IKH S0HEL2 years ago



Simply Nightcore2 years ago

My heart rate instantly went slower🧐


Reecia2 years ago

The graphics on this blow me away. And yes I feel it. Thank you.


Maya2 years ago

I am so drawn to this one particularly. Thankyou so much for this amazing work, bless u


Maria Carter2 years ago

Thank you :innocent::kissing_closed_eyes::innocent:


Ana Macklis2 years ago

Beautiful, amazing! Thank you <3


Treasire Wealth2 years ago

This is my energy!!! That you all highjacked in the shattering and continuing swapping around??? What kind of BS is this!!!


Chrollo is Coming inside me2 years ago

Today’s my birthday and im going to listen to this and see what happens :smiley::green_heart:


Oversized Legal Fees2 years ago

This is the same music as Vortex’s Child Abuse? I mean, obviously that’s just the background music so I would assume that it’s some sort of open source track…


Faziah Addala2 years ago

De TOUT COEUR​:heart:MERCI​:rose::heart:THANK YOU VERY MUCH​:heartpulse::heartpulse::heartpulse::sun_with_face:
PEACE AND JOY​:hugs::sun_with_face:


Sage of 6 paths.2 years ago

What an amazing sound. I cannot stop listening man. I feel cool air swirling around me as I listen, like I’m flying…my new favorite video of all time


Fitness Freak3 years ago



a mere gal3 years ago

No one checks Taaffeite


ᗯOᒪᖴY ᗷᗩᗷYᗪOᒪᒪ ᖇIᗪᗪᕼI3 years ago

:two_hearts::two_hearts::nazar_amulet::nazar_amulet: Serendipity :nazar_amulet::nazar_amulet::two_hearts::two_hearts:


MGTOW Academy3 years ago (edited)

Update after listening to it once (or maybe twice, but I can’t remember): I took a short “nap” twice today (I was awoken once in the middle to answer a question, and then fell back asleep). However, in those 2 naps, i had some very vivid dreams (I unfortunately don’t remember them, only that they both felt like they’d lasted for hours and were quite vivid).

It was just too “coincidental” to have dream so vivid, and perceived to be so long as I was lying there with my eyes closed, listening. I didn’t have the intention to fall asleep, but I did on accident. When I first woke up, I swore it was the next day because of how long those dreams were perceived to be. That’s happened before of course, but damn, there’s not an atom in my body doubting this morphic field now. It was only less than 2 hours total, yet it felt as if an entire night has gone by. Thank you Dreamweaver :pray:


Intuitively Magician3 years ago

Needed this . Everytime I try to get back on track, setbacks are in the way , so I have to readjust my game plan . All that hard work for nothing. And just when I was going to get my pick break.


Earth Goddess Uchechi3 years ago

this is one of the coolest accounts ive ever found! so cool thanks


Jonathan carter3 years ago

This Crystal supplies the body with oxygen, which I find rather extraordinary, and because of this it is extremely important for all aspects of body healing. The atmosphere surrounding the planet, at the moment, has very depleted oxygen levels due to the darksides agenda, This will change shortly. Love and gratitude for such a pure and awesomely powerful Crystal energy.


Jonathan carter3 years ago

This also works on the pineal/ 3rd eye very strongly whilst clearing emotional pain from the body and energy field. Also, this has phenomenal healing power for body, mind and soul!. Beautiful, thankyou!.


K Jb3 years ago

Thank you Sapiens medicine for this masterpiece :pray::heart:


Aakarsha Gem House Sri Lanka3 years ago

yes Taaffeite is the Rarest Gemstone in the World
we find them in Sri Lanka as well
i love taaffeites !
i have a collection of taaffeites with me


ARR🎼3 years ago

Same as hair loss treatment​:roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


young marcci3 years ago



young marcci3 years ago

This stone is between $120–$350 on the internet…


Evan Johnson3 years ago

What are you boys in the comments smoking?


Marleni Betances3 years ago

10:11 10 22 20 11 16 20 7 308 75 2222wwww


skunkie1103 years ago

I was feeling sad. This video put a smile on my face and lightened the energy. I got that “warm fuzzy feeling” now. Thank you :blush:


Liena3 years ago

I almost choked on an orange while listening to this. I believe I have throat chackra blockages because I haven’t told someone I love them so I’m holding on to my truth because he never gives me a chance to say anything. Yesterday I was listening to an energy audio from dream seeds and it was like someone struck me on my back and I coughed out a wet goo… so I rushed to the bathroom and spet it out all of a sudden I felt like I could tell the person how I felt and for some reason I didn’t care what would happen but then I didn’t. 🙆


How mathematicians create maths3 years ago

Men who listen to this will be seen as unicorn men: badass vibe but also loving in his heart ruthless to enemies but gentle to his lady, smart similar to Einstein and quick like Ronaldo


Tanya D3 years ago

Please continue making the stone series


Jolene Fionnuala3 years ago

Reminds me of tefiti stone in Disney Moana movie, at any chance it might me coincidence?


Nicole Unity3 years ago



aithaf3 years ago



Chaitra Amarnath3 years ago

i am so lucky to know about sapien. thankyou universe.


Igi Igi3 years ago

I feel also something in my ears inside.


3 years ago

Some tensions, stresses and anxiety being smoothed out of the body. It makes me flexible and resting in myself completely.


ᴀᴅᴠᴏᴛɪʏᴀ ʀᴀsᴋɴᴏʟɴɪᴋᴏᴠᴀ3 years ago

Thank you, Dream Seeds. I have yet to discover truly what this magic and rare stone has to offer, but I accept all of it and I again thank you for this wondrous gift.


JS Info3 years ago

Man… no words!!! Excellent…


AlKiMisT11113 years ago (edited)

Although I personally think all that one needs is found Within, I do think there are certain tools we can use that help bring out what is already Within and Crystals are certainly one of those beautiful tools! Thank you again Sapien!


AlKiMisT11113 years ago

:heartpulse:Thank you​:heartpulse:


Jaded3 years ago

Could this help with social anxiety


Sapphire Acquarose3 years ago

Although outcome is always nice to know, I simply love how I feel when I listen to both this video and the moldavite frequency videos. Its exciting to be able to experience the high frequency of the crystal even though the crystal is not in my physical possession. These 2 videos (the taaffeite and moldavite) are mo go-tos to get me into a frequency I enjoy quickly and the cord cutting video is great to sever the ties with others who may be draining me of my energy. Thank you for these amazing creations!


Unique3 years ago

I love this video… also very rare and magical…


vanessa adriana3 years ago

so soothing


Kim Alexander3 years ago

The most powerful, for me, of Sapien’s videos. I feel so grounded and peaceful. I have not felt this grounded for many years, I actually feel the energy move through my legs ,through my entire body. My mind is quiet. Interesting, I have little interest in listening to any other videos right now because I feel so complete, at peace and content. Last night I listened to etheric cord cutting, which also was powerful, so perhaps the two are working hand in hand. Thank you from the deepest part of my heart Sapien. I am so very grateful to have found your channel and thank you for helping so many of us, particularly as humankind transitions through this profound energetic gateway we call 5D! My heart and head are in coherence. Namaste!


Annana Joarder3 years ago

Can u make one to become fearless.my little one is so fear ful.or can u suggest me to use significant one for him.he is 6 years old.



And so it is!
Namaste :heart::pray::dizzy::dove:


Stephanie Stevenson3 years ago



Chamila Prasad3 years ago

You are a one of guardian angel


Sapphire Acquarose3 years ago

My solar plexus is dancing with delight right now!!!wooh, yah!


I Am That I Am3 years ago

Very soothing and comforting ! :heart:


Kenn3 years ago

I could listen to this for eternity


Dave Hibbs3 years ago

What type of machine are you using here?


Arrafi Farzansyakieb3 years ago

Its realy work luck come from any direction into me thank you sapien your amazing


H3 years ago

I wish there is a soul amnesia breaker , I wanna remember my past life ( even thought I’m not sure if I should)


Eloise Erasmus3 years ago

Something very very strange is happening to me haha I am all very new to this so I am not so sure if I am doing something wrong or if my brain has the weirdest way or creating its new homeostasis (I saw that video 2). I literally I feel like I am permanently starting to vibrate and I am restless, I feel like I have to do something right now but I still don’t know what lol. Is this normal :sweat_smile:


Tanya D4 years ago

Please make more videos on stones and crystal energy. Thank you


Aditi4 years ago

In the description, it says-“ or a turn around of bad luck.” That basically means good luck right? Can listening to this video cause any bad luck?

General doubt- Are we supposed to wear earplugs/headphones for all dream seed videos?


Antz Plaatjies4 years ago

222 comments…2020…time now 00:02…enough said


Kyrsten Bean4 years ago

Definitely looking for a turnaround on my recent bad luck as I managed to scramble away from the one I loved due to him going dark on me. It’s been a rough year and I’ve really got some serious healing in.


Claire McGee4 years ago

All I did was read the description and it raised my vibration :crazy_face::joy::sparkling_heart::rainbow::pray:t2: xxx


Dalton Parker4 years ago

The sensation of listening to this after waking up and drinking water is so euphoric, thank you for this!!


Dhara Rami4 years ago

There is a very rare stone growing in my back yard/ I would love to give you one- perhaps you can make video for it.


Bart Everaert4 years ago

I get this is mainly working for the heart center. But also on sacral.


Delia Zhang4 years ago

I just wanna say thank you for creating this feeling of blissful release of negativity that we encounter everyday, this makes my anxiety and depression dissipate, you gifts are shared thru this healing remedy , love all your crystals series , send you lots of love & peace namstate


Mx Ruwa4 years ago

My boyfriend took out all the trash. All of it, in time we’ll have proper waste removal :grin:


or malichi4 years ago

What’s the best way to listen to sapien videos speakers or headphones?

Some say headphones some speakers
Can any1 give a statement proof from sapien ?


monalisa1717174 years ago

Didnt work for me. Ended up with worse luck. Less then 1 hour after listening someone tried to cheat me.


Alankrita Das4 years ago

I am so happy and so greatful that I have sapien medicine in my life. Thank you for changing my life. Thank you Thank you Thank you so so much.:yellow_heart:


David4 years ago

It’s Soothing.The Best of Dream!!


Jayant4 years ago

Any results?


MR ENTERPRISE4 years ago

The Rarest Gemstone in the World. What an Honor.


Average Dream4 years ago

Enhances charm!?


Many Barrera4 years ago

this energy is really good i feel it right away
god bless you


Geeta Devi4 years ago

Thanks a lot Dream Seeds. Pls let me know that downloaded video will give the same result ?


Kimberley Aultman4 years ago

As Abraham Hicks would say"when you go into a room there is NO dark switch is there?, ONLY LIGHT~ REMEMBER!!


4 years ago

How many times to listen for its effects throughout the day?


Kimberley Aultman4 years ago

PUBLISHED. OCTOBER. 222 019. :grin:


Intuitively Magician4 years ago (edited)

just got my car stolen a week before Christmas, not good for me. Hopefully, this turns everything around, just don’t know what to do anymore in life

Car was found after Christmas. Christmas 2019


Kimberley Aultman4 years ago

:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:


01214 years ago

Any results…


Mercedes Oestermann van Essen4 years ago

This is so beautifully genlty enticing and the video graphics are just magic, representing in my world how it sort of is out there…Thank you Dreamseeds/Sapien/ Namaste


Kimberley Aultman4 years ago

This GOES directly to the HIGHER HEART :heart: everyone!! It is what (I am) be ing told ×o×o


Kimberley Aultman4 years ago



4 years ago (edited)

I just had this in the background running and had a problem which I normally would accept as not possible to turn over. Even though I had all the right to have it my way. Well lo and behold I did it. The situation I don’t know how but words just flowed out of me because of this. I am even writing this comment due to the amazing energies coming from this gem of a video. Thank you Dream Seeds/ Sapien Medicine you are truly a miracle worker. Bless you and all of us. We are truly one.


djdjdjd . hddh4 years ago



su2sa1li44 years ago

please do a video for cleaning karma


F.Camp4 years ago

It sounds distorted and fuzzy through my headphones… Anyone else?


Kondic Dr4 years ago

Please can someone in some details explain main details benefits of this rare gemstone? What it does to human?


H Augustyn4 years ago

Amazing video…thank you :dove::heart::heart::heart:


Axillaris Thubten4 years ago

Thank you for your wonderful audios, you are a real gem in this modern world, thanks sapien! For further projects i have some suggestions:

  1. The cold shower experience: All mental and body-related benifits of a cold shower
  2. The sauna/hot bath experience: All mental and body-related benifits of a sauna, hot bath
  3. The mountain-hiking experience: All mental and body-related benifits of hiking and oxigen benefits.

Or some new portal audios like:

  1. Portal to pyramides of Gizeh, kings chamber energy
  2. Portal to Himalayan, Tibetian, Shamballah energy
  3. Portal to Untersberg, german-austrian mythology energy

Thanks for your attention!


Annikaelisaa4 years ago

Do we need to watch the video and do we need headphones?


rucci rod4 years ago



rucci rod4 years ago

122 u must have and learn ptience younge one or else


Lolli Poppins4 years ago (edited)

Ah, mo Chara Dream Seeds :blush: Tá an tsíocháin atá agam mar gheall ortsa…go raibh míle maith agat. Oíche Shamhna sona!


Teja T.4 years ago

Day 3 : I notice an unusual feeling from the HEART, no more thoughts activity, I just stay STILL in this area, then a very SOFT-SMOOTHING-COMFORT feeling arise and “overhelm me” for many minutes that are intense - as if the Heart is now open, taking back its power (over the analyzing thoughts in the head), this short experience is really deep, something has SHIFTED or UNLOCKED, but I can’t explain completey with words. BTW, sometime, I combine this with “Reiki to attract the best future”, and “reiki for manifesting a positive outcome”, I think it enhance its mutual effect.


Britton De Young4 years ago

I place my speaker next two a glass jar with crystal quartz and rose quartz with stones from the sea in water. I play this file. Next I add 1/4 of tsp of Celtic sea in the jar with ultra purified water. I surround the jar with 3 black coconut patchouli candles. After I play a few times I then promptly drink the water,whilst imagining the vibrations in water vibrate my being.


4 years ago

This feels so good


Jordan Fanwell4 years ago

Hey Dream Seeds, are the effects of this crystal permanent?


Harvard Kandar Mark4 years ago

Try combine Taaffeite Crystal Energy + A life of Magical Adundance. Awesome result


Rama Krishna4 years ago



Shahwar A4 years ago

Omg coming across this is fate. Omg Sapien <3


Rockit Science4 years ago

Feels lovely. :D I feel drawn to this for some reason and have been listening to it once or twice each day since release. Didn’t even realize that such a crystal existed beforehand, haha.


Icarus Wings4 years ago (edited)

My body feels lighter, like its floating, it seems to be raising my vibration :) I feel warmth and love in my chest. Eyes closed, it quiets my mind and induces a meditational state. Helps my body to relax. Feels like my body is being energized, and stress is going down also.


star gazer4 years ago

Not to long after listening to this I went outside and a dragonfly landed on my hand :four_leaf_clover:


itty bitty4 years ago

I listened once, yesterday, and I feel like things have turned around fast. I was declined a job yesterday. But today I applied somewhere else-got an interview and was hired within hours of applying!!! I was wearing a herkimer diamond, aquamarine and citrine on me while listening too. Anyway stay positive everyone xoxo


M D4 years ago

We are lucky to have you! Thank you :blush:


Asiful Haque4 years ago

Will this create bad luck?


maxwell4 years ago

Can i match this with other luck frequency audios?


J4 years ago

Anyone here have any luck stories to share?


SKa Sh4 years ago

is it supposed to activate your heart chakra and make you emotional and tight chest?


Billhaze674 years ago

Someone now if i can hear the sapien field for the 3rd eye chakra or Heart chakra all night on loop to awaken it fully next day or can i only hear that frequency 3 times but i guess its really strong im pretty sure if i hear it on loop my chakras and my Evolution will be light speaded and can i hear the joy frequency on loop all night wow just the thinking makes me so euphoric right now this channel its really life changing :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart:


Billhaze674 years ago

Saphir would be awesome its on of the best to connect whith spirituallity and third eye also thx this is real Special fore me,;D


Lee Wawson4 years ago

Interesting wave 2* *ROCk :blue_heart: :high_brightness:


Cutty Flanks4 years ago

This is really nice, uplifting indeed and warming. May we know can we loop this field or suitable for 2-3 times only per day?


Vivek Rajan4 years ago

How many videos can we hear continueosly at a time , Can we hear both Sapien Medecine videos and Dream Seeds videos continuesly at a time.


Marianne Apers4 years ago

Dream seeds , ENDLESS BIG THANK YOU. …


Saibaba28 Saibaba4 years ago

please do one music for change life style and overcoming bad karma attacking please do this​:bowing_man::confused::rose:save me


Deny Saint4 years ago

Thanks for this. I hope you can do more of this kind of videos with other gems or stones like tourmaline,selenite, white quartz,etc


Jon Mendoza4 years ago

This one is so good, I felt it all over my forehead and top of my head like crazy! Thank you DW.


Saibaba28 Saibaba4 years ago

this works offline MP3? please reply my comment I don’t have available WiFi always so asked :bowing_man:



The Matrix Exit right in the middle.


C S4 years ago

There’s really not that much info on this gem out there


Wei Wei4 years ago

Wow and wow! First time listen, I am not sure what happened but I felt my mind lighter, which I think lifted my mood. Thank you, thank you and thank you!


Kenya4 years ago

This is so original, you’re so creative! thank you Sapiens
( It would be great if you can add more info about what does it work for in these videos)
love to you


The Universe4 years ago

Extremely grateful to you for introducing this and I am here to explore.:pray:


Vickie Vires Richie🪴4 years ago

Magnificent :heavy_heart_exclamation::pray::latin_cross::dizzy::rose: :crown::dove::art::sparkling_heart::herb:


Jayant4 years ago

I attract good luck. :four_leaf_clover:


Light Sounds4 years ago

The energy is so comforting and really enjoyed the visuals. Thank you Sapien🙌


venice dollie4 years ago

:weary:inagine you listen to this and then in the next day you are dead lmao sksksksks


Andrés Flores4 years ago

does the sound of distortion is in purpose or the signal is clipping?


Random Human4 years ago (edited)

I believe this specific crystal clears out the anxiety surrounding ones goals and passions, revives one with vigor, joy, confidence and spontaneity regarding someones path/goals, and pushes one forward to act from the heart without analysis or concerns about future ramifications - it paves the road to success and clears out anxiety or fear which would prevent someone to be on their journey or path to joy.


Tiffani Nichole4 years ago

Thank you for this, I love your crystal videos! Listening to this made me feel joyful and hopeful for the future. Very nice! Is it necessary to watch the video as well? Is there any benefit to the video? Thanks again, I appreciate you!


Andrés Flores4 years ago

Black Tourmaline would be amazing!


Billhaze674 years ago

Are your frequencys better through phone speaker or boxes or tv or Headphones im kinda wondering if it make any difference


kpriya pp4 years ago

Luck…:sob::sob::sob:okay let’s see if I can see my favorite Santa clause face -sapien


Random Human4 years ago

felt strong burning sensation in the chest area and warmth spreading from the chest to the hands and throughout the body


Healing Interiors4 years ago

I was guided to this. I wanted something else on my list and this one came up. Loving it! I can feel the transformational power in it. Thank you so much for your wonderful work Sapien/Dream. Namaste


The Alchemy of Love💚4 years ago

Wow, LOVE the visuals on this crystals series! Thank you SO much for what you do. Much love and light!:green_heart::green_heart::green_heart::kissing_heart:


Debra Flint4 years ago

Thank you for your time and talents blessings to you love and light


Angel Leo4 years ago

This is fantastic! You came through with two amazing videos on crystals… thank you so much! This one makes me feel really happy and positive. It’s so cool that you can do this with crystals! Blessings and happiness to you Sapien


Brooke Little4 years ago

Here’s what happened:

I listened to Quadible’s subs for luck and abundance. The next day I found Sapien Medicine. Coincidence? Negative. Both have changed every aspect of my life. If I had a million dollars I would split it between the three of us (ok, when I have a million dollars :heart:).

I appreciate you. Your brilliance and humility is respected and noticed. Keep on keeping on❤️


GV4 years ago

Omg ! WOW


King Lucifer4 years ago

I wish i had this crystal personally the energy feels really good.


Tre Harden4 years ago

Grateful for this!

Feel the energy flowing through my entire body


Helen Holmes4 years ago

Hi Moon Man, the visual is breathtaking. It looks like sand, what a creative mind you have. I like the little tease you have put at the end of the description. I really hope I get something worth mentioning. Thank you for such a innovative creation.


Athena4 years ago

This is what futuristic spirituality would look like thank you


Réjeanne Dubé4 years ago

Thank you so much Dream. Love and blessings.:leaves::rose::leaves:


Ajay Panchwagh4 years ago

Can i loop in entire night?


Just4 years ago

Awesome! Thank you!


PSI PATH4 years ago

We’re already lucky to have you dream :)


Vj sharma4 years ago

Thank you sapien :)


Kondic Dr4 years ago (edited)

What should I listen for recharging, to listen your many fields? Cause they are all good to be true, and I know you said to me once, many fields could exhausted me and give fatigue.
Please Sap made some for recharging lol


God Mode4 years ago (edited)

Quite interesting, I’ll see where it takes me

After listening for the first time: I feel uplifted and have more energy


Vidya Narayan4 years ago

Thank you so much, SM


Irina Petrossian4 years ago

Luck that is exactly what all of us desperately need. Thank You :heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:


Intuitively Magician4 years ago

turning bad luck around and putting me in a state of good luck according to the description, very nice


Mayita07084 years ago

Please make one against Pms :tired_face::smiley::kissing_heart::kissing_heart::kissing_heart:

Its absolutely amazing :dizzy:
Yeasterday i looped it for the first time. I felt immense pressure in my head and whole face. I got so calm ,even blissful to a degree.
After i closed my eyes i saw pink and red lights sparkling in the void.
It’s going to my daily stack.

I think it stimulated my third eye.
Also something kept telling me that its going to turn my life around in a good way.
Wonderfull gem :gem:



It’s extremely beautiful and very very expensive.

How spoiled we are to experience it’s energetical effects without spending a car worth of money


Looping this field for the 2nd time.

This works strongly on the Third Eye Chakra for me and a little bit on the Crown Chakra.

A deep sense of inner peace.

The music is also super nice and can be looped long-term. I wish that newer fields would also have relaxing music like this…

I think I am going to loop this overnight… :slight_smile:

…while also playing an alien field from a second device :alien:

Also some more info here:


I had to stop looping this after 1 hour yesterday (and continued the night with only Intergalactic Tour NFT).

The Third Chakra stimulation in this field is very strong.
Strong like in the good old days when original Androstenol was online on YouTube… :smiley:

Does androstenol work on the third eye chakra? :smiley:

No, this was meant to compare the strengths of the fields.

12 hours later, and my Third Chakra is still tingling.


I have used this field many times but I had never commented and I think it is not necessary to lop it, a single listen and the energy of the taaffeite remained with me for a little over 2 days.

Something interesting about this field is that it greatly increases your absorption of oxygen or prana, try doing some breathing work, pranayama or breath of fire during or after listening to it and you will be buzzing very quickly