Tachycardia x CSF relief asap

Maybe try theanine? It can calm you down and reduce the heart rate… but I think that correlates with a reduction of blood pressure. Enhanced blood circulation could be useful. Angel intercession and ask for help? Healing energy for the heart.

For some reason I also thought about lymphatic effusion. Maybe it can help


No. It arose two years ago due to the progression of CM lol
and v glad to know you are better now :)

Damn, ok. And what would be those alternative ways to treat CM?

Sapienmed :muscle:t3:


Would anyone know why you would bleed chunks of blood, coming from inside the ear canal on the right side?
Today’s the second time this month: both times occurred after my head drops to the right side. Skull pain. Swimmer’s ear throbbing is simultaneous to it, too-, although said sensation has been ever present lately :woman_shrugging:t3:


You are passed due a full check up with doctors.

Why is it that you cannot go?

Do you have this? Elemental Alchemical Ability: New Release

You have the Skull too right? If not, try creating a Light Servitor, they have proved to me being able to become such good doctors :) besides finding the necessary intercessions.

And i also find that fae helps a lot balancing the activities in the heart, brain, blood etc


Thank You @LunaMoon :heart:
Love and light to you :comet: :crescent_moon: :comet:

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Where does it hurt? This is important to know. (I’m a doc by the way) we want to rule out a stroke, haemorrhage, heart attack…

Also tachycardia can come from hypovolemic shock. Do you have a thyroid issue? Do you feel giddy? Do you have posture related tachycardia?

What is your blood pressure trend?

CSF obstruction? This sounds like a neurosurgery issue. Do you happen to know if you have communicating versus non-communicating hydrocephalus? Do you have neck stiffness, visual disturbances or a headache?

If it’s out of the norm a visit to the doctor would be a good choice.


Well Doc I oughta say you’re sharp lol.

Yes- I had 2 neurosurgeries this year for congenital CM1. The vertigo/ tachycardia / bizarre changes in cognition, speech, movement, hearing & so on, are / were“de-factos” of CM’s progression. But they are all reversible - or at least by 50% - thanks to the operation.

I know the general rule of thumb is to not play Google Doc for your symptoms, but I recall reading somewhere that if one has a near/ skull based surgery, it is possible for bleeding from the inner ear to occur. But then again I am by no means a Doc :woman_shrugging:t3:

I did however speak with my Neuro OT today; he suggested I bring this up with my ENT specialist/surgeon as I have a nose surgery coming up in the next week w/ him , so hopefully the pain/ random blood attacks starts to subside !

Thank you :)


Yeah csf otorrhoea or bleeding from the ears can indicate some kind of trauma/rupture, sometimes it can be from surgery. Oh okay you have CM1, that’s more reassuring in a way…

Field-wise have you tried Brain Massage? It helps with the glymphatic system which might help with movement of the csf through the ventricles. You can also try Brain Tumor Apoptosis which also works on non-malignant growths for the CM1. BP wise you can try Vagus Nerve Stimulation or Blood Pressure Reducer ver 2. Hope you feel better soon.


You have just made my day :D you’re my internet hero lol.

Thank you so much! In your highly valued opinion sir,
Do you think I need to go revist the neurosurgeon again or
The ENT for next week will suffice
I know the ENT dude does skull based surgery too - and ironically he used to work with my neurosurgeons before he parted ways for some other group. (He’s doing my septum deviation surgery because one of my nostrils - actually the one on the same side as the bleeding- is 80% obstructed)

I actually do have brain massage because I saw it had something to do with CSF- with what exactly I hadn’t known, but now I do! Thank you :relieved:

Oh and one more thing: I know several regions of my brain are underdeveloped, so I was wondering if you think it’s appropriate I work alongside the brain audios here: like other than plasma brain of youth? Ie BDNF or the ones that make you “genius” like (not aiming for that but after cm1 suddenly hit a year ago, l can no longer think or recall things the way I used to. Like I’m not smart now lol. Also I can’t find a doctor who’d take the above question seriously, so thank you in advance).

PS I think it’s really cool how even as a doctor you’re open to this. Like every doctor I’ve met this past year- and there have been many- are absolutely been dismissive of it; just knowing you do though makes me happy/ gives hope for humanity lol.

Take care :sunflower:


Your case seems to be complicated.
I don’t know which fields to suggest to use, but to see doctors which you already are.
I used to have heart valve leakage, and would have weird sensations because of the weird heart beats.
I tried a hospital, they did ultrasound or that, but said nothings wrong with my heart… The doctor even think maybe I made it up.
Long story short, I have met three energy healers, different times different places. And all three said I have heart valve leaking. One of these healer is a qigong healer. He is the one who healed my heart problem.
My point is, sometimes, opinions from different doctors, different types of treatments (alternative healing) also good… Many times, patients have misdiagnosed.
I hope you getting well soon. Take care.


This thread is the reason why i used subtitles when watching House MD.
Btw @ryantraveling do you find it strange to watch medical TV shows?

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Omg I have another one for you then: look up Epiphisiodesis.

Growing up right, I had legs that were 13 degrees off right. So anyways to correct it:
They put metal rods in your leg- for me the tibia - it’s literally attached not just to you, but like inside you- and every day they twist the bone to correct it. I had my on for 6 months I think.
And then I had a metal plate inserted into my femur, too

Idk it’s so futuristic lol .

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Thanks! Can I ask what were your other two energy healing modalities??
I’m going to look into that then :) the qigong
I mean
I’m doing acupuncture rn but it’s not really…working lol. I mean she herself doesn’t think it really will start taking affect until one year in- but then again she made it clear no one can really know - but if she had to , that would be her guess lol.

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All three are based on their meditation practices.
I am not sure what modalities would that be. All I know, the other two check my symptoms by their eyes. They saw thru my body.
I have tried acupuncture also, and many other modalities. I think, whichever modalities, there are always very experienced healers and the so so ones. So, you need to find the ‘master’ healers.

Omg I had a master healer he was in Miami when I used to live there
But now that’s like 2000 miles away from me lol
If u ever go there I’ll give u his name
He’s the BOMB

Another thing is sometimes healers are good at diagnosing the problem, but their treatments may not work for us. Just like all three told me same problem. One uses herbs for treatment. Another one uses herbs and acupressure. The qigong uses acupressure. Even the three diagnosed me with the same problem, but the qigong healer actually worked out best for me.

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This reminds me, after the qigong healer healed my heart problem, I told him about my other health issues, he refused to heal them. He said it would take very long time. Lol. I have gone to others acupuncture and tcm. They lifted up their hands and said too difficult to heal… Beyond their abilities … Very funny… At least they’re honest.

So we are on the same boat… Bunch of diseases. Lol.

Have you tried smart reiki? I tried it today. It’s pretty awesome. It helps with my blood circulation among others. It’s even better than enhanced blood circulation field (in my case, that is).