Testosterone Boost 2.0

Will this field accelerate thin hair? I was just wondering or if anyone has used this field, I would appreciate an answer


Bro this field is good

Just use it as told by captain, not more.

Even once will be sufficient and no I didn’t lose any hair with it :facepunch:t3:


Nuh uh

I am a woman but i know this much about the extra testosterone in men:

It can get you bald lol

So just be extra careful


O boy, we don’t want to use it then, I already got enough lol, 4 brazil nuts a day keeps the low T away haha


Testosterone levels are technically irrelevant when it comes to hair loss, because testosterone does not cause hair loss . Such is actually one of the most common hair loss myths. Instead, male pattern baldness is caused by a byproduct of testosterone called Dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

So simply put you should wipe out the DHT on your scalps and luckily our @Dreamweaver got our back,
The Dutasterided Scalp

Dutasteride, 0.5 mg and 2.5 mg significantly improved hair counts after 24 weeks as compared to finasteride, 5 mg.[21] Other studies have confirmed efficacy of oral dutasteride compared with placebo in men with androgenetic alopecia [22],[23],[24] as well as in comparison with finasteride.[5],[22] Jung et al. treated 31 Korean men with androgenetic alopecia who had not shown significant improvement when treated with finasteride 1 mg for at least 6 months with dutasteride 0.5 mg. After 6 months, the hair density and thickness increased by 10.3% and 18.9% respectively.[5]

And my experience is that I used 1 TIME (after Test + DHT field) the effects kick in really fast and 3, 4 days after my hair became thicker, and NO MORE hair fall.


I didn’t get any results from the ‘Dutasterided Scalp’ field after a month of using everyday 3x. I also got some minor side effects too…

The thing is though, I have plenty of hair on my head, it’s just my crowns thinning where I can see a bald patch coming along. I’ve been using the stem fields to scalp on patreon but no results with that either. What would you suggest?

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Okay so the question goes back to HOW do you USE these fields, like at the end of your stack would you listen to Grounding?? or continue to listen to field all around and around endlessly? I hope that you can tell me honestly so that I can help you with all I can.

I am pretty sure Captain

But rarely, things could go wrong, can you tell us what are those side effects?

And lucky for you there are more hair fields if you don’t know, I believe the fields I will mention will help you achieve your hair’s golden time.

First is Hair loss V.3

The intention and programming in this video works in a few ways to help recover and cause hair growth.
It will induce the follicles on your scalp to go into the anagen phase, it also uses HGH, Lin28a and stem cells targeted to the follicles to strengthen, thicken and recover the follicles.
DHT buildup will be removed and reduced.
Stem cell production will also be induced.
Added to this version, blood vessels are dilated to increase blood flow, far light infrared is also targeted to the scalp and finally, Janus kinase (JAK 1, 2, 3 and TYK2 ) are inhibited.

This would go well with the Dutasterided Scalp I mention before, these 2 bad boys will wipe out all your DHT in your head of course, and replace well for

Second is The shiny and Revitalized Hair

(For scalp hair only!) This works to help push for faster extra hair growth, (and for all genders) Not for miniaturized follicles, but you can use both to speed results. The approach here is a combination of a few things. Activation of the sonic hedgehog path ways but only the fibroblasts directly around hair follicle. The removal of Dkk1 and stimulation of the Wnt/β-catenin pathways. Removal the WISE protein Via induced HAIRLESS protein production. (Which seems to switch the rest to re-growth phase) Then finally Lin28a directly targeted to follicles.
With Addition, Uses the elements of hair growth booster along with some damage repair and jing + plasma for the most luxurious looking hair around.

So what SHOULD the playlist look like?

  1. The shiny and Revitalized Hair 2-3x (priming up your hair with that sweet negentropy/order)
  2. Hair loss V.3 2-3x
  3. The Dutasterided Scalp 2-3x
    Again, this stack should be play AFTER Test or DHT or both.

How many minutes track kindly let me knows friends

14 minutes??

Testosterone Boost v.2.0? Mine’s 2:42 minutes.

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