The 11.11 Trillion Year Old Black Tourmaline


In the unfathomable depths of cosmic time, the black tourmaline of 11.11 trillion exists. A time span so large that goes much beyond the time the universe as we know sparked into existence. This ancient stone stands as an indelible testament to the mysteries and complexity of creation. Emerging from the primordial forces of our planet from a time so old that one can only dream to visualize, challenging even the oldest stars that will ever live, the 11.11 year old Black Tourmaline serves as an enduring bastion against negativity and as an unparalleled shield against negative forces. It stands as a timeless testament to the mysteries of the cosmos, of a time when time itself acts differently, offering protection and steadfastness, defiantly guarding its bearer against the relentless onslaught of unseen adversarial forces echoing through the eons.

Not much can be said about this old stone. Eternal darkness and relentless pressure molded and shaped it, making it more than just a crystal. It is an echo from the future if you even can call that still. A whisper from epochs unseen, a tangible piece of eternity itself. Its deep black color, dark as the void from whence it probably came, seems to absorb all negativity, becoming a physical embodiment of infinite protection.

The cosmic forces imprinted into this crystal are almost overwhelming, resonating with the strength of the universe’s silent, unending march of time. Its tremendous power has been patiently waiting, growing stronger with each passing eon. Now, it’s ready to release its almost unbearable energy, opening pathways to realms of untarnished serenity and fortified sanctuary, a haven where negativity is unknown and the holder is shielded in an armor of cosmic tranquility.

This black tourmaline is not merely a stone; it is a cosmic artifact, a bridge across the chasm of time, and a beacon of the potential power that rests at the heart of creation itself. Its age is its testament, its power is its legacy, and its mystery is its gift – a reminder that even in the depths of the darkest black, peace and protection can be found.

-2:28 min audio- and -1.91 MB Image-


this sounds so awesone! listening recommendations? will it be good to combine with Sapien Mandalas?

Black tourmaline is a popular crystal known for its protective and grounding properties. While its benefits are primarily associated with alternative healing practices and spiritual beliefs, here are some common benefits attributed to black tourmaline:

  1. Energy protection: Black tourmaline is believed to create a protective shield around individuals, guarding against negative energies, psychic attacks, and electromagnetic radiation from electronic devices. It is often used as a personal talisman to deflect and transmute negative energies into positive ones.
  2. Grounding and balancing: This crystal is associated with the root chakra, which is responsible for grounding and stability. Black tourmaline is believed to help anchor and stabilize individuals, promoting a sense of security, strength, and balance in both physical and emotional realms.
  3. Emotional support: Black tourmaline is thought to assist in relieving stress, anxiety, and depression by absorbing negative energies and promoting a more positive mindset. It may help in enhancing self-confidence, self-esteem, and emotional resilience.
  4. Purification and cleansing: Many believe that black tourmaline has the ability to purify and cleanse one’s energy field, as well as the environment. It is often used in rituals, meditation, or placed near electronic devices to absorb and transmute negative energies.
  5. Enhanced spiritual awareness: Black tourmaline is considered a powerful grounding stone that can deepen one’s connection to the Earth and aid in spiritual growth. It is believed to help individuals stay focused during meditation, enhance intuition, and promote a sense of spiritual protection.
  6. Physical well-being: Some proponents suggest that black tourmaline may have physical benefits. It is thought to support the immune system, improve circulation, and help relieve physical pain and tension.

Awesome :purple_heart:

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So is it like an Ultimate Negativity Banisher and Protector ?

Let’s say a very strong one.


At time I had so many rocks on me / my body + couple big chunks of Tourmaline .
This guy who was abusing me was standing next to me and all rock’s exploded …

I was in my mind talking to my self ; so what not even Tourmaline is stronger enough.

Maybe in this form would be different story …

Have you tried this field?? :shield:🪖 :crossed_swords:


I have the same question lol :slight_smile:

@Psychic_University Would you kindly share if this works on both internal and external negativity? Say, as a maximized version of Negativity Transcendence? Now THAT would be awesome. If it contains an even tiny bit of brain rewiring to be positive no matter what, oh boy, instabuy :slight_smile:

@Abcd , @StarLord


I don’t have it .

Maybe I should try .

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I don’t know I don’t have it. But probably it might help with residual negativity if there is any. :fog::nazar_amulet:


Holy cow. I should get this ASAP then lol.