The 13th Skull NFT: Testimonials

I agree :heart:

“Crisp” tho :joy:


The skull has arrived :relaxed:


Yayyyy havent checked!!


Hope my little dragon can learn from fellow skulls :sweat_smile:


Hi again :3

SoI’m on the same boat as him lol.

So just to clarify, even though we don’t feel anything, we can still ask our new friend for help , right?

because there’s really just one thing I want- no, need- him to do, (meaning it’s very specific of a task) but I’m worried it won’t work as well as compared to if I had an ability to sense him; as the thing I am requesting him to do has no correlation to my life, except the fact I’m asking for it to occur for x person

So yeah will He be able to do that to the best of his abilities- even if I could of felt him?

Also: would it be possible for him to work faster if I tell him to drop everything else he’s doing and solely focus on making sure that the thing he’s oughtta do is executed? Or no, that not relevant bc this isn’t like the cone of power/ Wiccan sort of thing

And he will obey 47388227% … right?!

also: should I tell him his only sole purpose of existing is to do that task. I mean yes that would be a one time wish but maybe then he’d use all his energy on getting that thing done ASAP?

O and also: if I wrote how he’s oughtta work on this matter, and read it everyday to him, would that help strengthen / expedite it ?? (Bc this is sorta a time sensitive thing) OR is it under the influence of Divine Will at the end of the day

Please work with me Mr.Skull!!!

Thanks in advance :)

PS: do we have any fields out there to help with my above situation. Ie tower of power, or blueprint of power (major) .


1- you dont have to feel him to work
2- just ask him (task)
3- he can be doing all kinds of stuff at the same time and at different places
4- no you dont need to try in whatever ways to push him to do something and to do it fast
5- you can try: _OM’s Much Anticipated Instructions for Servitors (Version 1.3)

6- work with SLR, Ego Dissolution and Higher Self connection.

But honestly.
Just ask
forget what you asked
go on with your life.

Im still treating him like any other servitor at the beginning in the sense of explaining what i want, like if infuse with so and so audios? I play them and tell him these audios are for this and that, learn them for when i ask u to infuse me with their energy, etc same with mandalas, nfts and what not.or to whom (show pics)

Then i test what was told

Ive been meditating a lot with him connected to my higher self, kinda being clear on having total free way to work on things i need, etc

Then im gonna start using _Om’s training ways because its too many things so its easier to have daily groups of tasks gathered in a word. So i can just call/think of the words.

Thats my process going


Hi! Omg thank you, you’re god sent. That’s a really good idea that I show him a photo of x person and also tell mr.skull to use the mandalas, card energies, and field energies to infuse onto x person! Thank you thank you, you genius you.

Also yes I used @_OM ’s thing for a servitor literally a week ago- I shall make sure to use it on mr.skull too :slight_smile:
(@_OM there is a protection scripture I have. Can I make a word command for mr.skull regarding that- so that way, whenever I say that word he infuses that energy and protection onto x person?!)

I think right now I’m going to focus mr.skull on the x person because there’s so much to do! Plus it’ll be easier (I’m not a good multitasker :p) I’ll let you guys know. Hopefully soon :purple_heart:




So everything’s started coming together since the night I got the Skull.
Before that, I had good results with the fields already, but it wasn’t consistent.
I built a daily stack of around 30 fields and tried to listen consistently every day. Someday I finished and even managed to listen to some other fields that I like. Some days I stopped along the way and just looped gentle fields like Shamanic Medicine Blend and Aura Energy Body Repair to go through the day.
My main problems are my limiting beliefs (think that in order to get what I want I have to be “this” and “that”, sometimes hate myself for having certain “qualities”, assume things without even bother checking or asking hence having the result set in stone, see the negativity in everything, have a hard time letting go of something believing there’s no other thing out there better than this, lack mindset, etc…) and emotional expressions (feel disconnected with my family, have a hard time express love or gratitude towards someone or something, fear of being hurt and avoid telling others what I really think to not hurt them, etc…) and self-destructive behaviors (stay up late, porn addiction, fill the emptiness inside and escape reality with excessive social media/movies/fictions/food consumption, etc…). I was not like this all the time but when I was, it was just getting worst.
The night receiving the Skull, I could feel him working on these things already and how powerful yet gentle he is. The “effect” is sure individualized based on what one’s trying to work on, what problems they face. For me, I feel the subconscious limits removal, divine will, emotional mastering, guidance and “consciousness-enhancement” effect really stand out, and the “reality alternation” effect came a few days later. It actually feels like wearing multiple mythical really smart tags on at the same time and they work synergistically, and I know I’m not even touching the surface of what he’s capable of but I’m trying :sweat_smile:.
And after a few days, I remembered this

It’s 1 week since I got him, things were moving really really really fast

  • I worked on the things I’d been procrastinating for months.
  • I stay on the task at hand until finished.
  • I feel like a genius, having creative ways to solve problems in a short time.
  • I live a much much healthier lifestyle. Go to bed early, wake up early in the morning, start doing the star exercise (day 4), crush porn and masturbation desire, eat consciously.
  • Fields feel more potent, more organic. I had him learn the fields and decide which one goes well with the present.
  • I have support every time I need and I’m more than willing to support others when I can.
  • I feel like giving for others much more, feel like I have more than enough.
  • I love myself and others more, deep feeling of gratitude towards everything, feel connected with family, friends.
  • I manifest my dream job within one week, exactly like how I imagined the job in detail.
    In short, life’s good.
    I can’t thank Captain Nemo @Captain_Nemo enough for giving us the chance to experience something like this. I’ve said it but I say it again: I am rebirth because of you :blush:

P/s: I was hesitating writing this cuz I was all over the place, English is not my mother tongue but I had so many things to say I procrastinated. But he just reminded me: Just start writing, write down whatever comes to your mind, you can refine it later.
I feel like wanting to say more but I’m exhausted typing and editing this piece already, until next time :joy: :joy: :joy:


Beautiful, Danny_Ho. Thank you for sharing your journey! :slight_smile:


What an amazing tool we got here, pardon if in late to the ‘servitor’ game I never really had a great communication with them to begin with BUTTT this one is SO different and noticeable.

  1. Communication is beyond anything I’ve tried before
  2. I’m not 'energy sensitive but THIS I feel, without a doubt 100% of the time when asked of it.
  3. Instantly feel it working in whatever task I give it, noticed it doesn’t need much training since it knows so much.
  4. The amount of task it can perform at once it won’t matter keeping track.
  5. Not energy overwhelming it’s sooooo smart its unreal.
  6. Using cue words it’s a cheat code(super late but this is absolutely amazing)

So I just woke up, getting 5ish hours of sleep. And last night was the second night I requested the skull to perform a number of task based on a few keyword.

And the results?
No brain fog
no sluggish movements
no tired eyes
the body feels real rejuvenated.

I used OM’s general servitor guide. The goal with this now is go automate 70℅ of task I do with energy work. For example the moment I wake up filling me with gratitude love and appreciation or simply having that be a part of my life (without overwhelming my energy system)

Here’s what I used before going to sleep:

(Sleep cue) When i say, think, read or even, intend my cue word (sleep banana) you will all work together to do the following processes, immediately and for my highest good in the safest way possible, while always improving in all regards.

  • fill me with the energy of astral primer the entire night while i’m asleep
  • boost my HGH production levels to the maximum levels
  • supercharge all sleep functions on my body and mind.
  • improve my quality of sleep and ensure i get the rest where i need it the most.
  • Fill me with “memories of joy” the entire night.
  • Fill me with “The inner pillar of Power”
  • Fill me with “the wisdom of the dying”
  • Fill me with “The archetype of parental love”
  • Remove any exhaustion within my body, mind or spirit
  • strengthen my connection to my higher self using “Higher self connection”
  • strengthen my connection between my subconscious, conscious, and super conscious mind, use “Imaginarium Divine” and anything else that can aid in this process
  • Improve the quality of my REM sleep cycles to the maximum levels.
  • Increase my DHEA production to optimal levels.

:muscle: :muscle: :partying_face:


Sorry to bring this up 7 days later, I remembered reading that they are capable of being “God-like”, but l wasn’t able to find where l saw that… until now!!

Sammy, who l’m 100% certain does not spread misleading info wrote this in the A Servitor Is More Than Just A Powerful Spiritual Tool

And good news with them is that they are built to grow stronger over time. They can even become godlike the more you practice with them and teach them things.


@Danny_Ho awesome testimonial and a great post! Thanks for sharing…


I’ve had the servitors for a long time. None of them is anywhere close to “god-like” and they are very very very strong.
Perhaps you are reading it too literally.

This field however is truly “diety-like”.

I’m just telling you honestly. The normal servitors aren’t going to grow to this one’s power…like ever.


Last night, there were some annoying mosquitoes in my room in the middle of night and I was bitten many times. They were even making noice near my ear, and I was so sleepy that I don’t have the energy to wake up and counter attack them, as I just came home after straight 10 hrs car driving.

Then within my deep drowsy sleep in the middle of their attack, I activated my servitor to bubble protect me from them. That’s it, post that it looks the work is done.

Only in the morning I recollected everything what I did and how it worked. Felt happy that the servitor and me made good connection that even in my sleep mode I activated it.:heart_eyes::star_struck::partying_face::partying_face::hugs:

I agree that this is not the best of use for this servitor, but wanted to stress that it worked.
There are many other things I am working on this servitor, will update soon.

To add to above, I still do watch the skull gif daily religiously during nights and mornings …making a tighter bond daily.


Is it impossible to buy one now? are there any left? if yes what is the asking price?


You can buy one here for 144k $:


Woooot!!! you guys are mad !!! :rofl:

how much was it initially?


Yeah, no, I think I’m gonna buy the Mona Lisa today instead, will think about the tree of life tomorrow :face_with_monocle: