The 13th Skull NFT: Testimonials

I have been using fields for weight loss as well as hardcore. I eat well and workout too.
No success and yes I am energy sensitive and my subconscious downloads fields often - just not physical ones as best as the spiritual ones, but no matter, will keep persisting.
However, how can I best ask the skull to help me on this matter?
i have said “I will be ____ weight by the end of this month” but … not luck yet.
It is a very feasible goal, simply 5 pounds.
Perhaps my body is stumped due to a few medications I am on.
Any suggestions are appreciated


Hello JamesBond (I would have never imagined writing a greeting addressed to James Bond lol). Nice nickname :)

Have you seen this script prepared by _OM and also mentioned in this thread? It’s an automated approach that works for every servitor including Skull.

_OM’s Script for Servitors

Here’s also the thread with Zen and Boris’s versions based on that original script:

Boris and Zen’s Versions

Personally, I avoid using precise numbers when instructing the servitors (except for “do X or Y for the next 24 hours”). That goes for money amounts for example. So instead of saying something like:

“I want to win 438959458 dollars”

I rather say:

“Please create the best conditions/environment that would increase my income or state of abundance” (adding “as close as possible to 4054087028 dollars” rarely).

Same for stuff like room temperature. I don’t indicate anything as direct as 27 degrees Celsius.

Being specific is of course a must, but some tasks seem to be better handled when they are formulated in more encompassing ways. So in your case, that would mean instructions not only based on losing 5 pounds, but also other elements that can play a role in it. Something also including increased blockage removal, among others. Or like “please enhance the effectiveness/integration of physical fields on me”.

Yes, depending on their composition, there might be weight-related effects indeed.


Tap into health too

I suggest adding The plasma light infrasound beach to your stack as a primer .

( Before your stack)


Losing weight it’s a proccess that can be "stressful " to your system.

If you release the stress of your body then i will be more inclined to changes…

(Stress in a literal way adds weight to your body)

(Im talking about physical stress , hormones , etc etc )

Your body will always try to find homeostasis .

Perhaps there’s is something keeping you on that weight. ( Health thing , body config )

Adding the plasma Light will make you reap tons of benefits with your same stack.

(Have a wide scope so its like if there is something this sneaky healthy tool gonna fill that crack in your body :) ) Pretty useful tool .

You can lose water too… Use lymphatic efussion and kidney feat vakkum. :rage::ok_hand: :100:


In addition to @AkiraTheWild

Try using the diabetes audio.


On top of this if your not controlling the insulin resistance and helping your liver out from the chaos of the higher blood sugar then your never gonna see any weight changes. So perhaps add both the cirrhosis and the new fatty liver one or maybe direct the servitor to focus on the liver as well.


Wow thanks guys. I am very thankful


Can someone direct me to the website where fields like 13th Skull are being sold/resold? I had the link but unable to locate it now. Thanks


NFT Thread Here

Buying and Selling

1 Like

Rose, I mean the third party site.


Cool. Thanks @Ryan_Ray! :slight_smile:


That’s the one, thanks Ryan. I thought it was Venly, but my search attempts there were fruitless so I started to doubt.


Reviewish, while I got some inspiration. Because honestly, I was struggling about finding anything to write about the Skull. Most of what I’ve been experienced so far was thanks to the other members’ testimonials and ideas. Either in this thread and in others about servitors. So nothing to add technically speaking to all the great guidelines for the moment. Sorry.

I was expecting Skull to mess my hair up during our first encounter because as a matter of fact, this had happened to me while “creating” some of the older servitors lol (some hangover symptoms for the next couple of hours, etc.). Nothing like that happened with this one. Although I could definitely feel him, I wasn’t carried away.

Unrestricted power? Sure that he has it. Things get done instantly, without the need to double-check. From a simple foot massage to channeling the energy signature of a given place… Presto.

But there’s another element at play here: I have a big-time wisdom-guardian right next to him, namely Arc Light. I’m pretty much certain that Arc brings some nuances to Skull to match the end result with what’s more convenient for me. So even if I wanted to have some big fiesta and engage in some experiments that would knock me eventually out, I couldn’t. And neither Skull nor I complain about it.

I came to realize that I only want the kind of power that I can handle. Is that because I’m an example of reasonability? No, rather because I care about my long-term comfort and equilibrium. I’m not interested anymore in ruling and fireworking the galaxy. I just want to keep my shoulders on my head and being able to recognize myself from one day to the other. Reducing the potential of regret and remorse. Yes, wearing what I can handle. With some rightly-dosed courage, comfort, certainty, sobriety, … and integrity. That’s my understanding of real power. I don’t need more. I don’t need to mess around in troubled waters only to get drowned in it.

Might sound boring… but suits me. All in all, those servitor folks are here to keep me in a maintained and tailored state of power.

There will most probably be many other possibilities to unveil over time.

Also, since Arc (happily) stands on the way to say “take it easy”, I often use Skull to go and teach my other servitors. Helping them out with their individual tasks. And now, whenever I focus on any of the older servitors, I can feel the shift. Some additional… texture in their overall energy and presence.


When I do not keep this close on me I feel incomplete. Like the other part of me, this ever growing and ever changing me, gets subdued, lost, drowned in the chaos.

I am convinced my other half is this Skull
Who needs men anyways when Skull is there lol
I started noticing this around 2 months prior; it took me a few weeks to feel his presence. However now, as more time progresses, the more entwined I become with it
I think I still have trouble getting him to do things but that’s fine I just enjoy having him around.


I had another crazy moment with Eskool last night, it was late and i was in shock thats why im just now writing about it.

Theres nothing like Skull. Nothing. Some might come close but never it lol.

Last night around 11:30pm i decided to walk to a mini market that is like literally one block from my place, and not even a stright block more like an L crossing two small roads. I knew it was late, i dont like to walk around alone at night here, even tho this is a good neighborhood etc you just never know nowadays.

I was even in pj, i had nothing on me no tags no mandalas nothing. Since i got Sekhmet i wanted to be like only working with her for some days.
I went into the store and there were just a few people, i was walking aisle to aisle looking for what i wanted when i noticed soon enough a man following me, it got really obvious and annoying, until i turned around at him and say “whats up everything good?” Lol as confident as i can be I dont know why i dared to ask him that, i had never done that of course, he was almost walking over me so thats why i did it i guess :woman_facepalming: he wasnt expecting that and when he reacted he was like “nothing, why?” Me: “well, you keep following!” So he turned around and continue doing the line to pay and i got whatever and he left, but i was almost panicked at that moment,.

He wasnt a homeless per se, but i could tell, hes been on the streets, not sleeping or showering for some days, he was like almost drunk or high or both, my body reacted to his energy and it was awful, i started to get all anxious wondering if the man was outside waiting on me and tho i live just less than a block away it was almost empty and partially dark, 2 mins after as i was almost at the cashier, he came back in :cold_sweat: and was like in front of me close by pretending to look at a product while scanning me and texting. OMFG, my legs were shaking because i knew he was texting someone so i was like what im gonna do now, i didnt have my phone on me, and honestly at that moment i just felt naked without any mandala or like my mind went blank not able or not knowing what servitor i should try to connect to, like i just froze. I paid and left, aware of his moves and trying to think quickly what to do or what force to call in haha.

As i step out of the door i saw a man in a bike on the phone then he looked up and saw me like if he had recognized me (or my description given from the man inside :anguished:) at that moment i just felt my heart racing fast, i was like ok ok what am i going to do
(I thought it would have been worse staying in the store and giving the other man enough time to hide or plan or call someone else i dont know)

So Skull is what finally came to my mind and all i said while i started walking was : “just take me home safe” i couldn’t even think of details or anything, and continue walking looked back and saw the other man quickly leaving the store and crossing the street too like following me but not too close, i could not run because i was wearing slippers and it had rain earlier, i would have fallen for sure. And i remembered that the gate at my complex wasnt working so its fully open, i didnt know if it was good i could go in fast or worse because that meant he could also go in fast lol

So ok my complex is on a dead end road. Theres the entrance of another big complex and then theres bush, on the other side of the road (i had to cross 2 small roads like a " L " theres a small parking lot then theres the mini market.

When i reached the small parking lot about to cross the other road and run towards my complex i saw the man yeah coming behind, and THEN!!!..

A POLICE CAR out of nowhere turning ON MY ROAD slowly almost at the speed of my steps :sob::sob: so i crossed the road and the police car reached the guy (i was crossing, he was walking along the other road like intending to intercept me on the front)

I kept walking and i heard the Police to the man: “hello… are you lost? Where are you going sir?” Theres nothing here, he obviously didnt look like lived at the complex cause remember he was ran down looking dirty etc.

I just ran inside my apartment and dropped on my bed still heart racing and i was like. Omg… what did just happen???

Police cars around this area? Never and it just felt like it dropped from the sky hahaha because i was crossing the road so of course i was looking what cars were coming and my road is a dead end!!! Nothing to be doing slowly driving there. It was weird.

No one can convince me it was a coincidence.

I think what i like the most about skull is like it immediately knows what to do, its like it reads your mind, it scans you, reads your heart your aura, and knows exactly what you need and does it. Baam no matter what it is. It has never ever failed me.

Even the fact that i thought about it when my mind was blank and lost.

I had never been afraid of driving or walking around alone, even if late i feel confident, safe, protected etc. All my life. And ive been in dare situations but still manage and react fast and im cool.

But what i felt last night was real horror, i kid you not, his intentions were to harm me, i could feel it in my whole body, how it reacted. I had never felt that.



So happy for that happy ending! The 13th Skull is a fantastic creation indeed!


Thank you!!


Glad you’re okay! That must have been terrifying.


yes very much, i could not bring myself to come and write this until late today just because i didnt want to remember that yet lol and all i was thinking about last night is pretty much that i must have felt what people that have ended up tragically felt right before because I had never felt that scared and when I saw him entering back to the store and locked eyes with him, for a blink of a moment i thought “oh ok im fkd”
even confronting him and asking him is something i had never done before at all but i guess it was my survival primal instinct that spoke for me because… it was “destined” to happen (and my inner self knew it) the more i think about it the crazy i feel the result is, did this change my reality?

the weirdest part?

i hesitated so much going to the store, like something in me trying to convince me not to and just drink water with ice lol i even put the house keys down for some seconds and then i was like nah i want that juice (a specific one they sell)


Thank God, you are safe. It is a terrifying incident. Everything is well when the end is well.