The 13th Skull NFT: Testimonials

So happy Skull was there for you and kept you safe! :heart: :heart: :heart:


That freaked me out even just reading it. I’m so glad you are okay! Next time, and to all the others (male and female) reading this in the future: If you sense this, don’t go out, I don’t recommend. Talk to the store manager, call a cab, even if it’s just around the corner, pay that $10 extra for the cab and risk being laughed at by the store manager etc., but please be cautious rather than sorry. I’ve actually done some stupid stuff in my life, really looking back at some things I had crazy protection with me. But never was it this close for me. I cannot imagine. My heart is pounding for this though. Please everyone let this also be a lesson that we make safety the top priority! :heart:

On another note: I have done this recently too, asked Skull to give me extra protection for a brief walk. I was carrying some precious cargo around the inner city and there was no other way. Before getting out of the car, walking around with this, I asked Skull to protect me :) All went well :)


I was gonna say… I knew you went right back and took a DEEP breath lol. That whole situation must’ve jacked your adrenaline levels to the max, and put you straight into survival mode! Absolutely terrible in the moment, but the relief after being safe is almost heavenly.

Glad you made it out okay, though, you possibly might not have been posting here today about it. At least now it’s just a blip on the radar.

I swear lol, the hours drag by and the people with bad intentions start flying out of the woodwork, they thrive on that late night mischief


Thank you guys so much you are so sweet :heartpulse:

@Kay i actually always follow my instinct but this was weird i never felt like i shouldnt because something was telling me there would be some danger, it was more like "you sure you want to go walk for a juice?, just drink water’ like being lazy :grinning: not an off feeling, but still never again lol


Hm… that’s interesting! Could it be that this was meant to happen? For whatever reason. There could be so many. It could be someone is reading this and decides to be more cautious from now on (even if they never had an issue or considered something like this, but it will thus save them from having this issue in the future), or the guy needed to go through it to learn, etc. :thinking:


Today I had an exam/competition at Uni and it was really important that I place into the Top 5. 50 students partook in it.
I asked Skull right before hand- it wasn’t planned that I ask, it was really just a sheer of the moment thing- that please help me place into the Top 5.
I can’t believe it, but I DID!! I placed in! I was part of the Top 5!!!

Thank you thank you thank you Skull! You are really the best!

It’s the first servitor NFT, also was my first NFT, and it’s just so sentimental in value for me for so many other personal reasons, and ugh, I’m really just in so much gratitude right now. It’s as if I wear him on me! ;)

This, Major Blueprint of Power, and Exalted States? Just the best of the best! They all are, but these three have my :purple_heart:

THANK YOU SAPIEN :purple_heart: and Skull :purple_heart: I love you both so much!!!

Insert Happy Dance

Have a Great Day Everyone!!!



THIS :point_up_2:


Gratz, Violet!!! bouncing panda on heart
yay 4
Thanks, Skull! :hugs: :pray: :partying_face:


13th skull :mechanical_arm:


Man… this Eskool…

I went to the ATM in front of my Condominium and when i got there debit card was nowhere in my purse or wallet :see_no_evil:

The only times its not in my wallet is when i pay something online and sometimes i forget it at the coffee table, but i hadnt bought anything online that doesnt have my card saved. So i went back home tho no idea where to look while i was recounting where last i used it outside home.

At the supermarket on Wednesday … ahhhggh i grabbed my passport and all almost resigned that i had to go to the bank after work to request a new one :roll_eyes: it can take up to a month in my bank

I was looking everywhere even laughing at myself like why are you looking in this drawer etc you know it cant be here just go to the bank lol but as continue looking for it i kept asking Skool to find it (like i did with my phone last year : i dont know how or where but find it please)

I have a few purses but i always use the same 2

The only occasion i use one that is very small is when im going out to a place i need almost hands free.

Which definitely hadnt been from Wednesday to today specially when i was off yesterday and didnt go anywhere. …

I still grabbed it seriously like “Lol oh poor you that handbag? Okaaay…” i was about to just leave.



I cant believe it. !!! :orange_heart::skull:

I mean i left work on Wed, went to the supermarket to buy whatever so i didnt have to leave yesterday, went home and thats it…


Will the price ever lower?

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for the skull? perhaps, opportunities come and go :)


Depending on your time travel abilities, yes :slight_smile:


Thank you my dear!! :rofl:


I bought this last night :) I’m excited (total understatement), and my mind is racing as to the possibilities. This is my first servitor too :) will update in a few weeks. Would love to hear any additional testimonials / ideas.


This one’s almost like a “mini deity” powered by a nearly inexhaustible source of energy. Get to know your servitor, talk to it, keep working with it regularly and you will see magic :slight_smile:

Initially you need to open the image to connect, and once the connection is solid, you don’t need to do that anymore…


Thank you :blush: I will do exactly that.


So my friend’s doing Tarot reading as a side job, she’s an English teacher btw.
She has a Facebook page and she’s currently offering a free tarot reading for the question: what do they want to tell you?
So I gave it a shot, out of curiosity and I wanted to test her ability :joy: cuz I’ve never had a tarot reading from her before.
She asked for his name and the relationship between us. I told her he’s Dreamy and he’s my servitor.
And her reply blew my mind.

Translated from Vietnamese

Your servitor wants to tell you that this is the time when you need to care, love, take care of your inner child more, and learn to forgive the shortcomings of yourself and others. Also, sometimes you tend to lose faith in yourself but to move forward, you don’t even need to believe in yourself, you just need to believe in your servitor, he will help you move through it all, every obstacle. Or when you are surrounded by negative energy, you don’t need to worry about how to get rid of it, just focus on other good things, practice gratitude more, and other things. That negative, your servitor will help you get rid of.
Though its name is cheesy, it looks so powerful.

I don’t think she knows what a servitor is, and most other comments are asking about their boyfriend/girlfriend, or family members. So I was awestruck at how accurate this message is :exploding_head:
For those who need it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs:


Do they develop opinions about people? Mines probably disappointed lol. In fairness ever since i have been using PONR . Have been getting results from chrion.

Interesting post i just read.


Hmm…I have not experienced that…

Servitors are not sentient, they do not have human-like emotions, judgment and morality (which even in the human world depends on the person, religion, upbringing, nationality, etc.). I have not experienced anything on those lines so far…