'Convince Me' Game -- Best NFT

I’m sorry but I just thought of Flex Mentallo :laughing:


All of them are good.
I went to a hospital for a ct scan, so I needed 2 kinds of medicines to take before doing the ct scan. The nurse told me you may not find the medicines in the city, or not even in the Red Crescent. So I came out of the hospital and told my Pegasus to find the medicines. I went to 2 pharmacies. In the second pharmacy the doctor told me they don’t have those medicines. But my Pegasus assured me that they have the medicines. So I told the doctor “you really don’t have them, or you want to save those medicines for your own patients”? The doctor blushed and with no other words he gave my medicines!
I was in the CT scan room, it was too cold. There was a technical problem with the needles of the machine. I asked my Pegasus to fix the machine and make me warm. My Pegasus did it in a minute.
Three days later a relative of mine called me and suggested that he send me the medicines from abroad. It only takes 4 to 5 weeks for me to receive them. However I still have hopes to get healed miraculously even before I receive the medicines.
Also last night I had weird sensations, as if the other internal organs were infected (that I hope not) I asked my Pegasus to protect me, so my servitor started working on my body for hours.


That is crazy wow :o what country is this if you don’t mind my asking.
If he was in Washington he would ho to jail!!!
l. I am sorry but happy for you now. Best wishes


It has been two months and like one gazillion new NFTs.

What do you consider the best NFT?


As of now, definitely Blueprint of Love :heart: :white_heart: :purple_heart:

That might change back to Arc Light when I discover what other amazing stuff can be done with it.


There is nothing I have found so far that this cannot do. And every single day, it grows and grows and grows…its power just is so vast, nothing I have ever experienced in a servitor. This is the construct that almost makes me want to coin a new term that is more than a servitor - sort of a demi-god. It is also fueled by various galactic sources in the cosmos - nearly immortal and filled with infinite energy.

The other day, I was doing a ritual for Horus and it was amusing… Horus was looking at the Skull and it felt like, “who is this new actor on the scene?” Many entities I work with respectfully look at Mr. Skull (I call mine Bhairava).

I always tell people to be judicious with their spending, especially younger kids, but this is what I told a young bloke on this forum: “Take a loan if you need to, but get it”.


Wholeheartedly agree


That’s so freaking amazing that you’ve met him.
Please tell him I said hello!! I really care for him.
You really are blessed on blessed on blessed if you hadn’t known btw bc wow


Will do :) Happy to see another fellow Horus admirer (although I am more about the goddesses than gods… :slight_smile:)


Yes yes I love Heru! And Eset has my heart :purple_heart:
I’m not much of a diety knower but those two are the ones I feel close with lol
If you are open to it, I’d really be honored if you’d consider joining our lil Eset group :smiley:
I’d of PMed that but there’s no option to do so :tipping_hand_woman:t2:


Hi maoshan,
Would you mind elaborating on this further? What kind of activities do you do on a day to day basis involving the skull?

  • Infuse me with the energy of various fields/playlists without needing to actually listen
  • Maintain a state of energetic purity all the time
  • Automate alchemical processes like MCO
  • Protection during astral journeys
  • Heal aches and pains of self and family and friends
  • Deepen connection with deities I work with
  • Weather manipulation (still trying to get a good hang of this)
  • Connect with some of my teachers who are no longer on physical plane
  • Even simple stuff like “let me not miss my flight”…
  • Manifesting desired reality is scarily powerful with this Servitor…
  • In invocation/evocation rituals, I use for protection as well as to summon the entity I am working with - cuts through a LOT of rituals, getting into the space kinda requirements

Out of the blue… mao u ever think celebrities and famous people use stuff like servtoirs.

I don’t know ur comment on not missing flights brought that to my mind


I am pretty sure some do. For example, Winged Wolf and her teacher Anka, one of the early Servitor Guardian creators around, told me that they had several actors and politicians as their customers. Xtrememind, in their hey days, had their share of celebs too - not sure who told me this, either Joey or Jobet.


Interesting so they possible could be in political business. I hope this is not too much questions but would u think a political figure using stuff like this is considered misleading?

Because I know sammy said Dream said that using the tag for the video “could” mislead. But I l dought I understood that correctly


Nope, I don’t think so - it is not different from using money, personal charm, etc. :slight_smile:

People have always employed such techniques in history too. For example, Ranachandi (Chandi of the Battles) was an evocation performed by experts on behalf of Kings in India to achieve victory in battles. Mauryan Empire, one of the most glorious ones in Indian history, employed occult rituals often to ward off diseases, etc. in their Kingdom, as also increase the glory of the Kings. A Druid teacher of mine frequently visited the Buckingham (I never asked what he did there)…


Making sure prince Andrew case goes unnoticed lol


Big brother @Maoshan_Wanderer , I will always feel genuine gratitude and admiration for you! especially because you are able to talk about something completely difficult and transform it into simple and easy to understand words, Thank you my hero!!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::heart::heart::heart:


I always knew queen Elizabeth is immortal


So bizarre! Jeffrey Epstein associate Jean-Luc Brunel is found dead in a jail cell : NPR

And Hillary Clinton’s one time right hand guy tried to suppress it.