The 13th Skull NFT: Testimonials

Same here, I thought it was because there’s a lot of tensions to work on my back and neck, but maybe there’s something else to it.

Because I looove silly puns :grin:



Haha thereeeee nosy @_OM


when your network times out


Hahaha, I’m having goosebumps and tingle on all over my body, especially at the back, and I can’t stop giggling for half an hour already =))))
Seems that he know that I Iike cold weather and like to be entertained
I just created a dragon servitor a while also so I’m still figuring out how to communicate with them and grow with them :heart_eyes:


Army of servitors, reminds of the scenes from WALL-E :upside_down_face:


Him feels supeeeeer intelligent.

He’ll be the one training you to understand him :laughing:


wow that’s amazing


@anon46520955, that is exactly like that :joy:

Same here.

I don’t know if I’m giggling and dancing and happying because I got the NFT or because of the energy work :sweat_smile:

Although I can feel the energy work intensifying and the giggling is slowly subsiding as waves of powerful energy are running through me.

What’s interesting is that, right now, I couldn’t care less about my precious tags and stacks. Skully has now taken all matters in his own hands and nothing else is needed, or they even might get in the way.

Also, I have a lot of ideas of things for Skully to do, but it’s the same : now is not the time for that. I just have to sit back, relax, and let him do what should be done.


I missed this one too :frowning:

Lol, had this image come to mind reading this…

Wonderful they are noded and can learn and grow together!


Ha ha, I’m in the middle of an energetic storm, I can barely feel my other servitors, it’s all just skull power now, I’m gonna take a nap :wave:


what’s the 10 second video about?

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From my understanding that one contains the base-energy for establishing connection/creating a “special purpose” servitor - just that you won’t really be able to interact with it unless you are the owner of the NFT.

I haven’t bought it but the energy when I clicked on the YT link was dense.



I literally feel he’s reminding me to adjust my posture constantly when sitting in front of the computer and giving me a deep massage on the upper body (been having spinal pain lately as sitting too many hours working from home), I have to move my body and swing my arms together with him and hearing so many “bone clicks”, =)))))))

Was having a call with a business partner just several minutes ago, and it was the BEST meeting I’ve had with this partner ever. I was smiling, full of energy, not-so-serious and dreaded face as usual, and I felt like I led the meeting and pointed out critical points. At the end of the meeting when saying bye-bye I even saw them giggled back :joy:

This might be the hype I get from getting the field as you said but I believe he’s doing the work back there :joy:

I’m gonna dig servitor threads on the forum and do him good :heart_eyes:


Aside from the epic comment…

This is making me so excited :point_up_2:
All connected to the mass meditations field.

And knowing that Captain has this to himself and is growing up at an exponential rate :open_mouth:

Along with you guys :pray:

Update: the Mass Med field feels way more powerful indeed :heart_eyes:


I think it is said as, it is the same node that links all users of this skull as the node that links all users from mass med, if that makes sense. this skull isn’t linked to the node of the mass med ( it’s just the same technic used )
( which is amazing )


Ah you’re right.
Perhaps the mass med field feels more potent due to the sacred flower pendant wearer leveling up strong, then? :thinking:


So I took some quiet time and deepened my connection to Skully. Turns out I’ll probably change her name because it really doesn’t suit the divine and motherly figure I felt :heart:

She called me her “dear tiny human”, and tiny I am indeed, in her beloved embrace. I felt her 10 times my size, a magnificent golden being, working so gently and with astonishing precision on my so small being.

Ha ha, while eating some unhealthy food, I think I heard mine saying we’ll have to do something about that, hinting at a better diet and possibly working on my meal :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


A couple of things I’ve tried with the new Servitor:

  • Have him fill me with the energy of thousands of repetitions of my mantra - last night was so filled with silence and energy, sat still for 3 hours which felt like a minute.
  • Constantly fill the house with the energy of some Sapien fields (Sacred Sanctuary esp.)
  • Support during astral journeying (this servitor is an amazing wingman and a bodyguard when journeying)
  • Learning healing and energetic skills from ancient civilizations. Asked the Servitor to learn the skills from some South American Shamans and apply on me and ended up sleeping 9 hours last night. One of them even showed up to check before actually passing something on to the Servitor (some deities/teachers seem to sorta do a check before they open themselves up for energetic communication).
  • Selectively delete negative emotions as and when they arise (tried this for my GF who finds this very useful, although I don’t see anything as positive/negative as such)
  • Induce Mindfulness and keep the vibration high by constantly balancing and replenishing energy

The applications are basically infinite. So far, the Servitor has done everything I’ve asked him to do…


Reading that was literally torture. Dead seriously considering putting up a classified ad to trade Major Blueprint + Ambrosia for this servitor. Awesome stuff bro.