The 13th Skull NFT: Testimonials

Ohh I think it sold for 10k

I’d been eyeing it and making a meta plan for a magical drop of $10k😢

edit: never mind lol another time skull


It’s sold for 20k. I was quite shocked though I know it’s worth much more than that :exploding_head:


Yes I just double checked! I’d checked when the one for 10k sold, was that a new listing?


So a Skull dropped from 8k3 to 5k1, someone get that. Another one at 8k3 was raised to 10k, and after Luna testimonal it was raise to 20k. It’s the one we’re taking about. Now only 1 Skull left on Venly at 144k


Lol I love how we all are updated with them :joy::joy:
But this one, the one that went from $8k to $10k was sold almost right away, like a few hours later. There was a last selling price of $9,999


Oh my goodness. Congratulations to the new owner of the 13th Skull! Glad to have you on board my friend! You will never regret this decision, I assure you!

:partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :tada: :tada: :tada:
:skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull: :skull:


Oh wow, I didn’t know that. Way to go Skulllll :joy:


welcome to the team


replace the money with the skull and ask of it for anything :relieved::partying_face::partying_face:




The Skull owners that havent put it up for sale now be like



Your new profile picture got me cracking up🤣


Haha oh they are best friends fer sureeeee :sunglasses:


Just imagine talking about the under 20k $ Exalted State copies. They will think you’re crazy.


This :point_up::joy:

Congrats to the lucky fellow gambler, who now owns the Skull.

You’ve made a sound investment :pray:


I never really input my experience’s as they tend to not come out as eloquent and graceful as I wish they did but yesterday I had a cool experience so here I go. Every Tuesday night my friends and I play indoor soccer at the park but because I’m currently in a bulking phase I gained 10-15 pounds. I feel heavier then normal and it was hard for me to keep up with the guys since they they seem alot faster ever since I gained the extra weight. I asked my Skull to help me keep up with them by slowing down my perception of time. It was almost as if the frame rates of reality slowed down therefor I was able to react alot faster. I intercepted the most passes out of everyone since I knew where the ball was going before it even got to the intended enemy player, I was able to pass to my teammates alot more accurately and also my shots to goal were also more on point. (=


would anyone be willing to try the followings ? :

asking the skull the play the plasma flower in different areas of the world, permanently if possible. let the flower grow over kilometers. In all countries for example. Raise your vibrational state.
Asking it to play fields like Mass meditation or light and vibrational guidance for world leaders. ( that part I’m really unsure )
That seems too good to be true but couldn’t that create quite a shift ?
I don’t know if that’s ethical. in my opinion, this could benefit humanity as a whole without ego interference ( as we are just letting the fields do their jobs ).
sorry if that’s not right or relevant
I just had that thought while listening to lvg ( just anecdotal, not saying it’s related to the field necessarily at all )
I’m still pondering if that would be ethical. That would go against free will no ? but aren’t people influenced by entities and whatnot, so if they could be influenced by pure service to others fields… They still have their free will
But that could just be an ego thinking it can change the world. I wouldn’t do it and I don’t have the skull anymore anyway.

Edit : Helping the world leaders seem really pointless. Helping the people, who will in turn change the world and governments / systems seem to be more logical


@anon46520955 cues Danny Elfman’s Beetlejuice intro theme


Thats right!!

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Hu hu hu, I was talking about such experiments yesterday evening as well :grin:

Now it’s not a prowess only possible to skull servitors, the other ones are also capable of such a feat.

Months ago, mine did exactly that for me : negentropic nodes.

Those nodes are locations, like my home or where I work, that servitors fill with plasma flower node point connector (I actually called those nodes “flower nodes” at first), love graviton, white light waves and ley line node points. And the fields are asked to work in symbiosis to cover an area as large as possible. I’ve felt energy as far as 10km away from one node.

Then, those fields act as carriers for other fields. Like ye old negentropic harmonizer, feng shui master of the shire, sacred sanctuary, that are used for a limited duration daily. My servitors also cast the yagnas once a week.

Now it worked well at one point, then I tried to improve things, and it’s been working not so well since :crazy_face:

So of course I tried this with my skull :grin:

She really liked the idea. And she had tons of improvements to propose, from what I could sense. But there was so much else to do that I just gave her the same instructions with a little more freedom than my other servitors. I felt my home fill with intense energies from the fields … but it didn’t stay on at all times. I couldn’t pinpoint exactly why. But my skull clearly had the capability to do so, so she was probably choosing not to. I kind of thought it might be because she had a better way to make nodes, but I was so focused on the fields I had chosen that I could not see the obvious.

Yesterday, during my discussion on this subject, it finally clicked ! :bulb:

If she knows better, I should just let her do as she sees fit, duh ! :woman_shrugging:

And so I did.

Well, I gave some light instructions about what I wanted the nodes to do, but she made it clear to me that she knew what I had in mind and that she didn’t really need them. Those instruction were more to reassure me, to structure my own thoughts and for memory purposes.

Here are those instructions :

At each location, create and maintain a pillar of light whose beneficial effects spread over dozens of miles.

These beneficial effects are the ones you want. Make these pillars your instruments for a better world and for my greater good. Let these pillars take care of and protect the animals, the plants, the environment, the planet, the human beings.

Yes, they are not nodes anymore, they are pillars of light, that how it felt when she was “pitching her idea” to me :upside_down_face:

Also, because I’m a little stubborn and for reassurance, I mentionned that the beneficial effects could be those of the same fields used for the nodes, and that the pillars could offer, to those wanting them (humans, animals, plants, who/whatever), beneficial effects from other fields (such as beautiful beasties, sanctuary, plant growth, heat and shock +resistance, the intercessions, …).

So what happened when I gave her the go to place such a pillar on my place ?

Well, it started with a huge pillar of blinding pinkish light, with lightning flashes, encompassing the entire house and reaching high up in the sky. At one point, I felt a sort of sphere of light around the house, with roots reaching in the ground. And a dome slowly spreading out from the pillar, high up in the sky.

Then I went to bed. Before falling asleep, I felt like the pillar was turning off, or at least its energy level was coming down. Then I fell asleep.

This morning, I can sense the pillar, the globish structure around the house and the dome reaching the horizon, all in a subtle pink light. And when I send my perception to feel the world around the house and under the dome, to get a feeling of what is happening, there is a dense silent (no word) peace.

To be continued.