The Acu-Automaton (Acupuncture)

Yeah, I played a couple of times that due to fungal infection in a finger.
I have to play it longer, not 100% removed.


This is a fast-acting field! I can’t recommend this enough. :star_struck:

I had intense back pain that was ongoing for a few weeks. I went to the doctor who prescribed muscle relaxers for it. I took one and got some release but the pain was there the next day. When this field came out, I played this for an hour or two. The next day my intense pain was gone and it hasn’t really come back. When I feel some discomfort I play this audio for about an hour and I’m totally fine afterward. What a blessing!

Thank you @Captain_Nemo!! :heart_eyes:


This field is becoming my rest all-start fresh kinda field.

I have mentioned it before tht ive looped over night and woken up feeling amazing, then some members ventured repeating what i did and got overwhelmed, so still build up at your own pace, however if your body and energy systems are accustomed to being pushed heavy then you gotta try my approach because :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Ive have a very very busy 2 weeks, at work and at home and working out etc, my body was exhausted, mind, etc
And yes we have fields that give us a fast nice boost but i was still feeling over worked up.

Also a lot of tension at work, in all forms, so i did it again all night this one alone :heart::heart::heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: total heaven.

Woke up brand new (kinda get this feeling in the body with the Microkinesi one) but the difference with this one is that it also clears recharges and uplifts every-single-thing you are and have.

Mind is so clear, spirit so happy, light, joyful, i wake up feeling sooo positive happy, deeply happy and forward, Saturdays specially today are hectic, ive been up since 6am moving etc thts almost 12 hours non stop and i still feel like i could run miles under this hot weather!!

I think im gonna do this once or twice a week.


This audio is very good for ocular fatigue among other things.
A legendary item.


Hi guys ,just to clarify , this audio field consists both Accupuncture and Acupressure as well right ?




Thanks man :+1:t5:

love the music on this. pins and needles everywhere lol


Don’t know if I should get this but I’ve been having insane back pain and I also lack so much energy lately to do things. I want a lot of energy to fill me up so I can do my work and stuff feel very tired at work


Do you think the pain is from extra working out? Is it the muscles? Is your stomach/pancreas ok?

Because the back pain could be a pain reflex from the stomach/pancreas etc specially if also you are feeling tired drained.

Or maybe too much releasing hard deep blockages can cause back pain

Im asking this in case that pain and tiredness comes from something else you could address first, tho this helps with any pain and I personally wake up feeling incredible physically, mentally, emotionally when i loop this the whole night but some others have felt tired or overwhelmed doing that so i wouldn’t recommend it per se (looping all night)

If you have Microkinesi one that can help too

Or maybe the spa days album

And neg jing/chi/prana for tiredness as well

Or Fa jin gong

Or Mana circuits

Or after work out recovery…


Nah in terms of blocks magnetic heart coherence makes it hella easy also my posture is good it’s just I get insane back pain when I stand for too long and I work at a restaurant now so it’s more visible, I haven’t worked out in a like the past week because of the job and I’m waiting to get my license next week after I pass the road test, also in terms of fatigue I just feel too tired to do my other hobbies or research things but it’s summer and I don’t got much to do , cognitive hobbies like reading books and stuff might be a lack of motivation but I’m pretty sure it’s fatigue


Spinal tapper then and chi/prana

And wear more comfortable shoes if you have to stand for long hours

Check your food if you are eating enough nutrients, you can also listen to photosynthesis one vitamin C, D, nutrients absorption one as well.


Maybe I’ll buy negentropic chi or jing


If you can only buy one then Jing and play it along the chi and pranic swirls from youtube


Got this one from Atreides, when at work I’m looping Soul Restoration + Negentropic Jing + Brow Restoration + Jing.

Works wonder :ok_hand:

Also playing “rest-field” at night, such as this one :)


I got soul core restoration but not brow and I can’t buy both right now because I have to save for a car

I’ll buy neg Jing

If you push out your chakras where your wings are, and expand the energy into wings, this will see those wings and integrate them into your energy body most powerfully, if you ask it. Who wants wings?


How do one push out chakras to one’s wings ?

And how to have or activate wings ?

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There are secondary chakras.

Soul star, Earth star, Bindu, feet, hands, spleen, higher heart, head antennae, and, of course, there are chakra where your wings are. Visualize and move the energy out of your body through the chakra into your wings.

Metatron can always be called on to help. He straight winged me on a shroom trip.