Some interesting information on negative ions that I have included on a site:
What is the impact of these negative ions?
All natural elements have electrical value. Our cells are also subject to this rule with positive charges on the outside and negative charges on the inside. One of the explanations for the impact of negative ions would be the facilitating effect of transmembrane transport at the level of cells, which would restore certain disturbed functions.
In a way closer to us, negative ions, which are for the most part oxygen ions, are found in mountains, at the level of plants and forests, at the foot of waterfalls, that is to say in places of deep well-being.
Conversely, positive ions, which would have a negative impact, are found in atmospheric pollution, in air-conditioned rooms, in fog or during a change of weather.
Thus, the quality of the air we breathe, up to a volume of 12,000 liters, or nearly 15 kg / day, is an important element of our health and well-being beyond allergy and disease problems. 'asthma.
We are aware of better breathing and well-being in the countryside, in the mountains, by the sea or near a source or a waterfall without knowing that the air is particularly rich in negative ions.
Ionization would have an impact of metabolic stabilization or bio-stimulation of our body, that is to say that ionization would act to prevent disruption of certain functions of our body.
The degradation of our air quality and peaks in pollution do not make us all sick. The drop in negative ions would therefore not have a directly deleterious impact because our body is able to adapt.
On the other hand, in some of us who have a fragile organism or who are more sensitive, negative ions or the good ionic balance of our air would allow us to defend ourselves, to have a preventive action by stimulating and optimizing our metabolism.
We talk about bio-stimulation because we are content to stimulate, maintain or restore a balance, to revive the functions of the body so that they react again at best. We can call these bio-stimulation techniques “alternative medicine” or “alternative medicine”.
Between individuals, there is a great variability of perception and receptivity to these phenomena.
Dr Hervé Robert, in his remarkable book “Ionization Health-Vitality: The benefits of negative ions” published in 2008, reported a large number of positive results on health: improvement of our tone, reduction of fatigue, improvement of our mood, reduction of infections and impacts on our cardiovascular and respiratory functions. However, few studies have been carried out in France, where for a long time, curative medicine has prevailed over preventive medicine.
What is the impact of these negative ions on sleep?
The action of negative ions on sleep is due to the decrease in the concentration of serotonin in the brain and blood. Serotonin is an essential neurotransmitter for regulating mood and our sleep-wake balance. Its regulation improves our mood and sleepiness
In addition, negative ions by promoting calm and relaxation, allow good preparation for sleep.
Experimentally, as reported by Dr. Hervé Robert, after 30 minutes of operation, an ionizer decreases the frequency and amplitude of the alpha waves which are the waves before falling asleep; ionization would therefore make it easier to go to sleep.
What is the route of penetration of negative ions into our body?
The preferred route is the respiratory tract, which brings the negative ions carried in the air into contact with the alveoli.
A second route of action is the dermatological route with the activation of the skin reflex zone which would act through peripheral nerves to transmit regulatory messages to nerve centers