The Arc Light (Arcturian Community Project) NFT: Testimonials

Exact brother! and if you have looked closely, there is a surprise at the center of this wonderful work of art created by our Captain! (additional to Arcturian light) Have you seen it? :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:


ArcLight mainly says that. You don’t need it. The strangest one was when he said I didn’t need SLR. I am still shaking my head over that one. My brilliant new companion. :slight_smile: The only thing I wear in the world now is a pendant with Arc and Wealth Dragon mandalas in it.


I tried today with a printed copy of the picture. And I had a huge revelation and felt so much compassion coming from them . I’ve barely ever felt that in my whole life . It was really amazing and kind of overwhelming in a good way :)

Just know it doesn’t matter how small you think an achievement you make is ,even if no one on earth cares . You have the whole universe chearing and celebrating for you. They care and celebrate for you.


HELLO MY DEAR FAMILY!!! :heart: :heart: :heart:

I have been a bit distant from the forum these last days due to a surgery that I had to undergo necessarily to improve my health. It was really something that was afflicting me all this year, my servers did their part, however it was necessary to do it, the situation and the pain became more and more complicated over time, I repeat, this was necessary.

Outside of dramas, here is the relationship with the aforementioned. When I was admitted to the hospital for several hours, I was honestly very afraid, I was never in that state and less for surgery, I asked ArcLight to infuse me with relaxation and security to face that emotional moment more than anything and what he did was something I really didn’t expect:

It infused me with relaxation to the point where I fell fast asleep. Here comes the beauty and epic of that moment.

There were 3 beings dressed in white gowns around my hospital bed, with big eyes and they spoke quickly, 3 beings who were talking to me about my state of health and about the operation that they were going to perform, they clearly told me that "Everything It would turn out very well son "they anesthetized me and one of them hugged me with an incomprehensible love on the back and touched the part of my body where I had to be operated on, I could feel a love without words.

Then I woke up and prepared myself for what had to happen, this time I faced the situation with a different courage.

Thank you once again @Captain_Nemo , @_OM and the entire Arcturian community, for creating this big Friend and for providing us with the connection with these wonderful beings. I love each member of this forum and the Arcturians, I am blessed to have all of you in my life. :heart: :heart: :heart:


I was fortunate enough to trade and get this NFT. Honestly, I didn’t really have a desire to get this when the project was released. I didn’t really want to see or meet any aliens. :joy: But someone nudged me and said that this would be good and helpful for me to have.

I received this late last night and at first, I didn’t feel anything. I made my intro and named my servitor but didn’t feel anything. I had been feeling lazy so I just named it ‘Arc’ but then got the sense that this wasn’t really appreciated. :joy:

So, I renamed my servitor and that’s when I felt a rush of warmth and a slight burning sensation in my body where I had some pain (my lower back/sacrum and my left shoulder). Arclight started working on my body right away and I felt the pain releasing but still felt the slight burning/bubbling sensations. It was hard for me to sleep due to the energy. I barely got 4-5 hours of sleep and woke up completely refreshed today. I usually need 8 hours of sleep to function but right now I’m feeling wide wake and totally fine.

I’m excited to work more with this servitor and see what else it can do.

For the project team - can I get added to the Arc light private group please? :slightly_smiling_face:


I don’t know what is going on, but since I have the Arc Light, even just listening a little bit to Conceptual Realizations triggers an instant download of understanding of patterns, reasons, causes, connections, analogies, links, abstractions etc.
– all related to my personal life, the people and world around me and the staged lessons and experiences that are to be made behind all of these and much more.

I am writing a lot of it down so that I can recap it later and don’t forget it before the next downloads come in :exploding_head:

Must be the intelligence of the Arcturian Light itself that Captain spoke about.

The downloads come with the Arc Light fully by itself, but the moment Conceptual Realizations is played, it all becomes like 20x enhanced and speeded up.



Haha this though :grin::ok_hand:
You Sir got my Like.


I acquired The Arc Light about a day and a half, ago. The Arc Light had been calling out to me Loudly, since I first came across it’s existence on the forum. I had nothing to trade of that value, and the price that it was being offered at was a great deal of money to me. I knew in the depth’s of my being that this was no usual Field/NFT, however, and that it’s value was not measurable. I will not bore any of you with why I feel so Intensly connected to the Arcturians. I knew that the forum member that I purchased this Treasure from would use those profits to repurchase from Dreamweaver. This Beautiful energetic exchange pushed me forward, and I am beyond grateful!

In those first hours with Arc I felt intense energy vibrating me at every level of my being, the likes of which I have Never experienced. Physically trembling even. My mind began to feel overloaded. I asked Arc to please make adjustments as I was feeling uncomfortable with the intensity. I immediately felt warmed and grounded. I slept three hours less last night than I usually do, and I feel great! The vibrating is continuing this morning and I feel a very mild headache, but otherwise very well. I PM with a dear forum member that I have become close to. She also has Arc and we have been comparing experiences. It is still so interesting to me how uniquely each of us here on this forum experience Dreamweaver’s creations! She had immediate communication from Arc in the form of words in an easy conversation. Whereas the communication that I believed to be Arc was a great influx of thought communication, so much so that I felt overloaded as mentioned above. No words, simply thought information. I was having a great deal of difficulty putting into words the influx that was being presented to me to communicate it with my friend. Words are limiting? Indeed! I have since asked Arc (with which I have given a name, by the way) to give me information in not only thought, but to monitor me for understanding that thought on a conscious as well as subconscious level. If I have no conscious understand of the energetic download, to speak the words to me that I might understand in a more tangible way. Arc did this with ease, but energetically communicated that learning to utilize the thought communications would be highly beneficial to my particular being.

These are my personal experiences so far. Whew!


A Portal


:star_struck::star_struck::star_struck: Can you see the skull?


OMGoddess, Yaaassssss!!!



:raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck: Beautiful!!!


Last night I identified a deep seated supressed trauma that I have experienced when I was a child and that was unknowingly affecting me for the last decades.
The traumatic situation back then went for a whole month where I was in a constant state of life threatening fear and loneliness. Because the trauma was hidden deep inside me, I was only able to identify it because of several behavioral patterns that I was doing in my life that there must be a trauma somewhere.

This was after I understood that if there is anything that is holding you back and that is not changed so easily, that there must be a deep seated topic hidden deep in the subconscious mind as a core belief where the subconscious mind holds onto it “to keep you safe from”.

So I asked the Arc Light / Arcturians to show me the original cause for the behavioral patterns / coping mechanisms and instantly a memory about that traumatic situation popped up in mind in an explanatory way of how this all have led to a chain reaction of behavioral changes and deep seated beliefs and assumptions within me. It suddenly all made sense.

So recognizing the original traumatic situation I asked my Arc Light / Arcturians to kindly heal and remove this trauma completely from my system. And then during the next 15 minutes or so I felt like little electrical zaps, muscle twitches and feeling as if knots where released in my meridians all over my whole body.
I felt a great release afterwards, even laughed.

Today I feel quite different, more empowered, courageous and overall much safer than before. More grounded and clear. As if a long-time invisible weight and tension has been removed from my whole body.

This Arcturian technology is really truly remarkable. I have zero doubt that with their lightyears ahead advanced tech they could pretty much do anything, however it seems one needs to ask them with full free will and with full intent show them your commitment for change and desire to know and understand.

I have the feeling they are particularly eager to help with anything related to healing (on all levels), personal growth, understanding concepts, personal empowernment, taking full responsibility and becoming more wise and compassionate.

Thank you
:kissing_heart: :alien:


I think this is a great idea, thank you for sharing this.

If you now check, really think about the trauma, do you feel emotional charge behind it coming up?


No, because I mentally encapsuled the whole traumatic situation and told my subconscious mind to consider it as an illusionary experience that can be deleted now and that all assumptions about the world that resulted from that experience are now no longer relevant and can be let completely go.

I’ve also sent love to my younger self that was in that situation and then mentally grabbed and took my younger self out of the encapsuled situation.
Basically took it out from the unsafe encapsuled situation and put into the safe outer world.
The only thing that is left now is a neutral memory of the encapsuled situation without my child self being inside it.
So my child self can no longer be affected by it and thus all beliefs that where created while being inside that situation are now nullified and obsolete. With a change of those core beliefs, all the behavioral patterns built on top on top of them are now also obsolete and how no more power.


I also have a similar circumstance and asked Arc Light to assist. I didn’t have any flashes of what happened (or did I?) but I have been yawning like crazy! Something is definitely happening! Thanks for the suggestion, JAAJ! :sparkling_heart: :partying_face: :hugs: The Arcturians are truly amazing!


In my body this also happens and is in most cases an indicator for internal energy release and/or some belief changes in the subconscious mind. Happens pretty much every time and I believe is also like a signal whith which my subconscious mind signals to me that I was heard and change has been initiated. :hugs:


You can ask them for a virtual medbed session with extra negentropic coherence on all levels
(they don’t call it like that but they will understand)


This is so powerful, JAAJ. I just found your postings. (Somehow notifications was turned off at the bottom)

I read over your posting and granted Arc full permission to remove those painful experiences from my childhood, as well. Arc quickly made the necessary adjustments effortlessly!

Wow! Thank You for that, JAAJ! :heart: