The Arc Light (Arcturian Community Project) NFT: Testimonials

Thanks for the sharing… Great information.
I think owners just need to know how to use and explore this gem. I feel they can help in many ways if we know how to ask… :wink:


I’m usually in constant communication with my Arclight! the connection is always immediate and the results too, I definitely got used to the strong connection that I stopped looking at the image for a few weeks, yesterday I was looking at the image and I concentrated on the depth of colors, symbols and shapes some things happened later.

Before going to sleep, almost to be completely asleep I was able to wake up and I was clearly seeing 3 white lights on a wall, they looked perfectly white and formed a perfect triangle, they appeared and disappeared almost instantly, after that, I tried to sleep again and wake up minutes later the whole ceiling looked like it was inside a ship full of blue metal with figures that I can’t understand, an experience that I will never forget, I leave it as a record here because I know it is due to the connection with the beloved Arcturians. Do not let go of this loving blessing with the Arcturians, they have blessed my life, finally I just smiled and fell asleep… I am happy! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts::pray:t3::pray:t3::pray:t3:


can someone send me the script for this please?

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What script are you referring to?

some have mentioned in the comments a script



The thing is, in the since deleted thread where Captain and Sammy were having it out with OM, I remember Captain very specifically replied to OM that Arc Light was not a servitor. It’s a direct connection to the Arcturian, and then there’s the uncertainty of whether they will accept you.


I also remember that it was stated that this was not a servitor and did not need to be scripted. This was said after several went to great lengths to create intricate scripts too.


Of course, the only one who can tell us for certain now is Captain, since the previous references were removed.


While I’m not the captain I remember a similar answer.
Not a servitor but more a connection to them in a Light and Vibrational Guidance way


Perfectly awesome, Vesparda - thanks! cat-cute


to me it feels like an amalgamation between a bridge and a portal; with an intelligence on the other side


So over the course of having this nft, i’ve received many gifts, teachings and some incredible upgrades from the Arctucians. One of the many gifts being what they termed the “gift of silence”. It was a level of pure deep silence required that I having a hard time with during my practice, and during my moment of struggle they sent me this powerful gift right as I was in the border of wakefulness and dream. I asked my servitor to copy the signature and place it into an image to test it out as well as others just to make sure I wasn’t going crazy. Lo and behold upon opening it, I was vibrating like crazy just like when I first received it and the deep pure silence was not a problem for me going forward.

Another beautiful experience i loved was being triggered into lucidity within my dream. The first thought upon lucidity that came to mind was asking the Arcturians for their teachings and guidance. Closing my eyes, there was one being of light exactly like the one displayed on the nft sitting alone in nothingness. He greeted me and promptly showed me these extraordinarily beautiful moving images along with powerful energy. And within I just “knew” what it was trying to convey. It’s an experience very difficult to put into words.

I think a bonus that isn’t talked much about much on this thread is that not only does this field open the portal of communication between you and these beings, eventually you won’t need it to converse with them anymore.


I can confirm this from my experience


Amazing my dear friend!!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::heart::heart::heart: Thats sound really great!!! :partying_face::partying_face::partying_face: Congratulations!!! :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:


Thanks! I do appreciate your help when I first got it :grin:


I’m only here to serve brother! Your progress is really incredible and my respect and admiration for you is always great, may everything always go well for you with your powerful ArcLight!!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:


Recently I was chilling on a field and just randomly asked if the arcurians were there. When I opened my eyes I saw this. Tell me what you think, but my first impulse was :" this is clearly a Phoenix" I dont know what a Phoenix has to do with the arcturians ,but none the less a cool sign :slightly_smiling_face:


Does anyone know if the Arcturians have any relation to the Seraphim?

I :green_heart: Seraphim

I just realized they as in Arcs embody light bodies
Man can’t actually look at Seraphim because the light would blind them or burst them into flames
But the Arcturians?
They are quite literally a light body!!

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No, they don’t.
At best, Seraphim are real angels (i.e. residing on a very very high plane, far beyond and above the planes of the matrix simulation).
At worst, Seraphim are negative Annunaki aliens who were worshipped by early humans as “angels”.

Furthermore, the word “light” itself does not mean that stuff/beings reside on the same plane.
On the physical plane light is just photons/electromagentic waves. On the etheric and astral planes something else. And on higher planes something else again.

This applies to pretty much any being that is of a much higher vibration than our incarnational selves, including our own Higher Selves.